Cilantro and Chlorella Chelation for Detoxing Heavy Metals

There are many heavy metals that people are exposed to regularly without realizing it. Mercury, cadmium, and aluminum, among others, are able to imbed themselves into our central nervous systems and bones, bio-accumulating for years until we start to suffer acute health problems from
Chelating agents are those that bind to
Cilantro is best used in conjunction with chlorella because it, “mobilizes more toxins then it can carry out of the body, it may flood the connective tissue (where the nerves reside) with metals, that were previously stored in safer hiding places.”
This can cause retoxificaiton if another binding agent isn’t used to help rid the body of the heavy metals that are ‘found’ in their hiding places throughout the body.
People who have eaten large salads daily full of cilantro have experienced this effect – moodiness, terrible acne, joint pain and more. While they were mobilizing heavy metals, they weren’t all excreted from the body fast enough, which meant they were detoxing and toxifying themselves the same time!
Read: 6 Foods for Natural Heavy Metal Chelation
Simply by adding chlorella – an intestinal absorbing agent, the retoxificaiton of the system is prohibited. Clinical studies completed recently proved that
Properties of Chlorella
The properties of chlorella lend themselves nicely to aiding cilantro for detoxifying the body:
- Chlorella is antiviral.
- It binds to dioxins and other environmental toxins.
- It repairs the body’s detoxification functions.
- Improves glutathione – the bodies ‘master’ antioxidant.
- Binds to heavy metals exceptionally well.
- Alpha and gamma lineolic acids in chlorella help increase the intake of fish oil and other important fatty acids.
- Methyl-coblolamine repairs the nervous system and damaged neurons which often suffer from
heavy metal poisoning. - Chlorella contains the most easily absorbed form of B12 and B6.
- Chlorella is high in amino acids, and thus ideal for vegetarians.
- Chlorella is able to open cell walls, which is necessary for detox processes.
- Chlorella restores healthy gut flora.
- Chlorella is still being studied for its detoxifying effects, since science cannot fully understand how it has developed over millions of years to be so effective in ridding the body of unwanted substances.
- This PDF describes very specific chelation dosing when using chlorella.
Cilantro Has its Own Chelation Benefits
- Highly effective metal toxin binding agent and mobilizer.
- Powerful anti-inflammatory.
- Antibacterial.
- Increases HDL cholesterol and decreases LDL.
- Prevents gas and bloating.
- Wards off urinary tract infections.
- Eases hormonal swings during menopause and menstruation.
- Can reduce nausea.
- Adds fiber to the digestive tract – an effective bulking agent.
- Fights anemia with high levels of iron, and magnesium.
- Reduces minor swelling.
- Promotes liver health.
- Can be used as an expectorant.
As a final note, just be sure your magnesium levels are high before starting any serious chelation program, since this trace mineral helps to promote ‘relaxed’ arteries and can make elimination of toxins easier on the body.
If you have a high metal burden, you need to do your research. Weight loss also can re-release toxins into your bloodstream. You need to also bind them with something that will eliminate them. Cilantro, paired with chlorella and bentonite should help. Also activated charcoal and lots of fiber.
The absolute best choice to safely detox and remove mercury and all other heavy metals from the body is with the natural ingestable mineral called Clinoptilolite Zeolite. This type of zeolite is quite different and much better then all plant based detoxes and all other mercury detox products and methods! This is because Zeolite has the unique ability to bond and bind onto the mercury and other heavy metals in your body and hold onto them all the way out of the body without re-releasing any of these toxins back into the body to make people feel ill like other detox products do! NO Herxhimer Reactions With Zeolite! This Is Good News And Without Question The Best Mercury Detox Product Choice Period!
You mentioned on the page below a study about a heavy metal chelation formula.
I am extremely interested in these kind of studies.
Do you have any further information where it was published etc?
As a child I played with liquid mercury not knowing the risks and dipped my whole hand in a bowl of it.
As adult I had many amalgam teeth, which I had replaced with composite.
I understand the CNS half life of this chemical is very long so it is conceivable my problems are related to this.
