1. blank Anonymous says:

    Leave it to Monsanto genetically manipulate and destroy nature.

  2. blank Anonymous says:

    They create the Bt, then modify it even further to make it do its original purpose.

  3. blank Anonymous says:

    Insects with GM mutations.

  4. blank Anonymous says:

    Amazing what GMO crops can do.

  5. blank Ella Baker says:

    The World Trade Organization has made a preliminary ruling that European Union restrictions on genetically engineered crops violate international trade rules. The United States, Canada, and Argentina together grow 80 percent of all biotech crops sold commercially, by which the EU regulates such crops. The countries argued that the EU's regulatory process was far too slow and its standards were unreasonable given that the overwhelming body of scientific evidence finds the crops safe.You can take action by staying informed and spreading the word at http://geneticallyengineeredfoodnews.com

  6. blank biggerbrain says:

    Pesticides are for killing rats NOT insects.

    Bt is NOT pesticide it is insecticide.

    How do you expect intelligent people to take you seriously when you cant even use the right words??

    1. When farmers grow GMO they are less profitable than there organic and non-GMO counterparts. I think your confusing the conversation here with one that is an attack on farmers rather than a conversation about whether or not biotech industries should be allowed to continue to peddle GMO seed that is harmful to humans, animals fed it and the environment at large. I LOVE farmers! I know quite a few! I live in a rural area and try to buy local food whenever possible. Know your farms- Know your food is a great motto and I try to observe it.

      Chemical regulations are NOT stringent in the least! What the EPA deems "safe' is far from it. It only takes minute amounts of pesticides over 20 to 50 years to create massive health problems and environmental implications,

      Biotech industries shouting from the roof tops that they want to feed the world is a crock! It's all about money, controlling who has the seed and selling you pesticides all the while.

      Do you work for Monsanto?

  7. Go Organic!

    We teach small-scale rural farmers organic methods. Through mentor-ship and a support system, we ultimately offer them a market into which their produce can be sold, through the establishment of their own farmers' co-operatives.

    We are committed to eradicating poverty and closing the gap between rich and poor.

  8. blank Tom of god says:

    Your link to the study is a dead link. Therefore all of your rant is ideological bla bla bla.
    By the way you lost me at the beginning with linking GMO to health problems. No credible evidence for this link exists. Fact check first. Check sources next, then rant rant rant.

    1. It’s not a dead link. It leads to a site that talks about Bt-resistant Rootworms.

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