Why Are Govt Subsidies Forcing GMO Baby Formula on Low Income Mothers?

It’s unfortunate, but mothers and babies who receive federally-funded WIC assistance (Women, Infants and Children Program) are usually provided with formula comprised of GMO ingredients, including GMO corn and GMO soy. Mothers who desire organic baby formula for their developing children are denied it. Are the poor relegated to carcinogenic, developmentally-altering, genetically modified food, and nothing else?
If Nestle/Gerber have their way, government subsidies will continue to pay for their toxic products – no matter that they will be negatively affecting the health of children of future generations.
In California alone, more than 1.45 million participants take advantage of WIC. This means that mothers can purchase baby formula with the organization’s assistance, but it must be ‘WIC-approved,’ and to the ‘exacting’ standards of the FDA.
Which formulas are approved for low-income mothers to purchase?
For starters – Enfamil EnfaCare, Gerber Good Start, and Similac. These are all on lists of baby foods to avoid because they contain GMO soy and corn, as well as traces of pesticides and herbicide.
Why would we knowingly feed our children GMOs before it has really been proven to be ‘safe’ as Monsanto, BASF, and other companies like Abbott Laboratories, Mead Johnson Nutrition, and Nestlé USA, the company who wants to own water rights, tout?
If you feed your baby one of the following three infant formulas, you are perhaps, unknowingly, feeding them GMO corn, sugar beets, and soy, since they are often used these companies’ products.
I’m lucky enough to be able to breastfeed my infant, so this is a moot point for me except as a social responsibility. But for many mothers labeled ‘working poor,’ it is nearly impossible for them to feed their babies without utilizing infant formula. Long hours at work and sometimes the lack of a two-parent household means that babies are in the care of others more often, and have to be fed from the bottle. Does this mean that to add insult to injury, the financially challenged of this nation should be forced to feed their children questionable food?
Even if you don’t formula-feed your infant, tell companies that make GMO baby formula that their actions are criminal. Tell them to stop.
Do you really have to ask why? It is an easy way to get rid of an “undesirable” class of people, in their view, people with no means to purchase healthy alternatives, a captive audience, if you will. It also creates profits from drugs and medical procedures when the toxins create illnesses and disease (dis-ease). They also use these people they assume other sectors of society will not care about to experiment on.
Also, you mention breast milk. While it is decidedly better, it is also full of poisons from our atmosphere. For example, jet fuel residue is found in all of it.
breastfeeding still 200 times better for the baby and it is also what was intended for babies to consume
Sure, especially if the mom’s milk is full of toxines from everything she eats, drinks etc…. How smart, isnt it?
What a bunch of narcissistic corp! Why does Deagle think the USA will have an 80% reduction in population?? Pharm Pharmaceuticals, Pharm Phood, Fluoride, Chemtrails……. We are expected to have an 80% decline in spendable income as well!! Why? Nukes? Slowly poisoned and made infertile?As a nation as a whole we’ve been dumbed down enough! Cut loose the government teat and start prepping peeps! Food water, ammo, barter stuff!! Get ready to go camping forever, and expect to defend what stuff you have!! Or keep watching hoe many Coronas Kim Kardasian can balance on her ass and stay stupid! Right GMO Guy Roberts!
“Nestlé is the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company and our commitment to remove artificial flavors and certified colors in our chocolate candy brands is an important milestone,” said Doreen Ida, president, Nestlé USA Confections & Snacks.
you think thats horrific you should cover just what kind of “medical care” this same “economic group” is expected to endure.medicaid is about as dangerous as it comes ,especially with “dental” “care” ,they are allowed to place as much mercury amalgam as they want into the mouths of young mothers and children and no alternatives are allowed.occasionally one can convince them to fill with the bisphenol composites,that arent much better,bust most wont allow for that ,and while they are all drilling and filling you and your child with enough mercury to cause permanent chronic and persistent health and mental health and absolute immune dysfunction for life NOT ONE dentist medicad allows for is trained in safe mercury removal or extraction.health care consists of required dangerous “preventative care” like yearly mammograms,every vaccine in existence ,and absolutely no natural health or non allopathic chemical medicine allowed at all.antibiotics given so routinely its insane ,flu jabs every 6 months ,and a general disrespect for the clients stemming from the low billing amounts allowed for the doctors .you are diagnosed based on medicaids list of “approved” diseases allowed billing for ,and treatments based on what insurance will allow the most profitable payments for also.then everyone wonders why theres so much “dysfunction” in the lower incomes.
By definition, the poor shouldnt breed, end of story
If you really believe that, you have a very sad, small future.
I’ve found that it’s not just low-income mothers, but those of us who foster children as well. It’s just horrible! We want to do what’s right for these children, but it’s too expensive to buy formula outside of WIC!