1. I am willing to sue Monsanto as well because it caused more than 20 food allergies to my baby daughter. We gave only 100% organic food to my second child, and he is perfectly fine. If anyone wants to contact me to sue Monsanto together, he can send me an email to claudiofahmy@yahoo.com. Thank you!

    1. blank anne kivari says:

      It might be pretty difficult to prove that Monsanto products caused the 20 food allergies in your baby. Not that I am pro-Monsanto as I think they are evil.

  2. it would have been a good idea to clarify what BT is: bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.
    The county here sprays it via helicopter in spring to kill larvae of moths. We are getting attacked from every side…

    1. blank WakingCall3 says:

      sounds like a plan, doesn’t it?

  3. blank Joy Livingston says:


  4. Where are the Snowdens of yesteryear? Where are the whistle blowers and/or hackers? Let’s see those internal memos!

  5. Well the left will just add this to their abortion options and be very happy there is a new easy way to kill innocent babies.

  6. blank elnittygritty says:

    If you do not get involved then you are a SHEEP. If you think this belongs in our way of life then you are ignorant to the answers that are available (urban agriculture, urban farms, urban gardening). Our society is completely blinded by the pretty lights and what big corporations are telling you. Get educated, read the facts and form your own opinion (not what FOX or MSNBC tells you).

  7. blank Sterling Ericsson says:

    So, if you’re saying Bt toxin is dangerous and can kill people and Bt toxin is one of the main organic pesticides used in almost all organic farming, you are then saying that organic food is dangerous and can kill people.
    Good to know. Thanks for admitting it.

    1. blank flaming falcon says:

      This is GMO Bt, completely different. TOTALLY different!

  8. I’ve been watching for a class action suit. I would sign on in a heartbeat.

  9. blank Benjamin Harrison says:

    Bt is naturally found in honey, and a reason why you do not feed honey to infants and pregnant women. So why is feeding other grains imbued with Botulism okay?

  10. This article is typical of the anti-GMO campaign; “GMO’s are EVILLL!” “New science proves they are evilllll” “they kill
    Babies!”. This “new research” (from 2011…new? More like three years old and still unheard of) has been dismissed as pseudoscience because the study was ill executed (only 39 women in the experimental group) and has been misinterpreted. Please, cite some real science. Please use real facts. Please read both sides before you tarnish the good name of a good industry that seeks to feed the world, you included. Before you crap on farmers and scientists for doing their jobs, step outside the city and into their shoes and realize that people are dedicating their lives to providing a safe, affordable, and abundant food supply; that is something the “natural” “organic” sector can’t claim.

    1. blank flaming falcon says:

      typical anonymous monsanto shill clown provides no studies themselves. Get out of here!

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