1. Good read, Lisa. The lack of critical thinking is a key enabler of the tabloid style "health news" alerts.

    Glad there are those out there spreading the truth!

  2. Your conclusions are not particularly helpful for most of us.

    Not all Americans have access to the kind of eggs you recommend, and many of us who do, can't afford them. It seems that you may actually agree with the study's conclusions, as regards typical eggs in the US. Are ordinary eggs really "little more than hard-shelled pellets of poison"? I don't think so. Maybe you could back that up with some citations. You may not be in the 'eggs are bad' camp, but are certainly in the 'most eggs are bad' camp.

    How about some links to studies showing the benefits of ordinary eggs?

    It appears to me that the two studies you link to in this sentence — "Organic eggs from healthy chickens on GMO-free feed have actually shown in many studies to prevent heart disease." — do not mention the source of their eggs, and I doubt they were of the type you claim. (I don't have the money to purchase the actual articles, but I did read the abstracts.)

    Added hormones are prohibited in the US for all commercial chickens, including layers, as anyone can verify using their favorite search engine, or by reading the required disclaimer in the labeling on any egg or chicken package that claims to be 'free of added hormones'. Why do you mislead?

    I'm disappointed that you advise against one of the few affordable, healthy foods available to many millions of us. Not as healthy as what you advocate, but what should the poor and middle-class substitute? Cheerios?

    I'm especially disappointed in the lack of accuracy in your reporting.

  3. blank Dave Smith says:

    The reason this is worthless is because they don’t mention WHAT ELSE these people ate besides eggs. Did they have toast with jam, oatmeal, french toast and pancakes with their eggs all those years? Those other things are shown to be very harmful. And relying on peoples’ memory of what they ate isn’t even accurate for 48 hours much less decades. Worthless.

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