1. Mansanto is no longer a company. They are a force of evil. We need to get off our complacent a**es and start demanding they stop poisoning our children!

    1. YES! Well stated. Start taking action!

  2. If the US government had any decency or integrity it would revoke Monsanto's business license and sue it for malfeasance. Instead they promote Monsanto's evil around the world and even threaten countries who don't want to be poisoned. I agree with the other comments here. Go India!

  3. blank Tapan Patnaik says:

    Already one of the most corrupt states in India (UP) has given green signal for GM crops.

  4. how does GM crops affect humans?

  5. I like how SHERMAN won the war…

  6. i am school counselor and one of my students tearfully told me today her 2 year old brother has cancer. I know that either this baby had been fed GMO baby formula or the mother had a heavy GMO /pesticides/preservatives diet in her pregnancy. I also suspect she let them give her child every single vacination possible rather than picking and choosing or decllining all together. How else can you get cancer at 2 years old??? Needless to say the family is in crisis and this child who is already refusing to eat will not survive chemo and radiation. I normally don't get depressed about my work but this case is really affecting me.

  7. blank ashish1023 says:

    no nation is supposed to support a company and go against their foreign policy…, there is no valid reason for USA to erupt their foreign policy with other nation merely having regard to the health of their indigenous industries, they have restricted Monsanto from entering into their territory…!!!! this is equally shameful and undemocratic….

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