1. Two of us with tumours refused biopsies (they spread cancer)and treatment, and went the alternative way using Paw Paw extract amongst others. That was three years ago, doing fine.

    My brother, 9 years younger was diagnosed with a tumour nearly 18 months ago, he chose the mainstream route of surgery and radiation, and lasted 9 months. It does take a lot of research and guts to refuse the Dr's advice, but if you are prepared, go for it.

    In my circle, all those that went mainstream medicine with cancer are dead, those that went alternative are doing fine. Go figure !

    1. JanyandE: where can you get papaya leaves capsules? Are they as effective

  2. I DONT think they mean that the cure is 100%, people should understand that when they say it cures cancer it means it protects from cancer in a normal circunstanes. if you smoke or take toxic medications or…. you will get cancer no matter what. but it will protect you from cancer if you eat -natural forms & no supplements- of fruits or veggies. J.H.Hospital in Baltimore for example are having an study for crucifiers : cabbage, Brussel sprouts, etc etc.. for protection of certain cancers (like breast cancer prostate etc… Some people, and some studies say that hemp seed (which have lots of antioxidants and amines…) can prevent cancer (nothing can cure cancer once you get it, its like the lottery, some peoples bodies -immune system, mind, los stress etc- can help to eradicate the cancer and people call this A MIRACLE. YOU SHOULD NOT INSULT anyone, even i think you are right up to certain point.

    1. sorry the computer keeps changing my words… i mean LOW STRESS & no los stress… toxic chemicals and medications… eat natural organic foods.. cruciferous no crucifix nor crucifiers…

    2. Yes you are right…. Anybody has no right to insult a persons. Anyone of us has the right to comments.

      Regarding the papaya leaf extract, they give their testimony since they experience healing and you have no right to say, they are wrong since you dont experience yet. Once you have experience thats the time you need to speak. But for now, shut up and read their testimony.

  3. they also say that guanabana o graviola is an anticancer fruit. I think you can find it in FLA, Filipinas (Philipins) and central america. (yuotube it) turmeric has been proved scientifically that sinks tumors and cancer cells. I will rally like to know where can you get the graviola and the paw paw fruit and leaves or… I can't find it in the N.states. can you order by email/mail? help will be appreciated

  4. blank Anonymous says:

    Why are so many of you trying to be doctors and dont know what is facts. I am a cancer survivor 8 years now. I did chemo I see nothing wrong with it. I think what you should be doing is praying not to get sick with no disease at all because its not as easy as you think, everything cost money and the two people you don't criticize is your cook and your Dr, because some day you will need both of them. Also remember what works for me wont work for you because no two people metabolism is the same. God Bless and keep it clean.

    P.S: always read what you write and make sure it has the correct spelling and everything else before posting.

  5. blank Anonymous says:

    Dont you think the person who put out info on the papaya leaf is going to make a killing also. Everybody out there see we are so eager for info so lets tell them anything that they might like to hear and they fall for it. I say again be the patient first and remember to believe in god because no matter what you do you are not going anywhere before your time. So Relax

    1. Do you really think people are making a killing out of selling papaya leaves? They range in price from $4.00 for a pound to $20.00 a pound for dried leaves. The extract probably is over-priced, because you can make your own at home very cheaply, but the cost is nothing like the cost of chemo and pharmaceutical drugs in general. Furthermore, Google automatically puts products relevant to the discussion on a webpage at the bottom of that page. So what? Why wouldn't you want to try a plant substance that is easily made into an ordinary tea at least as an adjunct to your cancer therapy, if there is evidence that it is effective and causes no harm? It seems to me that quite a few people want to show how intelligent they are by debunking everything that cannot be obtained from their local clinic at a very high price. I'm not knocking doctors here, or conventional medicine–I just don't think any single school of thought has all the answers. If I really need surgery or have an emergency of some kind, I will go to my doctor. I vaccinated my children. In general, I listen carefully to what is being said, then do my own research and make up my mind. I have found that papaya leaf works.

  6. blank ska_tango says:

    That is true. Different people may have different cures. My wife is into all super-natural (another extreme). I myself do not like drugs. However, natural way did not work for Steve Jobs. Who knows if drugs would help. In any case, the last month I was taking this papaya leaf extract to boost up my platelets. In a month I will know if it helped…

    1. Thats quite scientific! To say natural didnt help steve jobs is irresponsible. Noone but Steve jobs {& maybe his family} knows exactly what he ingested on a daily basis.