Detox is what the body naturally does every moment of every day. Chelation detox has to do with removing abnormal levels of toxins from the body. It is necessary to make this distinction. We speak of “free radicals” far too often as if they are something abnormal to the every day chemistry of the body and the healthy exchange of electrons. “Free radical removal” is an ongoing process and the ultimate end of energy production. Free radicals are a natural part of our exhaust system if you please. Using chelation we simply attach an amino acid to certain other chemical properties such as an element or a vitamin (chemical compound) and by doing so we increase either the ability to absorb something or the ability to excrete something. In the case of detox we intend for amino acid attachment to bind toxic properties in order to move them away from organs and excrete them either in urine or feces.
Eddie, Going slow is important especially if you have methylation issue. Seek advice first on methylation issues. It is always best to find a professional who can advise you.
This article was just what I was looking for. But I always read the comments that people leave, because you have to hear both sides of the story before you can make an informed decision, right?
Morgan, get more greens into her system, cut out the glutens, the GMO’s, the processed foods and any factory farmed meats. Get whole food smoothies into her if you can, I find my grand kids will eat their greens when juiced and organic mango will make any smoothie taste great. I use organic swiss chard, or kale or spinach with filtered water, a banana and mango in a high speed blender. Get her involved in making her smoothies and use organic produce when you can to avoid adding to her toxic load. Pay attention to how she feels after she eats and you may need to pull foods out of her diet that are making her not feel well. What works for one doesn’t necessarily work for all. Make sure what you put on her body is just as clean as what you put in. My mantra is, if you can’t eat it, don’t put it on your body. I make my own lotions with coconut oil, almond oil and essential oils. People don’t realize that when you detox, initially you are going to feel sick and this is the toxin moving out of your body. If you can push through the first few days it does get easier. Kids are born into this world with 287 chemicals in their umbilical cord blood and right away we start injecting them with more toxins. Just get more whole, good foods into her and her body will do it’s job!
Wouldn’t it have to be digested and absorbed before it could do anything? Half hour?
One of the effects of heavy metals on the membranes of cells is the dis-regulation of of certain channels that regulate osmotic pressure and electro-chemical gradients. So your cells might “leak” once in awhile. Think about this how does your immune system even create anti-bodies for food allergies IF the food is digested in your stomach. This would suggest that a Whole food particle piece (micrometers in length) got into your blood stream or lymph areas(unlikely). How does that happen? In my opinion the increase of Allergies and Auto-Immune Diseases is related not caused but certainly related to the amount of heavy metals in our bodies. The “departmentalization” of the immune system as one PHD in Biochemistry and expert on toxicology put it. Some migraines are auto-immune triggered. I don’t know much about taking Chorella because I never researched or looked in to it. But there is always a chance of hyper sensitivity to stuff like this. Should always take a super small amount just in case first.
I guess no one clicked on the highlighted ‘PDF’ under the properties of chlorella. It has deeper information you all may be looking for. You have to ‘accept’ the disclaimer first before they allow you to download the PDF.
Phil, I just got your message. You may think I am a professional but I am nothing of the kind. I am someone who feels strongly that I have a severe mercury toxicity problem. But I feel reading this article could be very helpful to people who do what I did- read everything that is in all the links in this article and all the links in the bodies of the articles that they bring you to. Then contact any people you see in those articles who you feel could help you and get an appontment so you can start asking questions.. Other names are Chiropractor Dr. Forrest at ForrestHealth .com and Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD. who has a book called Amalgan Illness. I have not tried any of thse people yet so you have to use your best judgement. Never do a metal detox without reliable and certified professional help or you could screw up your brain with constant depression like I have.
Anyone’s best bet would be the Cutler protocol, end of story. Although you have mentioned the MTHFR which is one pretty interesting thing I did not know about before… I’ll be reading up on that.
I’ve been using the Cutler protocol for some time now. I say it’s the best bet because it is highly controlled. You take low doses of Alpha Lipoic Acid (which is a naturally occurring compound by the way) every 3 hours even through the night. 3 days on, then 3-4 days off to rest. It’s a SLOW process which takes 6 – 36 months.
