Virtually All Major 2016 Presidential Candidates Oppose GMO Labeling

As the 2015 presidential race continues to usher in debates over social policy and fiscal responsibility, no one is talking about another key issue: all of the major candidates are in completely opposition to GMO labeling — and many are directly supporting Monsanto’s biotech aspirations.
Last month I shared with you Hillary Clinton’s close support of Monsanto and GMO crops in a piece posted just hours after her campaign announcement, but many readers were writing in wondering about the rest of the front running political figures.
That’s when I began reading reports on the Iowa Agricultural Summit, an event in which the Republican presidential candidates were asked to speak on alternative energy, the state of the nation’s agricultural system, and their stance on GMO labeling initiatives at large.
Hidden in reports on the event that received very little coverage and almost no traffic, we find a concerning piece of information: all of the candidates who attended completely oppose GMO labeling in every way. In fact, they directly attack it as ‘anti-science,’ and go on to talk about how safe Roundup-filled GMO crops are for your health.
Speaking on the issue of GMO labeling, KCCI news reports Senator Ted Cruz responded:
“People who decide that’s what they want, they can pay for it already. But, we shouldn’t let anti-science zealotry shut down the ability to produce low cost, quality food for billions across the globe.”
And Jeb Bush was in agreement, stating:
“We should not try to make it harder for that kind of innovation to exist. We should celebrate it … I think that’s a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.”
Even Mike Huckabee agreed, saying that GMO labeling just made a lot less ‘sense’ to him than labeling foods by their country of origin. All in all, the candidates concluded that it was in fact ‘anti-science’ to label GMOs.
But perhaps the candidates had failed to do their research on the highly publicized link between Monsanto’s best-selling herbicide Roundup and cancer — a link that has now been backed up by a major scientific arm of the World Health Organization known as the International Agency for Research. Now listed as a ‘probable carcinogen’ by the research organization, it has been known for quite some time that Roundup was wreaking havoc on the human body.
Bolstering the conclusions of the World Health Organization’s determination, it was a leading professor of Ecotoxicology at the National University of Littoral in Argentinaa that stated: “the international scientific community has warned for years, backed up by studies, that glyphosate is carcinogenic. It is good that WHO has recognized this fact.”
But beyond the science, there’s also the public outrage. As I’ve told you time and time again, we have seen massive public support across the board for GMO labeling, with mainstream polls demonstrating this:
- The New York Times: 93% found to be in support of labeling GMOs
- MSNBC: 96% in support
- Reuters/NPR: 93% in support of full labeling
- Washington Post: 95% in support of full labeling
- Consumer Reports: 95% agree GM animals should be labeled
- ABC News: 93% want federal GM labeling mandate
As we get closer to the 2016 elections, GMO labeling will continue to be a key issue that countless millions will be demanding answers on. Candidates like Ted Cruz, who speak towards a public that is desperate for a political revolution, could very well supercharge their campaign by adding GMO labeling initiatives to their agenda. After all, these initiatives are what helped Senator Bernie Sanders rise to the public eye to a much larger degree.
Wow. I can’t believe that many politicians actually got it right when it came to a scientific issue. I’m guessing this is a fluke.
Remember Obama’s initial election stance on gmo’s? By his 2nd term he deregulated them by overriding the supreme court! Hard to say what any of these (baring Hillery) will do once in esp Republicans…wouldn’t it be ironic if Monsanto finances someone who then turns on them?
Hope you know that an ex-Monsanto lobbiest is running Hillary’s campaign! BERNIE 2016!!
I wouldn’t vote for Hillary Clinton if she was the last women on earth…what I meant was Obama supported labeling gmo’s till he got elected then did everything in his power to promote them and protect Monsanto unless he was golfing…Monsanto’s got the donkey by the tail…Sanders resembles another Obama of a different color…pro abortion pro obamacare pro same sex marriage…anti- gmo? I think not…
Of course he’s anti-GMO! He has been representing Vermont the last 40 yrs. and so far they are the only state that has passed a GMO labeling law! You need to get to know Bernie before you make assumptions! BERNIE 2016!!
No thank you
Bernie Sanders is right on the GMO issue. Unfortunately he is way off course on critical national security issues. My 6th sense tells me that Hillary Clinton will not be the Democratic party’s nominee.
