Kraft, Kellogg’s, Coca-Cola and Dozens more Continue to Lose Money

The public doesn’t trust manufacturers like Kellogg’s and Kraft anymore. Earnings are falling, and dozens of Big Food companies’ stocks are down. One of the biggest food companies in the world, ConAgra, is even slashing its 2015 earnings projections. Is Big Food really over?
ConAgra is changing management – is it because their 2015 earnings projections are way are down and stocks took a plunge recently? The food giant owns brands like Hunts, Swiss Miss, as well as Chef Boyardee, among others. Do people really want to eat cancer-causing chemicals in a can anymore?
Kraft, the maker of Oscar Mayer deli meats, Jell-O, Maxwell House coffee, and Velveeta cheese also recently shook up top management and reported sluggish sales. Big Food company, Kellogg’s, has seen its sales plunge 5.4 percent over the past year.
Campbell’s Soup CEO has said:
“There’s a mounting distrust of so-called Big Food, the large food companies and legacy brands on which millions of consumers have relied on for so long.”
Do Americans finally realize what Yale medical researchers David Katz and Samuel Meller declared in a paper in 2013, that a “diet of minimally processed foods close to nature, predominantly plants, is decisively associated with health promotion and disease prevention.”
Read: GMOs, Monsanto’s Round Up Found in Kellogg’s Froot Loops
Eating minimally processed foods was even found to be more important than whether you are vegan or vegetarian, eat a paleo diet, or take part in any other specific diet like the ‘Mediterranean diet.’ Even eating meat, according to Katz and Meller, is O.K. as long as:
“. . . animal foods are themselves the products, directly or ultimately, of pure plant foods—the composition of animal flesh and milk is as much influenced by diet as we are.”
Big Food is simply floundering. People don’t want toxic chemicals in their beer, in their cereal, or in their milk.
Is this also why retailers like Target are doubling their organic and sustainable products, and organic food sales are expected to be over $35 million in 2015? Is this why farmers are turning to non-GMO seed, and people are turning to local food co-ops or even starting to grow their own food?
Is “American cuisine” finally going to mean something besides processed junk? It looks like Big Food is on a path to self-destruction – at least unless they make some serious alterations to keep up with what the people want. It’s about time we wised up.
Additional Sources:
Article image photo credit: David Paul Morris / Bloomberg
After all the money big food has shelled out to keep there toxins secret, I doubt people will flock back to them if they change there ways.
These articles keep making 35 billion in organic food sales seem like some enormous change. But they forget to mention the organic sales were already between 32 and 33 billion for both 2013 and 2014. One article was written where it mentioned organic sales only being around 12-13 million in 2012 which is complete BS because I can’t find one credible source showing under 27 Billion for 2012. I guess you can now write whatever you want now and call it true in the land of make believe.
Not to say this article is accurate or not, but people believe everything they see on television and the news too, don’t they? Most of everything they see there is made up and/or altered….
And whether you want to believe it or not, the evidence is out there that big food corporations are losing profits. That much you can do your research on…
agreed! the same people that run the govt also own and run the main media. What a brilliant way to brainwash the sheeple to believe any thing they want you to. they want ya do believe gmo’s vaccines, aspartame, fluoride, msg etc etc are good when really it is poison. you think the govt don’t lie to you. watch this and turn up your speakers.
The actual number for 2012 was stated to be 28 million in the article Sorry Monsanto: organic sales are absolutely exploding. The million may have been a mistype but still you don’t put this kind of stuff out there until you have your numbers correct. If the articles are this shoddy at editing I can only imagine they must have puppies doing all the fact checking and mice proofreading.
When the troll is loosing, they attack the writer.
Since you want to resort to childish name calling why don’t you go somewhere and hug a rotten tree until it falls on you HIPPIE!
More like flower child.
Wow, FarmPro, you really told him. Hippie??? What an insult. Did you have help to come up with that one? BTW, that’s a great joke, claiming it was the good old US of A that won both wars. Rewriting history to suit your claims is not how to win a debate. And let me ask, how is your current battle going to continue your fathers work to save the world from people who have other and more socialist and fascist intent within your own government?
Ooh, I think you upset the farm boy. Don’t you know his job is to show us that Monsanto is NOT sweating these days?
I could care less about Monsanto. As a matter of fact there are many other companies just like them doing the same thing yet no one ever mentions them. It seems to me that an awful lot of time is spent pointing the finger at just one entity. It is a wonderful thing about rules and money because he who has the money makes the rules, capitalism at its finest. Anyone who has a problem with that should buy a one way ticket to North Korea, hell I’ll buy them a ticket if they want to go.
Well, capitalist, enjoy your system for as long as it lasts. in case you haven’t been paying attention, the rest of the world has just about had it with capitalism. It’s only a small percentage of the overall population whom it works for and it will not sustain. Hope you can live in a world that isn’t run by the rich.
In case you haven’t been paying attention it was this free enterprise capitalist nation and soldiers like my father who saved the world twice from people who had other and more socialist and fascist intent. Its funny how ignorant people now look to the rest of the world for answers when it was the good ole U.S.A. who saved it from the brink of destruction at least twice.
