Huge Win: Mainstream GMO-Free Baby Formula is Coming!

In line with Targets recent proclamation to offer more ‘green’ and ‘non-GMO’ foods to their customers with its Simply Balanced brand, global health care company Abbott will soon sell a GMO-free baby formula at Target called Similac Advance – the very first mainstream baby formula that will not contain genetically altered ingredients.
With all the petitions circulating with thousands of signatures protesting genetically modified ingredients like soy and corn in baby formula, the announcement that a non-GMO baby formula will be available is a huge victory for our food supply and our smallest members of society.
Considering that Similac is currently one of the biggest sellers of baby formula in the United States, this is a significant change. It will likely inspire other baby formula brands to go GMO free in order to compete.
According to the New York Times, Similac’s parent company Abbott said it would first offer a “non-G.M.O.” version of its best-selling Similac Advance, followed by a non-G.M.O. version of Similac Sensitive. If sales are good, then Abbott may offer other formulas free of such ingredients.
Chris Calamari, general manager of Abbott’s pediatric nutrition business, commented:
“We listen to moms and dads, and they’ve told us they want a non-G.M.O. option. We want to make sure we meet the desires of parents.”
More likely, the major brand was observing the decline of their sales for GM-containing baby formula, and decided to make a change before going bankrupt. There are numerous brands that still contain GMOs, and parents are not too happy about it.
In a recent study, Monsanto’s GMO corn was found in baby formula in Portland, Oregon, but Enfamil, and Gerber (parent company Nestle) also make formulas containing genetically modified ingredients.
You can see a short list of GMO-containing baby formulas to avoid here. Other great suggestions are made by moms themselves who are concerned about feeding their babies GM products that are questionable in nature and may cause health issues (especially to small, developing bodies).
Additional Sources:
Featured Image from NY Times
Women make their own baby formula!
Yes, and it’s the best for babies. Unfortunately, not all moms can breastfeed. I was one of those unfortunate ones and I was also one of many ignorant women who didn’t know what I was doing when I fed my son Similac soy formula for a year. To top that off, I even made that nasty crap with city fluoridated water (Brita filter only, which doesn’t defluoridate), and now he has fluorosis on top of being fed pesticide-laden GM-soy and corn. Sadly, even if I had known about GMOs and pesticides (and the soy myth), it’s unlikely I could have done much about it at that time since the options were so small then.
Now go read about WestonAPricedotorg and the brilliant dentist, himself — Weston A Price. Look all through the website and contact them if you can’t find it because
they have developed a special formula for moms who can’t breastfeed. Then you’ll be able to tell other moms in this situation. If you can find a holistic dentist to help your son.
I think GMOs are horrible. I sign petitions against them daily. Similac is great for doing this. I wish more people/companies cared about having healthy food.
Thank you; I’m already aware of the homemade formula recipes. Too late for me and my kiddo but not for other women, thankfully.
Unfortunately, there’s not much a dentist of any type can do about fluorosis (he does see a holistic dentist, though). I give my kid Lugol’s iodine/iodide in order to help displace the fluoride, but I fear the mottling of the teeth is permanent unless we do some kind of bleaching. 🙁
I think it’s great when companies listen to their customers, too, but we should all be wary of “greenwashing”. I feel like that’s what they’re doing. Even if they found enough non-GM-soy to make this new formula (unlikely at this point in time) the soy will probably still be contaminated with conventional pesticides (they’re not using organic soy). It still isn’t a “health food”, either, as it’s been touted for a long time. It certainly shouldn’t be given to male babies, IMO.
Breastfeeding is best for your baby but some women are unable to do this so it’s great that someone is offering a GMO free formula.
I wouldn’t trust their word if I was a new mom looking for formula. If the product doesn’t carry the Non-GMO Project label, then they could very well just be blowing smoke. Just look at the one corn chips that recently got caught labeled as non-GMO when they actually were mostly GM-corn (sorry, I don’t know how to spell it off the top of my head). If this formula isn’t being regularly tested and certified as non-GMO then I would pass.
This is my concern as well. With the soar in “Non-GMO” labels out there I have to wonder how many actually are and it doesn’t help when the organizations who are certifying the stuff are highly corrupt. How long before even the Non-GMO Project is not trustworthy? I worry when I see their label popping up on major brands that we know are not known for their ethical practices. Organic is another one that is being slapped on everything. And that “BPA-free” that everyone’s looking for just means they replaced it with something else that is going to kill us. Best to stay away from all plastics in general especially when they hold food.
I hope the Non-GMO Project doesn’t become corrupted because they’re actually a more reliable certifier than the USDA organic. Anyone can have their food tested and certified through them, even the big names. What I find funny is when some of these bigger brands have products certified that don’t even contain potential GMOs. Of course the product passes the test. Lol.
I agree about the BPA-free label. Many are just substituting BPS, which may be worse. I use as little plastic as possible.
GMO’s should indeed be removed from all food, or at least the choice given, but the other danger, even in GMO-free crops is glyphosate (the poison in Round-Up). Natural Society’s companion article “Our Food is Sprayed with Carcinogenic Chemicals 3 Days Before Harvest” clearly identifies the problem for non-GMO crops that are not organic. Glyphosate destroys human gut bacteria and chelates heavy metals, like aluminum and mercury, so that they can pass through the intestinal wall, and later, with the help of fluoride, the blood brain barrier. I don’t want to put a damper on this major breakfthrough in commercial products, but until the farmers all go organic and until communities cease fluoridation (mass medication) and until vaccines remove heavy metals, the neuro-toxic poisoning of Americans, and any others foolish enough to eat the lethal products, will continue.
Baby formula is contaminated with aluminum:
Fluoride from drinking water (and “fortified formula water”) combines with aluminum.
The fluoroaluminum complex is linked to alzheimer’s disease:
my LO who is 6YO also got constipation problem. i’ve been feeding her different type of food everyday since last week, but she still couldn’t poopoo already 3 days.. she complained to me that she felt painful.. im so worry!!! any formula to overcome this problem?
Yeah, previously I facing the same problem too. I have a few solution that might help. First, you can try with tummy message. If this is not working then you have to get some exercise for your child, the active child used to have faster metabolism and If your child is old enough try to eat a variety of solid foods, cut down on constipating foods like rice, bananas, and cooked carrots.
the best way is just go to see and ask the expert. do it in proper way. not only simply take and try. sometimes, old and traditional remedies didnt work. and maybe it will getting more worse
My DD who is 6YO also have the same problem previously. Someone just suggested me to switch the formula milk to Mamil as it prevent constipation. Once I switched to Mamil for a week, it really works! My DD start recovering! By the way, Mamil contains no sugar and the highest level of DHA which is good for kids. Also, the pre-biotic in Mamil helps to solve constipation problem.. You can consider it..
Actually there’s alot constipation baby treatment one… Like those home made remedies; fruit juice all which is less heaty.. but effectiveness is still milk formula.. I’ve tried quite a number of milk formula & i found that Mamil has the prebiotics as constipation prevention ingredient which is good for children’s digestive system la..
Mamil ingredient is heaty honestly.. i think it doesnt suitable for my kids