Putin Says Russia Will Be World’s #1 Exporter of Non-GMO Foods

Russia’s Vladimir Putin is taking a bold step against biotech giant Monsanto and genetically modified seeds at large. In a new address to the Russian Parliament Thursday, Putin proudly outlined his plan to make Russia the world’s ‘leading exporter’ of non-GMO foods that are based on ‘ecologically clean’ production.
Perhaps even more importantly, Putin also went on to harshly criticize food production in the United States, declaring that Western food producers are no longer offering high quality, healthy, and ecologically clean food.
“We are not only able to feed ourselves taking into account our lands, water resources – Russia is able to become the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food which the Western producers have long lost, especially given the fact that demand for such products in the world market is steadily growing,” Putin said in his address to the Russian Parliament.
And this announcement comes just months after the Kremlin decided to put a stop to the production of GMO-containing foods, which was seen as a huge step forward in the international fight to fight back against companies like Monsanto. Using the decision as a launch platform, it’s clear that Russia is now positioning itself as a dominant force in the realm of organic farming.
Read: Russia Says it Must Protect its Citizens from GMOs
It even seems that Putin may use the country’s affinity for organic and sustainable farming as a centerpiece in his economic strategy.
“Ten years ago, we imported almost half of the food from abroad, and were dependent on imports. Now Russia is among the exporters. Last year, Russian exports of agricultural products amounted to almost $20 billion – a quarter more than the revenue from the sale of arms, or one-third the revenue coming from gas exports,” he added.
Regardless of what you think about Putin’s politics, the fact that non-GMO farming and organic food production is now such a key part of the international discussion is beyond exciting (and long overdue).
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Russia has been giving its people land if they agree to farm it since about 2008 so this is partly the reason why they now have a surplus. This policy is still in effect and being formally expanded.
I do not believe anything this former KGB officer has to say…
well, then you must have a huge problem with our CIA considering they have engaged us in countless wars to satisfy their bosses, not to mention what they have done to the average citizen. The KGB seems weak next to them. You need a reality check and some information. Go to YouTube and learn about our CIA and their crimes. Do not take your information from the news media. It is propaganda.
Denis’ concerns are well founded. The CIA and FSB (KGB) are two peas in a pod and thus explains why Putin overseeing the FSB orchestrated a series of large scale apartment bombings in 1999. In one case, three FSB were caught in the act. Just like the US 9/11 false flag, in the aftermath civil liberties were attacked, innocent people were bombed (Chechens), and several whistle blowers, Russian bureaucrats, investigative journalists, and concerned citizens trying to get to the bottom of the attacks died under suspicious circumstances. The CIA and FSB serve the same masters, as do the puppets Obama, Bush, Clinton, Yelstin , Putin, etc. We are being played and distracted while TPTB work behind the curtain to complete their 1984 style control mechanisms.
What next? A return to Lysenkoism?
Good article Anthony and good news for the health of the peoples of the world 🙂
Smart move by the Russians. Most European countries, Korea, China, India – do not want to eat GMO’s – This may be a wake-up call for Americans to kick monsanto out! We the people want clean, organic food – the change is already starting! Stores like Walmart, Target, Costco, Wholefoods, etc are selling more and more Organic. The price will drop and the gov will have to stop SUBSIDIZING GMO’s AND JUNK FOODS. If monsanto wins, the people lose, its that simple.
Monsanto will not win. We will not tolerate it. The cat is out of the bad.
Thank you Vladimir Putin ! wish all heads of states would follow your lead. We need help in the US…..
Monsanto is already transforming itself into their new paradigms using technologies that make their current GMO products look medieval by comparison. I’ve explained some of this in posts to “Lucia” higher in the thread. It’s important to remain alert.
With the rapid development of precision genetic engineering, Monsanto’s current crop of GMOs are set to be obsolete in the not too distant future. As well, Monsanto has already perfected a new system that efficiently and quickly analyzes naturally hybridized crops (non GMO) for desired traits. Monsanto et al are already birthing their new high tech incarnations, thus TPTB can dangle the old Monsanto carcass out for distraction and dialectic theater. Always gets back to Karl Rove’s quote about TPTB creating new realities when researchers judiciously study old crimes and paradigms.
My comment with a link to a Wired article 1/21/14 (Monsanto Is Going Organic…) was not approved so I will try one more time without the link.
Please consider using a different lens to explain why it is the World Health Organization and global political puppets might be critical of GMOs. If it is the case that Monsanto is truly on the verge of reinventing itself via (1) its new highly efficient method of crossbreeding using genetic analyses that create remarkable Non GMO hybrids and selling these products through a subsidiary, and (2) at some point in the near future using the powerful new methods of Precision Genetic Engineering, then the Global Elite powers-that-shouldn’t-be are content to let the old Monsanto paradigm get beat up by entities they control.
We need to put our heads together to stay ahead of the curve. GMO salmon has been approved! Last Sunday the Wall Street Journal (a favorite elite publication to float new memes) ran an article about the benefits of creating genetically engineered chickens. TPTB will not let us easily win the battle to decentralize control over the food supply.
If the French researchers are right, that over time GMO’s cause health problems, then in 60 years America might be a nation of sick and invalid people while Russia might be a vigorous and healthy nation by refusing GMO”s and relying on natural, unmodified foods. Russia has been around quite a while and has pulled together to survive, Putin’s boast could be significant having roots in Russian wisdom as well as being practical good business.
I supposed the Russians simply laughed their butts off when the Zionists US ordered food sanctions on Russia.This was exactly why they hated the WTO for.It made them dependent on foriegn foods.The nigga in the WH house is in a jweish plantation..Hehehe