1. How does swallowing the eggshells help remineralise the tooth surface?

    1. This is interesting and I would also like to know exactly how this works.

      1. It gets calcium into your system?..

      2. Simple: It doesn’t. This whole article is full of misinformation. Everyone’s saliva contains calcium. The tartar (calculus) deposited on the teeth which leads to periodontitis is mostly calcium. If re- ecalcification of extensive cavities were possible naturally, it would occur, but it doesn’t.

    2. blank Jay_Sherman says:

      Works great…if you happen to be a shark (Not so much for humans….)

    3. The same way anything you eat gets throughout the body to nourish it.

    4. It can contribute but there are other factors. Vit A, Vit D, K2, Magnesium, etc all play a role as does thyroid health. Thyroid function is essential for proper bile to break down and absorb nutrient. Gut health is vital to teeth.

  2. Too much calcium also makes your bones brittle, i.e. prone to breaking. Google it.

  3. blank Jay_Sherman says:

    This is farcical! Crap like this gives real natural remedies a bad name!

    LOL- yeah….ground-up egg shells…good recipe if you’re looking to get kidney stones!

  4. As a dentist I agree with you. Xylitol doesn’t remineralise teeth, but it definitely affects the bacteria that cause decay. There are studies that show it’s a safe ingredient that actually works to reduce decay. The problem with eggshells is actually getting the calcium into the enamel surface. The acid from the bacteria removes the calcium and phosphate from the enamel, but it’s not enough just to have a high calcium level topically. There is no proof for eggshells, it’s a waste of time. Dentist’s have remineralising products that do work, such as Tooth Mousse, which has complex chemistry to actually get the calcium where it’s needed.

  5. The problem with too much calcium is not too much calcium, but rather a lack of vitamin K2 (not just “K,” which normally refers to K1 which we were taught in grade school was for blood coagulation) to carboxilate the osteocalcin and matrix-GLA proteins to carry the calcium into the places we want them (like bones and teeth) and out of places we don’t want them (like coronary artery calcification, pineal gland, and other places they don’t belong).  With proper nutrition, the body can even heal cavities.  See Dr. John Whitcomb in this lecture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPWCJxyHAg4

  6. blank Megan McCabe says:


    Thanks ya’ll 😀 xo!!

  7. blank William Thornton says:

    Use MCHC instead of eggshells. The only calcium proved to increase bone mass. NOW sells it dor good price. MCHC calcium is form of calcium phosphate.

    Enamel demineralization takes place at pH below 5.5. Calcium and phosphate ions are dissolved out of the tooth and eventually cause decay with the help of Streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus bacteria. Calcium, phosphate, and fluoride remineralize the tooth under the right conditions. Saliva contains calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonate. Healthy saliva has a pH of 6.8 to 7.4.

    Remineralization takes place at a higher pH of 7.5 to 8.5 in the presence of calcium and phosphate. In simple terms, there is a balance of minerals going in and out of our teeth.

    Lastly it needs Vitamin K complex. The vitamin K2 MK4 is Wesson Price active X ingredient for your teeth. Vitamin K complex + D3 to assimilate it. I also put some mchc powder under my tongue and let it dissolve into saliva. Adding boron could be useful for some. To improve absorption, split up the dose. ,

    Calcium can be unhealthy if it doesn’t assimilate.

    Look for a calcium supplement in which the only source of calcium is MCHC. Many supplements say “MCHC” or “calcium hydroxyapatite” on the label, but when you read the ingredients carefully you discover that a secondary source of calcium, typically dicalcium phosphate–an inexpensive, poorly absorbed form of calcium–contributes an unstated percentage of the calcium to the supplement.

  8. blank Rickety Janes says:

    Vitamin D mobilizes calcium into the bloodstream, Vitamin K2 is what you need to shuttle to hard tissues

  9. also, can I just add the ground up eggshell powder to already made toothpaste? I do about 8-12 oz of a home made green smoothie every day so I thought I was good at internal intake of minerals but maybe not since I have a giant freakin gaping hole in one of my molars. Thanks

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