1. They are no less safe than the lead and mercury natural and homeopathic product manufacturers put into their products that are not evaluated by the FDA and that make no promise to cure, treat, or prevent any disease. At least the FDA will prevent these substances from knowingly being put into food sold at stores, but there have been many instances where I have picked up so called natural and homeopathic products to read the label and find that they in fact contain lead and mercury. Seriously…, who thinks it’s a good idea to put mercury in toothpaste???

  2. Tsp is not a paint thinner and mineral spirits is not a paint remover, unless your removing a just applied coat. Tsp can and will remove many coatings of the oxidizing type but not conversion finishes such as urethanes. This by no means absolves food producers from incorporating even minute amounts in any foods, or other internally used products. Check to see and report on how many parts per million are in it and while at it – check and see how many parts per million of bugs/insects the fda allows in all cereals? I knew at one time but have forgotten? Any cereal that your not growing yourself and preparing your self is up for analysis, doubt if you’ll find any really clean foods of any type in micro-analysis, everything is killing us, so pick your poisons you’ll never get completely away from industrial contamination, nuclear fusion has seen to that.

    1. In a way what you say is true, but TSP is used to clean and prep old painted walls before repainting. It has been around since the 1970’s and has been recommended by many paint stores for that purpose.

      1. blank MD Real Estate Agent says:

        And it was touted in Maryland to clean the walls of Lead Paint Infected Homes. Now they say use any old detergent. I used to use it to clean the cast iron tubs prior to refinishing them!

  3. Trisodium phosphate is a granular (or powdered) non-sudsing detergent used to prep surfaces for painting. It’s used before applying paint, typically on wood or building materials, and especially for renovation or remodeling work.

  4. VERY disappointing, Trader Joe’s. Booo!

    1. Why just Trader Joes. It’s every grocery store in America that carries these cereals. Trader Joes doesn’t make the cereal and most likely doesn’t have a clue whats in them. There are far worse things in the stores than this. Blame the manufacturers, not the stores.

      1. Hi, Lyn! Welcome to the interwebs :o)

  5. blank uncle bob says:

    Misleading as any other health trash out there. Phosphates, in all forms, are potentially good and bad. You should dig up the fringe BS on every medicine, vitamin, and mineral out there and post those things. Phosphates are REQUIRED for proper metabolism, and just like EVERY substance out there, can be toxic if there is too much. Try posting with some proportion instead of just the one side propaganda, You may end up swaying more people to your views.

    1. Most vitamins are junk unless they’re food based.

    2. I was a painter and paper hanger and used TSP for cleaning before painting and to get heaving paste off walls from wallpaper paste. I had to use gloves and goggles because it burned like hell on skin. I do not think this belongs in our food

      1. i used to paint as well and have used TSP many times. and yes it does burn. i recently went to buy some to pressure wash a house and all they had was “tsp-free” cleaner as the the real deal TSP was too harmful.

  6. The FDA is a useless organization that has outgrown their usefulness. They longer protect the American people they were created to serve.

  7. Agreed, but what do we do about it? Throw the bastards out!!!

  8. It’s also in Marshmallows! I was wondering about this ingredient after my daughter wanted me to buy her a pack of marshmallows. Luckily we bought the GMO free vegan kind that doesn’t contain this stuff!

  9. blank eye ron ee says:

    Your total ignorance of simple chemistry is disgusting. You write an article to spread fear when you have NO CLUE what you are talking about.
    Did you realize inhaling water can be fatal? YET WE GIVE IT TO OUR CHILDREN!! WHAT ARE WE THINKING??
    You have no business in front of a computer.

  10. TSP is not a paint thinner. It’s a general cleaner just like baking soda is. It’s about as dangerous as too much dihydrogen monoxide

  11. blank Caitlin Christensen says:

    Trader Joes cereal does not contain TSP, Trisodium Phosphate, it contains Tripotassium Phosphate, an entirely different compound. Check your facts before posting an article condemming a reputable brand.

    1. Lmaro!! I just tooked at my cereal and yup it does contain Trisodium Phosphate…Do me a favour when your in the grocery store look behind lucky charms cereal box, you will be presently surprised on what you find.

    2. blank Christoph Barlow says:

      My Honey Nut Cheerios has the Tripotassium Phosphate like you said Caitlin.

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