Look a little closer into that history and you might start seeing the truth. Try reading a little Howard Zinn for starters. Flag-waving is a dishonest way of looking at history.
I guess you must be the type that prefers flag burning.
“Average” is evolving. The monetary cost of healthcare and inconvenience of illness partnered with the financial profit and fiduciary responsibility of those who run corporations is causing Rapid change away from conventionally produced faux foods.
When standing in line at the super market look at the products in the healthy vibrant cheerful consumer’s cart. Then look at what the obese pimply compection limping consumer. People notice and they talk. “Why organic? I have been thinking of changing to organic. My grandson is autistic and it has made a huge change in him.” or “I have heard that organic foods can cure my type two diabetes…”
“LOL” all you need to, but conversations like the two above happen often for my husband and I. We do not instigate these conversations. People are desperate to become well, to help their kids, their grandkids, their friends.
“I know it is expensive.” They say, but it is not – at least not in our experience. Afterall; we do not go out for fast food, or eat bags of chips or boxes of crackers. Gum, cookies, candy bars, sodas … Yuck! We don’t even purchase plastic bottles of water because we know about the cancer causing BPA given off by the plastic in the containers. So, our food bill is less.
When individuals choose to give up on standard healthcare and become healthy, they throw out their expensive toxic prescription medications and save money eating nutrient dense flavorful organic (NON-GMO) foods. This is capitalism brought about by grassroots consumer activism. The sharing of personal knowledge gained through experience.
Meanwhile your tap and shower water is contaminated with Fluoride, you use petrochemicals daily in many products, the environment is contaminated with Fukushima radiation, your home is bombarded with electromagnetic pollution from appliances, computers, smart meters, computers and cell phones, and you are being sprayed with chemtrails when you go out side. Hope the organic foods help, though.
Yes! Organic foods, filtered water, knowledge and awareness do help.
I have environmental illness which expresses through asthma and migrain headaches. By carefully eating foods grown without pesticides, filtering my water and maintaining a clean home, I am able to stay well without conventional medicine.
Here in Grants Pass, floride is not added to the water. I avoid plastics and use glass jars. I am very sensitive to petrochemical products, so avoid them. We do not have a smart meter.
So, should I do as some, not choose organic and justify my choice with cynicism? Nah.
My choice to purchase organic, cage-free, pastured, grassfed, permaculture produced local products to the tune of thousands of dollars each year is having an impact. Capitalism is alive and well. Corporations are jumping on the organic train because there are billions of dollars in profit to be made. Farmers are switching for the same reason.
Meanwhile, as long as I maintain a healthful nutrient dense pesticide free diet and a clean home, I am well. As I am in a community of people who care, I am thriving.
Funny…even though the activists and hippies shout about this stuff on a CONSTANT basis…the shelves are stocked and the food is selling like hotcakes. If YOU don’t like this stuff…don’t eat it! Otherwise, shut up and leave the rest of us alone. (By the “rest of us” I mean all the perfectly healthy folks all over America who eat this stuff constantly with zero negative effect.)
Well isn’t that the point of the article? Big companies are hearing (by lack of sales) that the peeps don’t want this crap anymore?
The article has an incorrect conclusion, meant to fit their agenda… The food is still being bought at the same rate. The Big Companies have simply lost their market share to far less expensive store brands. It’s as simple as that.
These companies are selling swill to innocent people. It is now coming back to bite their wallets. I do not care what any of them promise I won’t go back. I have learned how to make a lot of things at home, mayo, ketchup, pasta, bread, cheeses, cat food, shampoo, laundry detergent, soups, hot chocolate mix the list is endless.
GMO is toxic and is deadly. The reason GMO escapes being banned is because the damage it causes happens slowly; GMO kills slowly, but certainly does kill. And the science that explains all of this is well understood and has to do with protein compatibility and kidney load. Routinely eating GMO will take years off your life as certainly as smoking or alcoholism.
Also the head of the FDA and other high level people in the FDA came from mon satan.
It’s not about GMO’s and “processed”… I know everyone wants to tout that as a reason, but it is not. It’s simple economics. People are still buying this type of food, just not the “name brands”. Example: If you want to buy a box of Mac and Cheese, and you see the Kraft brand costs over a dollar, and the generic store brand costs 45 cents… and you know the much cheaper one tastes just as good, which one would you buy? Hey, I’m all for MUCH tougher standards and oversight. I hate GMO’s. I hate the idea of processed foods. But I personally cannot afford to buy better food, which sucks. I am literally in shock when I walk down the aisles at Whole Foods, and there is not a Trader Joe’s within 200 miles of me. It sucks, but I have no choice but to eat the most inexpensive food I can find.
The food might be inexpensive, but cancer and other illnesses aren’t. As many ailments are attributable to GMO, pesticides, herbicides, etc., they are ultimately a hidden cost in your food. Can you still afford to eat things that are not good for you? Our family eats organic and it 0costs less than McD’s and other fast foods. I would rather eat 4 ounces of organic beef than 8 ounces of hormone and antibiotic filled beef that grew up on GMO grain. It’s a quality over quantity thing.
it’s great that people are waking to bad things like gmo’s, vaccines, aspartame, msg, chemtrails, fluoride etc etc