Marijuana Kills Cancer Cells, Admits the U.S. National Cancer Institute

National legalization of marijuana may be drawing a smidgeon closer. The National Cancer Institute (NCI), one of the federal government sponsored agencies, has just updated the FAQs on its website to include recent studies on marijuana showing that it can and has killed cancer cells.
These are the findings of studies NCI have included:
- Cannabinoids may inhibit tumor growth by causing cell death, blocking cell growth, and blocking the development of blood vessels needed by tumors to grow. Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells.
- Cannabinoids may protect against inflammation of the colon and may have potential in reducing the risk of colon cancer, and possibly in its treatment.
- A laboratory study of delta -9-THC in hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) cells showed it damaged or killed the cancer cells. The same study of delta-9-THC in models of liver cancer showed that it had anti-tumor effects. Delta-9-THC has been shown to cause these effects by acting on molecules that may also be found in non-small cell lung cancer cells and breast cancer cells.
- A laboratory study of cannabidiol (CBD) in estrogen receptor positive and estrogen receptor negative breast cancer cells showed that it caused cancer cell death while having little effect on normal breast cells. Studies of metastatic breast cancer showed that cannabinoids may lessen the growth, number, and spread of tumors.
- A laboratory study of cannabidiol in human glioma cells showed that when given along with chemotherapy, CBD may make chemotherapy more effective and increase cancer cell death without harming normal cells. Studies showed that CBD together with delta-9-THC may make chemotherapy such as temozolomide more effective.
These studies are considered by the NCI as preclinical. They were all done using animals. According to them, no clinical trials of cannabis use for the treatment of cancer in humans have been published.
Read: Gov’t Admits Marijuana Kills Cancer
The NCI has included findings on peripheral benefits for cancer patients from marijuana:
- Delta-9-THC and other cannabinoids stimulate appetite and can increase food intake.
- Cannabinoid receptors have been studied in the brain, spinal cord, and nerve endings throughout the body to understand their roles in pain relief.
- Cannabinoids have been studied for anti-inflammatory effects that may play a role in pain relief.
The NCI is one of the National Institutes of Health.
The big news here is not these studies. These and many more are contained on PubMed, the U.S. National Library of Medicine that is also part of the National Institutes of Health. They are there for all of the world to see.
The news is that after decades of the demonization of marijuana by a federal government that supports pharmaceuticals and GMOs, there is a breath of change. But if you want to prevent or treat cancer with marijuana, be prepared for arrest and imprisonment in most states of this union.
States are way ahead of the federal govt in legalizing marijuana. It’s time for reclassification and legalization at the federal level so that SWAT teams will quit breaking down doors and terrorizing marijuana clinics and patients, and so that the govt will quit jailing parents who use marijuana to stop their children’s seizures and so forth.
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I was thinking the exact same thing when I read that!
Getting upset at a government being ignorant about cannabinoids and then takes a pot shot at GMOs at the end… Laboratories aren’t big bad scary things, and we’ve been messing with genetics for thousands of years. Just as it’s important to teach people the values of marijuana, please learn the values of controlled genetic mutation.
It’s incorrect to say, carte blanche, that hemp oil cures cancer. Hemp oil is a part of cancer treatment, and can aid in the curative treatment of cancer. But it doesn’t work in all situations for all people, and we still have a long way to go to understand cannabinoids and their role in cancer treatment.
From the research, it doesn’t seem cannabis has a favorite cancer. It seems to work equally as well in attacking all cancers the same. Cancer patients that stick to only cannabis do way better than those who go for both chemo and cancer. In fact, when you do both, you end up having to take almost double the oil to undo the effects of the chemo. Chemo kills both good and bad cells where as cannabis only attacks the cancerous cells.
Go international, they’re doing it all over. U.S. problem has to do with
I didn’t say it’s not valuable or not part of treatment, I’m saying it’s not the whole story and not a cureall.
The information on these pages isn’t new, nor is it an ‘admission’ of any kind: the scientific evidence about cannabis, cannabinoids and cancer, which these media stories are referring to, has been openly published on the NCI’s website for several years – for example, a page from the same section of the NIH website on cannabis and cannabinoids from 2011, accessed via the internet archive show’s the same info. In addition to this most (99%) of the studies haven’t been in humans
Citations please
Click on the links in the article. For instance, the pubmed link, updated FAQ’s. If it’s blue it’s a link.
Alan D Smith claimed: ”Hemp oil cures cancer, while chemotherapy destroys normal healthy body cells.” Yet provided no evidence to back his claim that the oil cures the 100-250 different types of cancer in humans. Yes there are studies in the lab, but these don’t prove it works in humans for any illness. There have been some trials using highly purified cannabinoid agonists, like pharma grade THC and it didn’t look that promising – see Pubmed 16804518. However based on that human study then GW Pharma are conducting two Phase I trials in GBM along with many other illnesses too.
The most accurate means of the proof of Marijuana and its oil on disease would be the documentations of people that have used it and benefited.
There are times when too much clinical trialing slows up help for those that need it. Marijuana does less harm than alcohol and pharmaceuticals.
It is past time for this ‘humble little plant’ which was given to mankind be legalized across the board in every state.
There are a number of problems with anecdotal evidence and the evidence so far doesn’t look promising for it
Wikipedia has it in for non-mainstream medicine.It has an agenda.
Even if that was true then the site to my knowledge isn’t run by the same people and also goes into just some of the many problems with anecdotal evidence
No chance that sciencebasedmedicine is a front for big Pharma?