Heavy metal toxicity and detoxification have solid scientific basis. You can check this document from the FDA’s website, which references 528 studies many of which are on the negative effects of heavy metal toxicity from dental fillings on pretty much every organ of the body:
and here is another study:
and more studies are referenced in this presentation:
and you can also search on sites like PubMed & Google Scholar to find more evidence.
Thank you, Lisa, for your input. It helps me confirm what I already know about my health.
DMPS and DMSA are being used to remove heavy metals. When you take them and then test, they are causing the heavy metals to be excreted from your urine. That way the testing facility can estimate what is really in your tissues.
There are different fluorides. The one added to drinking water is an industrial waste product, mostly from aluminum processing. It also contains some other toxic compounds. It is a travesty that this crud is added to tap water to help our teeth. It is a whopper of a lie. As far as fluoride itself, the natural type, it is likely helpful to the teeth/bones but even that could be lowering the IQ if it is too much. The thing is: how much is too much and is it better avoided altogether. BTW, I take strontium as a supplement as it does strengthen bones and teeth.
YOU ARE your own best therapist. Do your own research with due diligence.
I have used cilantro e.o. and found some side effects. So I reduced the dosages. Side effects went away. All this stuff is not rocket science, do not let others convince you that you are too stupid to figure this stuff out. You’re not.
I have told others many times over the past few years. No responses. It seems people just want to ask questions, ask more questions, ask MOAR questions, then do nothing. Do not be like that.
OWN THE KNOWLEDGE! Experiment on yourself. Be cautious, but do.
Also, do not expect others to believe you. Do it for yourself and let them worry about their own selves. Eventually, they will wander off and go back to toxic pharmaceuticals because people are conditioned to do just that.
I agree Pyra…I have been testing my own body’s limits or what it can take. My holistic doc tells me that much is trial and error because everyone reacts differently. I just got rid of mercury fillings after 25 years. My health problems are too many to mention but not bad enough to kill me…yet!
I get major migraine headaches with cilantro and garlic..had a bit of cilantro last night and had migraine today…No cilantro for moi.
Sounds like you are have Herxheimer reaction, you may need extra support while doing this but you are working with a holistic Doc so that is great. Have they considered this?
You could try varying the amount of cilantro. It is important too to take chlorella with the cilantro. They work together to make the endogenous toxins exogenous. If you still have bad reactions then try reducing the amounts.
Perhaps Tulane University? Where they had a Mercury Toxicity Conference. But screw science and studies and conferences and all that.
There are now Biological Dentists who focus on these things. But in general you are correct.
I also have a degree in biology. Microbiology and Biochemistry actually. Simply your brain is filled with Sulfa reactive sites. Zinc metallorganic compounds containing sulfa groups are present in catalytic enzymes crucial to brain, kidney and bone function. I disagree a migraine is possible IF Chlorella actually does react with mercury. As mercury and other metals take the place of zinc in incredibly important places of your body. Think about the diseases popping up right now at higher rates. Auto-Immune – Bone Marrow Diabetes – Kidney – Neurological – Brain. Correlates very well to the possible organs that would be most affected by heavy metal toxicity. So get your Zinc and other inorganic minerals.
Although this is a excellent post , the article gives no advice what to do after you take
Cilantro or Chlorella for detox
Hello Christina Sarich,
Cilantro need not be a chinese parsley, as pointed in your article. cilantro is a basic herb and can be added to almost all Indian dishes. But most people (even Indian originals) have forgotten Cilantro because it is choresome to clean/ wash, cut and add to dishes. Most commonly used now a days is the powder of Cilantro seeds.
Just recently a study of autistic brains showed aluminum within. It recommended high silica water such as FIJI brand to remove it. I’ve started it with my son, and its a cheap, safe suggestion.
The first time I read about cilantro removing mercury was a report from Asia when monitoring of miners was taking place. There was a sudden change in the amount of mercury being released into the urine and when they investigated, a new cook had started to work there and he was big on using cilantro in his food.
