1. blank E.w. Modemac says:

    You can have 120,000 scientists call for it to be republished, if you can find that many…which I doubt. That still doesn’t change the fact that it was a fraudulent study with biased results.

    1. blank Shirley_Mae says:

      Comment paid for by Monsanto et al…

    2. blank Mrs.Dixon says:

      Nobody claimed the study was fraudulent. They said it used the wrong rats as well as too few rats. The study was an extension of the same study Monsanto did to prove that gmos were safe.

      1. blank Lakingsno1 says:

        Monsanto doing its own studies to prove they are safe is not science its Monsanto propaganda, telling the sheeple that they are safe. Personally i will avoid and you all should too . Lable all GMO and allow the sheep to decide whats safe and what isn’t.

    3. There was nothing bias or fraudulent
      about the study. Period

  2. blank Gail L Ross, M.S. says:

    What does it take to convince someone? More studies while Americans serve as guinea pigs without their knowledge or consent? The study was not biased. Are you a Monsanto troll. There is sufficient evidence without it anyways but it just substantiates the others. Oh not to mention possible ecoside and human extinction but I guess that’s okay with you.

  3. “The study was retracted with great violence by the journal which published it after a former employee of Monsanto was introduced onto the editorial board of the journal. He is the former head of GMO toxicology dossiers at Monsanto.”
    They go on to say: “This study was withdrawn due to the wrongdoing of lobbyists in the system, under pressure from Monsanto. The arguments of the journal were the same as those of Monsanto. In any case, we stand by our findings! And we will republish [the study]!”

  4. Seralini study was horribly flawed. Prejean et al. studied back in 1973 how often these Sprague-Dawley rats developed tumors spontaneously. They had 179 male and 181 female rats. 58 % of male and 34 % of female rats developed tumors in 18 months.
    Seralini et al. had 10 male and 10 female rats in the control group. 30 % of male and 20 % female rats developed tumors in two years. These results are due to small sample size. Prejean’s study lasted 6 months less than Seralini’s but they got more tumors. When you have small sample size like in Seralini’s study, the effect of chance is greater.
    Prejean et al: http://cancerres.aacrjournals.org/content/33/11/2768.full.pdf

  5. blank Diogenes Infante, PhD. says:

    1240 “scientist”. There is no ONE evidence against GMO after 30 years. GMO are absolutly the safest technology deveoped by humans. This is the classical masquerade of people depicting themselves as a farmers or scientist to campaing agains GMO.

    1. I would bet that YOU don’t eat them you nasty troll!

  6. where is the link to the list of the 1240 scientists? how do we know the list isnt padded or filled with non-biologists and non doctors
    google “project steve” which is a parody response to a similar list by creationists

  7. blank Mike Campbell says:

    1240 scientists is not a massive backlash – it is a miniscule proportion of the world’s scientist population of 10 million or more.
    Moreover the research has not been “suppressed” – it is still easily available on the ‘net.

  8. blank Michael Polidori says:

    The USA Food and Drug Administration refuses to regulate or label GM crops. They claimed in the 1990s that GM crops are “substantially equivalent” to conventional and organic crops and do not need regulation or labeling.
    The USDA and the EPA regulate GM crops because of the dangers they pose to farmland, other crops and the environment.
    Neither the USDA or the EPA are concerned about the consequences of people or animals eating GM crops, they claim that is not their job.
    GM crops now have at least two insecticides growing in them that cannot be washed off or cooked out. They also are immune to at least two herbicides. This allows for weed control by spraying the crops and the soil, which means herbicide residue on and inside the crop, which we and our children are now eating as part of our diet.
    We have never had herbicide in our diet before, it is not safe.
    RoundUp label – https://www.organicconsumers.org/old_articles/monsanto/roundup.php
    No feeding trials are required to be done on GMO foods by the FDA to ensure they are safe to eat.
    The Seralini study proves GMO corn sprayed with RoundUp herbicide causes liver and kidney damage – http://www.gmoseralini.org/en/
    Go to the Seralini website and view the evidence, the critics and criticisms and Seralini patient refutations of ALL the critics.
    See how unsafe and untested GM food crops are!
    Just labeling GMO will stop them dead in their contaminated tracks!
    As Always,
    For the protection of children,
    In the interests of truth and science,
    Michael Polidori

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