Where can I buy shares in this ”Big Pharma” company? Apparently it doesn’t exist according to any of the worldwide stock exchanges?.
You are either naive or a corporate shill.I suspect the latter.
It’s nice to just assume that someone you disagree with is biased. It removes the burden of trying to understand and address their actual points. You can then erect a convenient straw man and tilt at it to your heart’s content. So maybe you can try responding to some of my points rather than using the tired, boring and predictable ad hominem attack
Not true. People stating that it helps them do not account for everything else going on in their lives. How do you know what else they are taking or doing? You just take their word? What an ignorant statement you make.
Yes, exactly true.
I take no side on this argument, but the two comments above me are absolutely false.
So the Cochrane Collaboration can find evidence for this?
They are conducting more studies? Pubmed 16804518 summarized, when my fifteen year old did it anyway, had words like, “terminal, other traditional methods had failed, inhibited tumor growth, fair safety profile, potential antitumoral activity of cannabinoids, information ten years old.”
They weren’t ingesting an oil. It involved directly infusing THC solutions at a high concentration directly into the brain cavity where the tumour had been, in the hope of killing off any remaining tumour cells surrounding the cavity. So after their tumours were resected, a catheter was left behind in the cavity and this was given daily. Also in a cohort of nine patients, it’s pretty hard to conclude anything about the effectiveness of THC from the study. All we know is that this can be done safely. However it’s highly unlikely other studies will do this for obvious reasons (e.g., it’s highly invasive, etc).
However based on this study then CRUK and GW Pharma are running two Phase I trials (NCT01812616 & NCT01812603) using an oromucosal spay called Sativex which contains almost equal amounts of natural THC and CBD. THC and CBD represent approximately 70% of the product, with 5% of other cannabinoids, the remainder being terpenoids, flavonoids, sterols, alkanes, and other chemicals found in the plants The reason they are using a spray is because the oral bioavailability of both THC and CBD is very low Also the combination of THC, CBD and temozolomide seemed to work better than either alone
Cite all the evidence that it can cure different cancers, seizures and many other disorders.
“Cannabis has helped me to feel normal again. I have never been the stressed out type so the anxiety that I was experiencing was very strange for me. I just feel better with cannabis in my system! I highly (pun intended) recommend it to anyone experiencing these symptoms.” Contact Dr Peter to the number as on profile picture
James, I don’t know your age, but half a century ago when I and most young people worldwide were using cannabis, the governments in the West had a perfect opportunity to fund a clinical study of cannabis on humans. Even then there was talk it helped chemo patients. But that clinical trial has never come in all this time, anywhere in the West. Are you so naive as to not know why a rigorous scientific trial has not been conducted? Just in case, I’ll tell you why: Once the curative powers of cannabis are proven, it could no longer be kept illegal, and the enormous profits of Radiation, Chemotherapy and Surgery, Inc. fall off a cliff.
BTW, if I say, for instance, that radiation kills cancer, that doesn’t mean it succeeds 100% of the time. Nothing works all the time! So, yes, cannabis cures cancer. Not 100% of the time, and not all cancers probably, but the mere existence of thousands of people whose different cancers disappeared after cannabis treatment, plus the thousands of years during which millions of people have had ailments assuaged by this plant, proves it’s strong medicine to me.
This undeniable proof that is being required is the means to keep Marijuana illegal.
Exactly, it’s all about the money
it cures!
Commercially available cannabinoids, such as dronabinol and nabilone, are approved drugs for the treatment of cancer-related side effects.
Cannabinoids may have benefits in the treatment of cancer-related side effects
Not smoking pot you druggies.
Correct, it does not cure cancer. Stop lying.
Tobacco also kills cancer cells, it doesn’t mean it’s the most effective treatment to use. (I do believe that cannabis has a plethora to alcohol for recreational use)
Cancer is several diseases, so one has to be careful in considering something a cure for a single disease. On another tack, I’ve read that American Indians mixed marijuana with tobacco, to smoke. Certainly not to kill cancer cells though that may have been one benefit. I am interested in cannabis as a pain killer. I have been blindsided by arthritis and it is painful to move. I am old enough and retired and cannot lose a job or position (and only my reputation) by experimenting with marijuana to see if it will bring some relief of pain.
My home state of Florida has legalized medical cannabis. How many have suffered and died that could have been helped? Though dragging their feet, Florida has seen the light…
My first thought is not about the future but for those who died needlessly and have no choice.
using traditional methods, bankrupting their savings and still go away….
Just imagine the greed of men
Cannabis wouldn’t have helped them.
Even if you don’t have cancer, I think cannabis oil is extremely healthy for you and could simply be a good measure to help prevent cancer to begin with.
I feel great after the use of medical cannabis ! The inflammation and pain in all of my joints has decreased dramatically. I no longer wear braces on my knees and ankle. I am even able to kneel on my knees without pain for the first time in 10 years. Neck and back pain are almost non-existent. No longer grind my teeth at night and have also stopped using my C-PAP. I have not had my goiter checked by ultrasound since taking the oil, but I can tell that they are much smaller. Also hoping to get another ultrasound of my liver to see if the fatty liver has improved.” ALL Thanks TO Dr Peter Hurt for the Oil .
“I could not sleep and I was in a lot of pain.” But now Thanks to Medical Cannabis i got from Dr Peter Hurt…
Looks pretty sparse in here for the last 2 years? Has this information been proven wrong?
It’s never been proven in humans.