I am going to add to the conversation. My partner had several problems with focus, rashes, aching, etc.. After many attempts at various doctors and specialists, he was finally told to take a hair test. (Blood tests only confirm the presence of heavy metals if they are ongoing….if the exposure is old, they have attached themselves in the tissue.) To make a long story a little shorter, it was found that he had all the ingredients present to make an atomic bomb. (Where/how he was exposed, we are not sure.) NO ONE he went to was helpful in knowing how to rid him of these. He finally found a doctor in Texas a few hours away from us who practices medicine and uses natural methods. We also found some on the coasts, but too far away. People on this site that say there is no protocol are correct. Ben and his doctor are in the process of trying to establish one. He took test after test and had to do some things to clear up some critical dysfunctions first, but the good news is his tests showed that his liver/kidneys were in fairly good shape. Because of the high concentration he has, their decision is to detox hard and as fast as possible. He is taking DMSA, lower dosages, for 3 days -following by Chlorella for 10. He has taken tests after the DMSA to see the progress. (and also with the Chlorella). It was good-He found that it pulled the lead and mercury out in greater quantities than the Uranium (which he has 100x more of). Lead and mercury are heavier than uranium, so the rational is that is why they weren’t pulled out in equal amounts. IMPORTANT is the necessity to put minerals/vitamins/oils back into your system, especially when using the DMSA. Expect achiness and some kidney/liver discomfort doing this. They are trying to establish a baseline protocol for all this. The problem I can see is that all people are different and have different amounts/kinds of heavy metals. Dr. Parma (I think this is spelled right) has good info on the internet right now. We also studied methods being used in Japan and Russia as a result of their radioactive incidences. That is where we found some good info. Russia has developed a product which seems very effective, but of course we have no way of knowing how to get hold of this. (As an interesting side note….because he had such high levels of radioactive metals, the doctor decided it would be a good idea to purchase a geiger counter in order to have an idea of how much was being pulled out instantly without having to wait days and days for a test…..the people on this thread are correct when stating that the metals can relodge if pulled out too quickly. )
The reason chlorella is useful for detoxification is because of the fact that it contains chelatins. Those are substances that are used to remove the mercury and other heavy metals from the body.
The amino acids in the chlorella have a thio-group, which binds to the mercury, therefor it’s unable to bind.
Maybe a study of using food grade Calcium Bentonite should be in order for heavy metal detox. Calcium Bentonite attracts negative charged toxins and passes them out the body when calcium Bentonite is taken internally from what I’ve read. Do your own research.
how do i get Chlorella that is sure free of pollutants that are so easily bind to it, especially heavy metals?
Thank you Steve, I absolutely agree and by the way I am much healthier at 60 than I was at 50. I lost 95 lbs of poisoned fat by big Pharma. 16 years of hell from their anti-depressants. They all sucked. They made me sick, fat, tired and dull. I couldn’t laugh. I was in hell. And before anyone tries to tell me that I wasn’t receiving the best care, I saw a Psychopharmacologist, a specialist in Syracuse. I am grateful to God for info like this because my body responds better to nutrition than is does to chemicals. I am mortified by the cruelty we have witnessed from our medical community. They have scared me away. I prefer to think than have my Government do it for me. I am grateful for your comment. I also have the MTHFR and as long as I offer it support (b vitamins), I am fine. Getting the metals out of the body actually make the pathways function again because the metals lock up the pathways.
Arsenic is another toxin that is spread throughout the environment. Until 2003, arsenic was used as a wood preservative. The deck behind the house is wood impregnated with arsenic. I got arsenic poisoning when I power washed it in 2014. The skin over the front half of my body became inflamed a few days after the power washing. I ended up in the hospital. I still get flareups eight years later. Got one now, in fact. Our EPA finally reacted after many moms complained about their kids getting skin rashes. Now the preservative is a copper compound, a lot safer.
Anyway, the thing is not the length of life but the quality of life. If chlorella/cilantro can help, I am all for it.
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