Chipotle Blasts Factory Farms Following GMO Labeling Campaign

If you are tired of big corporations whitewashing the truth about our precious food supply, wretched factory farming, and the way we inject our food with hormones and antibiotics only to conveyor-belt them through factory farms, then you may love Chipotle’s new ad/smartphone game, “The Scarecrow”. The ad/game offers an imaginative glimpse into the cruel world of factory farms. It reminds all of us in the most breathtakingly simple way that we do have a choice about how we make our food, and how we eat or food.
The ad details the life of a scarecrow – an animated metaphor for the hollow man and woman we’ve all become – clocking into a dreary facility, witnessing the cruel treatment of animals as they are plumped up with growth hormones in boxes and tiny cages. In one pivotal scene, the camera zooms into a cow with a tag on its ear – a mere number in the long chain of ‘food’ that will feed a zombie nation.
Is it possible that the brainwashing will halt, and we will see more of this artful form of ousting the industrial food factory – the lilting voice of Fiona Apple singing “Pure Imagination” from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? I couldn’t think of a more wretchedly beautiful way to orchestrate a great awakening myself.
Read: Top 10 GMO Foods for Your GMO Foods List
This ad is a long-awaited breathe of fresh air. It isn’t simply the mind-boggling notion that a single corporation responsible for serving millions of people every day would treat and serve such food. It will simply turn the world upside down. It’s already making quite an impression:
Peter Weber at The Week says, “it is the most beautiful, haunting infomercial you’ll ever see.”
Gawker’s Neetzan Zimmerman says, “all other ads should just give up.”
Bruce Horovitz at USA Today says, “Chipotle is about to turn the ad world on its head.”
Chipotle has been supporting real food for awhile now, with ads that support small farms, and taking action by labeling their food with GMO labels.
This is going to give small business the exact edge they need over main stream media. I believe that this ad is artfully educational, in the highest form with a simple message:
We Can Make a Difference and Choose Better Ways to Make, Serve and Eat our Food!
Is the ad as great as everyone says? The message is good, though opinions differ. What do you think? If you want to see how this ad was made, you can look at some behind the scenes information here.
Fantastic vid to come from what I thought was just another corporation. Stunning…and hopefully will reach the hearts and minds of people. We must shut down factory farms…and give incentives for small farmers…organic farmers. It’s not a utopian dream can become reality…but we must work at it. Corporations have now become so powerful with fiat currency..and we are controlled by ‘commerce’…listen to Max Igan on YouTube…he will tell you more….
Oh, how I LOVED this ad! I was cheering and jumping up and down that SOMEONE had the balls to stand up for what is right! It’s about time that the United States of America and her people get rid of corruption in our food supply! We all need to stand up and fight! =)
Very simple and well done
Mad cow disease is still in the food chain,the neural system it normally inhabits is simply removed from the cow before the butchering begins,thats the new law introduced to eliminate the danger because the disease can’t be economically eliminated .The austrailian’s (where the disease was born in animal feed made from other dead animals((solient green?))) still exports worldwide and no one has prosecuted them for spreading this pandemic or attempted to control the animal feed they still produce from dead animals of the same species (sheep).
It’s more than refreshing to see a company who really cares about what it serves to it’s customers. No more Frankenfood please!