  7. Papaya leaf extract, has zero documented deaths. Kinda like an apple.Maybe an apple a day kills some. Prednisone is hell on earth. I will bet my life, that the papaya, garlic, beetjuice, & other fruits & veggies i eat, wont hurt me. But of course youll say im a quack, because i have no proof. I cant prove to you prednisone is hell on earth. Why dont you give it a try & see for yourself. Then try the Papaya extract & see what you would prefer. You might want to look into THE FACTS of prednisone use, as i cant prove its HELL. But it is.

  8. paw paw extract is wonderful, by this I am referring to asimina triloba extract, not papaya leaf extract. HOWEVER, papaya leaf extract has been shown by researchers at the University of Florida, who were testing a wide variety of plants for anti-cancer ability, to be the strongest of the lot, by far. And it is non-toxic. It is also used to treat hemorrhagic disorders such as dengue fever and ITP, for which it is very effective. It has had a reputation for a long time of being an effective treatment for cancer, and the research substantiates this.

  9. I have been on prednisone for ITP for four months now and have had no

    Problems with it. Hell on earth is a bit drastic lol. But I would like to try the

    Papaya leaves to see if they will help raise my blood platlettes!!

    1. After 1 year of OFF and On again prednisone use & internal bleeding {ITP} 2 Months have gone by without prednisone,& without bleeding.

      I believe after 1 year of no bleeding & platelets normal, the doctors would probably say, you never really had a problem.

      Using organic papaya leaf capsule. I will test blood again in 30 days.

  10. I was reading through this website – thanks for all the positive notes, for the others, it's not worth a comment.

    My dog has suffered from Hypothyroid for several years – in the early stages the vet prescribed Prednisone – he had a violent allergic reaction to it. Drugs are not meant for everyone, some people's bodies react differently to it. He was also allergic to an antibiotic and had to be rushed to the vets. I can't emphasize enough that people and animals may tolerate things differently. My younger years we lived in the Caribbean – medicines were simply not available. If we got sick, we had things like aloe vera juice – from the garden. The irony is we didn't take supplements and our dogs never had supplements or flea and tick medication. We rescued 19 dogs on an island – not a single one got sick during their lives with us.

    My definition of drugs – they might provide a quick solution – such as aspirin for a headache but they do not address the cause, symptoms or reactions over long term use.

    I am a professional writer and I have spent years researching a cure for cancer for two of my dogs – that passed away – there were things I just didn't know that if I had known now, I may have been able to give them a long life.

    My husband's dad owns a pharmacy, it took his family a long time to understand that I was choosing a natural approach to healthcare for my animals and myself – I was devastated losing my dogs and regret putting them on Frontline, Heartguard and listening to one of many vets.

    I say follow your heart, if you truly believe something helps – go for it. I have a Papaya Leaf tea steeping right now and will be sharing with my beloved pup. I had the leaves here because they are also used in meat tenderizers – and I was sprinkling on my dogs home cooked meals – it helps them absorb the nutrients in the food by breaking it down better. So another good benefit.

  11. blank siteunseen says:

    My Sister-in-law has been on chemotherapy for 3 years standing. She still has two tumors and had the others surgically removed. So far Chemo has done her no good. She tried the Papaya Leaf Tea which is available through Vitacost.com for a good price, and the burning in her chest and stomach ceased, she felt stronger, could do jobs she formerly had no energy to do, and thus far has improved greatly. She takes two Tea Bags at a time in the Tea, so she consumes 6 Tea Bags per day. She is now on the Extract which is stronger. You can smash the evidence if you wish, but Papaya Leaves stop Dengue Fever which is a horrible type of malaria, and everyone who has used Fresh Papaya Leaves crushed for that problem has been cured with in 24 hours. There is no time like the present, so stop the lollygagging about scams and try it. The Tea is Cheaper, but the Extract may be stronger and hit the nail on the head when you need it. Change the diet from processed sugars to only whole fruit sugar period…cancer feeds on sugar….drop the carbs and eat more whole foods.

  12. could you kindly list the products and how to order
    am doing both conventional and holistic which the doctor very much agrees with

  13. Does anyone know that if increasing the steep time of Papaya leaf tea will increase its strength?

  14. blank Thanuja A K says:

    Hi, can patients having thyroid drink papaya leaf juice??
    any side effects??

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