The Fruit Extract that Fights Cancer, Aging

You don’t need to resort to harmful cholesterol lowering pharmaceuticals like statin drugs in order to reduce your cholesterol. In fact, something as simple as fruit extracts have been shown to not only lower cholesterol, but provide numerous other health benefits as well.
Examining the effects of bergamot orange extract, a fruit grown in the Mediterranean, researchers studied the effects of the fruit on 200 patients with high levels of blood fats. Participants who ingested 100mg doses of the extract before meals saw a reduction in ‘bad ‘ LDL cholesterol by 39 percent and blood sugars by 22 percent, while ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels escalated by 41 percent. Lead researcher Dr. Vincenzo Mollace, Professor at the University of Cantanzaro said:
“Bergamot contains extremely large amounts of polyphenols, as compared to other citrus species…two of these, Brutelidin and Metilidin, directly inhibit cholesterol biosynthesis in a similar way to statins and they are not found in any other citrus derivatives.”
Papaya Leaf Extract Possesses Anti-Aging, Natural Weight Loss Properties
Of course fruit extracts offer much more than protecting against diabetes and lowering cholesterol. Papaya leaf extract is but one of the various supplements you should have in your supplement collection.
Acting as a natural weight-loss promoter, papaya leaf extract contains powerful enzymes which help to keep you thin by effectively breaking down and processing starches, carbohydrates, and proteins. In addition, antioxidants and enzymes found within papaya leaf extract help to reduce the amount of oxidation ignited by free radicals, leading to a healthy, young look.
Similarly, the extract has been shown to be a good therapeutic agent for protection against gastric ulcer and oxidative stress.
The beneficial properties surrounding papaya have been known for generations, but they are now just gaining back some attention. Some of the healing properties papayas provide are:
- Prevention and treatment of cancer and allergic disorders.
- Increased quality of proteins in whole organism.
- Revitalization of the human body and a maintaining of energy and vitality.
- Encouraged renewal of muscle tissue.
- Supported cardiovascular system.
- Strengthened immune system
- Help with the digestive system by breaking down proteins and supporting production of digestive enzymes.
- Treatment for skin wounds that don’t heal quickly.
- Prevention of cataract formation.
- Lowered risk of emphysema in smokers and passive smokers thanks to high vitamin D content.
- Alleviated inflammation.
- Help with nausea and constipation.
- Fighting various cancers and aiding the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems.
Choosing natural health promoting foods such as papaya leaf extract over destructive pharmaceutical drugs could be one of the best decisions made regarding your health. Organic foods and health supplements alike are still the key to avoiding the disease machine perpetuated by the mainstream health and pharmaceutical industry. Supplements such as turmeric and papaya leaf extract will help to keep you from ever needing to ingest pharmaceutical toxins.
Thanks for the info NS
are all sugar substitutes bad for your health? What about splenda and stevia? What kind of sweetener is recommended? Thanks
Belle splenda is damaging. It is the same as aspartame an sucralose. Stevia is not a sugar substitute it is a natural sweetner like honey and is a plant.
Papaya is ten bucks a fruit here in Tennessee. I saw a video on how the seeds crushed in a blender with coconut milk, is a great intestinal cleanser and went to the store to buy one. I misread the sign and thought it said 2.99 each,(on sale) but when I got to the register it rang up to ten bucks. So how many is a person suppose to eat, in order to benefit? If one a day that would run about 85 a week times 4…so yeah how expensive are statin drugs on most insurance plans?? Just saying!
Oh yeah, that was 2.99 a lb!
I came across an article about Papaya Leaves extracted a year ago, because of many reprints even on Science magazine mentioned about the works of Dr. Dang and others, I took a plunge order a bottle of 16 oz through my sister in California because the website does not ship to Canada.
We both consumed it every day, I put 1 tea spoon in my coffee every morning. It tastes weird at first but then I get used to it.
Before that I got warning from my family doctor that I should take pill to bring down my cholesterol level because I am a smoker ( still now).
I just want to test the result from Papaya so I did not buy that statin drug.
In July 2011 we went to Jacksonville,Fl,I borrowed my sister in law glucose machine,it indicated 7.9.Sister said it good.
Back to Canada, in November, we rushed our 92 years old father to the hospital, found out that he got diabetes it was 35 points.
Back home,I suggest him to drink papaya extracts along with pills and injection, now he doesn't need injection any more, his sugar level stays constantly at 8 or 9, mine is also at 5.7 or 6. I try to keep it in between 4 to 10.
I found that drinking papaya extracted give me more energy because sometimes I worked 16 hours straight and noticed like any other day. I sleep good,wakeup on time. I also find that my bowel moment smoother if I put a cap full into my coffee.
I am on second bottle,also a 16 oz one,my wife recently joining the papaya coffee she feel better too, look like we have to order another one soon.
I won't tell where did I bought the extract because I don't work for them, I just want to tell any body happened to read this to know that papaya leaves extracted works for me, my wife, sister and her family in California and to the least is my father.
I don't know what do I got inside my body,I just take it at a prevention because I smoke since 20, in 7 more months I will be celebrated 63rd birthday, hopefully.
One more thing,I noticed during last year my arthritic didn't happen even after 12 ounces T-bone steak.
Right now after dinner I make a cup of Noni tea. My coffee is always 2 sugars 2 creams.
This Noni tea is another interest herbal stuff because my friend daughter praise about it, she is a medicine doctor, she told me drink that tea when she saw some ridges on my fingernails because in Noni has a lot of vitamin C.
I believe in natural herbs from ginger,mushrooms,black berry,eggplants and now papaya and Noni. I also surprised my daughter about Aloe Vera when treating rough skin on her elbow,her university roommates all said wow after she show them the roughness gone.
Thanks for reading.