Women Given Radiation for Breast Cancer 8x more Likely to Develop Lung Cancer

Big Pharma has been telling women that “it is better to get the whole breast radiated” when checking for breast cancer, but a new study coming from Dr. Trine Grantzau at the 33rd conference of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology (ESTRO33) in Vienna presented information to the contrary. Big surprise – aside from increasing heart cancer risks, women given radiation treatment (or even mammography screenings) for breast cancer are 8 times more likely to develop lung cancer within 5 years of ‘treatment.’
Grantzau told her peers at the conference:
“Our findings suggest that any reduction in the dose of radiation to the lung would result in a reduction in the risk of radiation-induced subsequent lung cancers. With the advances in breast cancer treatment and the introduction of breast cancer screening, a growing number of women are becoming long-term survivors, and so we need to have an increased awareness of treatment-induced second cancers and take steps to reduce those risks by using radiotherapy techniques that spare normal tissue as much as possible.”
The doctor continues:
“We found that for each Gray [radiation session] delivered to the lung as part of radiotherapy for a breast tumor, the relative risk of developing a subsequent primary lung cancer increased. This increased risk was similar to the reported increased risk of heart disease after radiotherapy for breast cancer.”
Previous studies have even shown that radiation treatment for breast cancer actually makes breast cancer worse! Published in the well-respected Cancer journal, a study conducted at the UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center (UJCCC) describes how radiation treatments actually promote malignancy in cancer cells instead of eradication. How do doctors become so entrenched in the skalawagery of their industry that they don’t throw out ‘radiatiotherpy techniques’ completely?
One thing that is completely infuriating in the time of ‘modern medicine’ is the ‘present the problem, promote the solution’ brainwashing that we all have been subjected to. When a modality meant to ‘treat’ a disease causes the disease, there is no excuse for its continued use to be allowed. Why do we stand for this?
So instead of bravely concluding that other modalities of screening and treatment should be considered, after stating in her own presentation that radiotherapy causes both increases in lung cancer and heart disease, we should just slow down a little on its use. Interesting. While the study is valuable in presenting the evidence that radiation is detrimental to human tissue – which numerous studies have already proven, it fails to make a higher-level, intelligent inference from the findings. Radiation kills cancer patients, not cancer.
If you want to learn more about why radiation is bad for you, check out this video which talks about how radiation causes healthy cells to become rancid, eventually killing you.
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