As far as the GMO issue is concerned, I think what is needed is a fullscale national boycott against the Big 6: Monsanto, Dupont, Syngenta, Bayer, Dow, and BASF. Absolutely refuse to buy any of their products. Refuse to buy any food that you suspect might be GMO. This is the only way we can protect our health against these dangerous frankenfoods. Our political leaders in Washington including the FDA are too easily bribed by special interests to do what is right.
Ha. Look up those firms like this—- “”Monsanto GMO tobacco”, “Dow tobacco pesticides”, “Syngenta tobacco pesticides”, “Bayer tobacco pesticides”, “BASF tobacco pesticides”, “DuPont tobacco pesticides”.
(Tobacco being the Sixth Most Pesticide Intensive Crop…according to the GAO.)
Trust THEM with our FOOD?
It’s a reality that the companies which make GMO seeds are substantially the same ones that make insecticides and herbicides for crops. They find more and more ways to poison us. They lie and say that the Bt insecticide in GMO corn only harms insects. They lie and say the very heavy use of Monsanto Roundup on GMO crops won’t harm us.
They never will conduct a serious investigation of the risk and hazards associated with GMOs. They are much too greedy to do that. And they stifle efforts to have this done independently. They fight tooth and nail to see to it GMOs are not even labeled.
Don’t forget. Obama hired ex-Monsanto VP to run FDA.
Thank you Anthony!
The labeling issue will take too long; we need to start forcing companies to rid themselves of GMO’s and then label their products; “NO GMO’s”. Each quarter, there needs to be a company to boycott nationally until they give in to consumer demand and label. There will never be a referendum that will pass because Monsanto will steal these elections. We the consumer must rise up together and begin boycotting!
The disastrous trade bill, TPP, won’t even allow us to know what country our food comes from. It’s a little bitty statement they hid in the bill and they want to fast track it. So please call and write and oppose it to your representatives.
Finding out I was HIV positive wasn’t easy But as time has passed, I have slowly come to terms with my HIV-positive status and try to tackle it with a positive attitude.
In mid-2012 I became quite ill. I developed persistent flu-like symptoms, headaches, a nagging cough and sores that wouldn’t heal. My skin felt as if it was crawling, my legs ached, I felt nauseous and lost weight. Then exhaustion hit. It was an indescribable tiredness and no matter how much I slept I never felt rested.
In 2013 I was hospitalized when my CD4 count nosedived to 86 (HIV-negative people have a CD4 count of between 700 and 1,000; a CD4 count of below 200 is considered dangerously low). It was a terrible time. I have a vivid memory of sitting in a wheelchair covered with a blanket and catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked and felt like a little old lady.
I was so ill I could barely walk 200 meters. I hadn’t realized how little I appreciated my health until it was taken away from me. Fortunately I had a fantastic support system. Even though I was struggling to cope at work I didn’t lose my job. On the contrary the company I work for, my colleagues and my boss have been incredibly supportive throughout my illness.
It was a frustrating time because I so desperately wanted to function like a normal human being. Yet I honestly thought I was going to die. I thought I was too far gone. It’s almost as if your body begins to reject everything it requires to sustain life. It was probably the scariest time of my life. I wished not for a bigger house or more money or a fancy car – I wanted to have the strength to go for a simple walk on the beach.
To this day that time has stuck with me and it has been life-changing. I wasn’t really materialistic before but if I ever find myself becoming caught up in the whirlwind of life I stop and take myself back to that time. The best things in life really are priceless.
All my pains and sorrows turn to joy and history from the day i came in contact with Dr ODAI, Who really help with his herbal herbs, I WAS TOLD HE IS A HERBALS AND HE CAN BE OF HELP, I gave him a try and it really work out for me, today here i am negative. Contact him via: ( )
You can also try fresh coconut water with meat and nano silver, because it kills those viruses.
This doesn’t even relate to the discussion… You need to not….
Thanks for sharing that. Just diagnosed with breast cancer and you’re right on. Health is everything and when that is realized, diet and exercise are no longer just two words that can wait.
BERNIE 2016!! Only honest, for the people politician running for POTUS!
no he’s just a socialist wack job
“CORE LOGIC” finding out the very heart of what something is. At the heart of every matter there is something that all that surrounds it is dependant upon! All that’s ever talked about here by the majority are only faceted things that do not address the core problem or reason that these things exist.
