1. blank Khun Siwalai says:

    Turmeric is part of a Melange of Herbs that are contained in Luk Pra Kop. LPK is part of Centuries old traditional Thai Herbal Massage Compress for treatment, reversal, healing and cure of Pain, range of motion issues, other. At Patcharapat we see the positive effects of these Herbs daily, no study's needed our Customers confirm this after treatments. Yet it is essential to use fresh Herbs as they are the most potent versus dried ones.
    Turmerics healing benefits extend far and can help with many ailments, make it part of your life style and research yourself.

  2. blank Siju V. V. says:

    indian use always turmeric in their usual cooking. also uses it as house hold medicine and natural cosmetic. but then, the strange thing is that, india is one of the countries with high percentage of diabetic patients. how would you explain that ?!!

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