1. Fantastic vid to come from what I thought was just another corporation. Stunning…and hopefully will reach the hearts and minds of people. We must shut down factory farms…and give incentives for small farmers…organic farmers. It’s not a utopian dream folks..it can become reality…but we must work at it. Corporations have now become so powerful with fiat currency..and we are controlled by ‘commerce’…listen to Max Igan on YouTube…he will tell you more….

  2. Oh, how I LOVED this ad! I was cheering and jumping up and down that SOMEONE had the balls to stand up for what is right! It’s about time that the United States of America and her people get rid of corruption in our food supply! We all need to stand up and fight! =)

  3. blank Barrie Briggs says:

    Very simple and well done

  4. blank yankee phil says:

    Mad cow disease is still in the food chain,the neural system it normally inhabits is simply removed from the cow before the butchering begins,thats the new law introduced to eliminate the danger because the disease can’t be economically eliminated .The austrailian’s (where the disease was born in animal feed made from other dead animals((solient green?))) still exports worldwide and no one has prosecuted them for spreading this pandemic or attempted to control the animal feed they still produce from dead animals of the same species (sheep).

  5. blank Mac Roman says:

    It’s more than refreshing to see a company who really cares about what it serves to it’s customers. No more Frankenfood please!

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