Genetic modification has to be banned! Whether its food, animals, or anything else! No gmo’s…. no pesticides, no unnecessary modified animals,fish, etc. Attacking monsanto/syngenta/ dow or any company front to stop what thier doing is a waste of time. You cannot hurt the company, it is just a protected front for the diabolical owners to hide behind. They have seen to that by first having laws changes to allow them ( through bribery of elected official that they also put into office) to become the powerful mega monolithic imitation person called a corporation!
They can not be stopped by means that may have worked at some point in the past. They own the government branches and agencies in full and have for some time. The only ways that we can rid ourselves of the menace is to outlaw coporations and corporate law all together!
After more that 16 years of clintons/bushes/and now obamas……what on this earth makes you think or believe that “ANY” new government entity/ person is going to be any different than the last dozen or so especially? I can forgive ignorance easily, but stupidity? No!
I’m not totally sure whatever happened to the rants like “I’m mad as hell and I’ m not going to take it anymore! ” or “Kick all of them out of office” and start afresh. But I see it as the only way to at least try to save this country and it’s constitution!
With the new beggining, the first thing to be done is to re-strengthen the Contitution! An overhaul if you will, first re-writing it in plain modern language so the very least can understand it. ( that goes for “all” law! No more having a special group of persons fluent in latin legaleeze etc. )
Then ridding ourselves of all laws that donot pertain to our present society! Destroy all the 17-20th century law that no longer apply to anything not revelant to present society!
Is this possible? You tell me….your the ones who would have to do it!!!!!!!!
We have made them rich, we are able to make them poor. Our money talks so we don’t have to wait for the govt or anyone to make changes. We are the ones making choices. Buy organic, make better decisions. We are the ones we have been waiting for!!!
Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dum they’re all the same!
Biotechnology Industry Organization governors of the year award
Missouri Gov. Mel Carnahan
Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsac
Hawaii Gov. Ben Cayetano
Delaware Governor Ruth Ann Minner
Missouri Gov. Matt Blunt
Florida Gov. Jeb Bush
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano
Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick
Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano
Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue
Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie
Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett
South Dakota Governor Dennis Daugaard
Indiana Governor Mike Pence
None of them deserve a vote! Obviously their agenda includes “killing” Americans by allowing them to poison themselves with GMO’s.
They are only about the money and not the well being of their citizens!
Bang on !
But Bernie Sanders IS fighting for our right to know. I don’t know that much about him.. but I am going to learn!
yeah but he’s a socialist, Trump is for knowing as well, vote Trump!!
Hi bobby… I am Trump ALL THE WAY now… He has won me over! #VOTETRUMP2016!
I’m very glad to hear that! What specifically won you over? or just a little bit of everything?? Also who was your original candidate before you changed your mind on Trump? Very curious ; )
I guess just a little bit of everything… but things that perked my ears: When he made the comment; “They are eating GMO corn… messes with the brain”. His stance on backing off of the MANY immunization shots our babies have to get… and yes… I agree with him on illegal immigration. AND I LOVE THAT HE IS NOT AFRAID TO STAND UP AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMENT. And now more than ever… I think he will stop and un-do Obama putting key members of the Muslim Brotherhood in powerful positions. He will also defend Christians… which are being slaughtered all over the world but not ONE WORD of it from Obama. Obama hates America and our way of life… But Trump loves America! I now believe he really does! And I LOVE AMERICA and I want our troops protected! So that makes me love Trump!
“But all of their regrets and feelings of sorrow… will change what they did to our country. ” That was supposed to read; “will NOT change what they did to our country.” (oops)
The dregs (politicians) agree that labeling is anti-Bill Gates! You know, the one who wants to depopulate the world…poison, vaccines, euthanasia, abortion….He is black…the culture of death. Now, you know who is running for office….more puppets! MORE OF THE SAME! Consider Judge Roy Moore of the Supreme Court of the State of Alabama…..before the ruling class of thugs get to him.
I have been following Senator Bernie Sanders for years and he is for the people – the real thing. Senator of Vermont, the only state requiring GMO labeling. He has my vote!!!
Bernie Sanders is the only one hope. He not only got GMO labeling for his state but he recently won a lawsuit against Monsanto!!
Trump too and he’s not a socialist wack job.
right…he’s just a wack job
Not even close. Trump is the one of the few sane ones and actually has common sense.
“VIRTUALLY ALL”…so WHO is on this list. At that time in May 2015 there was all totaled 20 some candidates.
Only referenced Bush, Cruz, Huckabee statements.
Where is list of attendees?