1. You might want to be concerned with the vast amount of people that get violently sick when they take this stuff. The stuff that they put into the ponds to make the chlorella grow faster would surprise you. Take a look at the not for profit website set up to warn unsuspecting people to stay away from what you are promoting. Just google up vomit chlorella or any sick type of combination and you will find many people had no clue such a "superfood" could be so dangerous.

  2. Chlorella and Spirulina are different kinds of algae. Both have their benefits. It is actually very beneficial to take both in combination. It is important to source your algae carefully as algae is like a sponge for radiation. Look for a certificate of analysis with each batch.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      paid monkey, stay with real life

  3. I tried Chorlella years ago and it cured I.B.S but it made me nauseous whenever I took it.

  4. been my own thoughts ever since the accident.

  5. Any Nausea or sickness from chlorella is detoxification. Take lower dosage. Chlorella is super safe. I have been taking high doses of chlorella for the last year and its very beneficial on many levels especially my energy levels and immune system. When I first took it I experienced nausea and sickness but I simply lowered the dose and then increased the dose over time.

  6. I heard that you are not suppose to stay on Chlorella for a long period of time. I was on it for about a month and was doing ok, then after taking it longer I did have very loose stools and stomach pain so I quit taking it.

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