1. VitaminWater, as its called, is a Farce! Common people! If you want water..drink WATER!! No added Anything!(except from the tap!). My concern is for the young generation, who are manipulated and sold CRAP, for something that it isnt!! I admire your articles for this! Because you are putting OUT the TRUTH!! If you are 35 or older, we need to organize and devulge the truth for the younger gen., who do not have enough experience in life to understand how Greed works in our World!

  2. I've noticed when I dip my vitamins in milk chocolate and them fry them in animal lard they not only taste great but go down much better!
    (powdered sugar is optional)

  3. they want to make money. Thats all they care. They dont care about your health.. you like it, buy it, – thats all they want.

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