1. blank Crecencio Elenes says:

    crimes against humanity, our wealth is our health and the health of future generations, i suppose responsibility will be assumed when something really goes wrong, do we have laws for politicians and businessman that keep promoting this technology as the salvation for famine. Are they really worried about hunger by poor people? I tend to disagree just because this technology is for rich big business.

    But the solution is as easy as just don't buy this products. Don't buy it if you don't like it.

    1. blank Anne Brandscheid says:

      Problem is, you are unable to tell if what you're eating is GM or not as there is no labelling laws to inform you of this….yet, maybe in the future?

  2. blank Anonymous says:

    The US has a terrorist organisation that the government should do something about.

    Yes, I'm talking about Monsanto.

    After all, the government are always telling us how they intervene in other countries for humanitarian reasons. Well, Monsanto GM seeds are a form of food terrorism, which is spreading around the world.

    The solution is to get NATO to bomb the crap out of Monsanto, to obliterate them out of existance. If any of the executives survive, try them for war crimes against humanity.

    Why waste bombs on Iran, who have not threatened anyone, while these evil scumbags are allowed unimpeded to poison the people of the world.

    Why wait?

  3. The official U.S. position on genetically-modified organisms is that there is no difference between them and natural organisms. The issue goes even further to suggest that no country should be able to require mandatory GMO labeling on food items, even though science shows that GMOs act differently in the body than do natural organisms and are a threat to health. You can take action by staying informed and spreading the word at http://geneticallyengineeredfoodnews.com

  4. Not to defend Monsanto on their Bt corn, but…

    Farmers sign contracts with the seed dealers to plant corn that has not been modified to help combat this very problem. Too bad the farmers ignore the specified planting rates and schedules, and Monsanto does nothing to check compliance.

    Last word I had from a farmer that had recently purchased Bt corn. Unmodified seed is now mixed with Bt seed. This forces the required "refuge" to be planted in the field. Not on the corners of the irrigated pivot. This is all due to farmers not using common sense, nor being good stewards of the environment. They plant a monoculture for a profit, very little respect is granted to the environment.

    1. Whether defending Monsanto or not, do you really believe that farmers are told the truth by Monsanto, and that they know how many European, for example, countries, refuse GM seeds and Monsanto?

      Even then, and if extremely knowledgeable about their field, farmers may be equated to doctors that keep pushing the only three treatments for cancer – cutting, poisoning, and radiation – and all three kill rather than cure, although surgery does not always result in metastasis.

      The facts concerning the failure of the medical profession to actually cure and instead, endanger is well known but doctors keep doing the same.

      Maybe you do not mind eating GM crap but the fact is the federal government has no authority to regulate our food, and force Monsanto's insanity on us. That is the bottom line.

  5. blank biggerbrain says:

    Oh, first you say pesticide to kill rootworms, then you say insecticide.

    Well which is it pesticide or insecticide??

    They are NOT the same thing.

    1. THey actually are the same thing. Pesticide is a main heading that includes insecticide, herbicide, rodenticide, etc.

  6. that may be fine for you, but what about the uninformed parent who buys that food-like substance for her children?

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