1. blank Robert Zraick says:

    The giant corporations are commiting crimes against humanity. The damage they are doing to the world and to its people is hard to fathom.

    There may come a day when these criminals are brought to justice. That day will not be until justice itself is purged of the criminal coruption which now allows this to continue.

    I would suggest the all the CEOs and boards of direvtors of the corporations like Monsanto , be required to participate in a test. They would be required to eat nothing but their own GMO food for a period of 10 years and then the results could be varified.

    But of course this is a fantasy. Their appetite is not for their monster foods, but for profits. Profits without any morality or ethics or regard for human life.

    One day the victims of these horrors will rise up and these people will find themselve at the mercy of mob justice. The mob will show them the same mercy as they have now shown the mob.

    By then it will be to late because the type of damage they are doing will not be repairable.

  2. I think management should have their brains genetically altered so that they can think of better ways to save money – it's obvious they can't and shouldn't be in management.

  3. GMOs should be treated as allergens and the same laws that apply to allergens should apply to GMOs.

  4. blank Chocolate lover says:

    I’m trying to eliminate GMOs from my diet and this story has me worrying about chocolate, so I did a bit of searching. According to the USDA announcement of the completed sequencing of the cacao genome:
    “help sustain the supply of high-quality cocoa to the $17 billion U.S.
    chocolate industry and protect the livelihoods of small farmers around
    the world by speeding up development, through traditional breeding
    techniques, of trees better equipped to resist the droughts, diseases
    and pests that threaten this vital agricultural crop.”

    NOTE: “development, through traditional breeding

    Unless you have more specific news about actual gene-splicing and bioengineering, it appears to me that scientists will use the genome sequence to figure out vulnerabilities to fungus, etc. and then through hybridizing (normal breeding that been done forever) improve the trees. I hope I’m right.

  5. blank Joolz Art says:

    What to do if you want to get rid of obese people. Poison them… One reason not to eat chocolate.

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