1. blank Undecider says:

    Are they also going to have policies that building which collapse due to office fires?

  2. blank Slartibartfarst says:

    Right, and the State Department is going to transport Ebola stricken foreign medical personnel back to the us for treatment on the taxpayers dime? Disconnect!

  3. Better take health into your own hands. You can’t depend on some insurance company or hospital staff to be there if you get something like this. I will always keep my natural immunity boosted as high as possible, because I’m sure they’ll be spreading something around (maybe in some vaccine) that will get the unsuspecting people sick. Silver is great and one tool in the toolkit to use for natural immunity. I think we need to use a few different things to make sure we keep our immune system active and our body healthy. Pure Zeolite AV is another one, and probably my favorite against viruses and can be used with colloidal silver.

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