1. This product is sold all over the WORLD! I see young CHILDREN drinking it. What will it take to educate people about this toxic, chemical liquid that is so harmful to their health? The TOBACCO industry was taken on by society, so why isn’t the SODA industry?
    The term DIET and ZERO CALORIES was a marketing genius to get people addicted and to THINK it really was a ‘good’ thing…the industry will stop at nothing to deceive us.
    WE have to stop THEM

    1. you actually see young children drinking it? Im shocked!! Your post would lead one to believe you just landed on earth a couple of days ago. COKE has been being made and consumed by children since around 1886. Simple to stop them … dont buy their product.

      1. Youre joking right? Ever heard of ‘brand loyality’? How about those rosy christmas commercials with coke and polar bears and santa? Its a very subconscious just like like tabaco and in a lot of countries its super cheap so what child wouldnt want a fizzy drink? so id hope you see how challenging it would be to fight off the gigantic corporation that is coke…

        1. No joking here. Fighting off? I’m only responsible for myself. Like I said. It’s simple. I quit drinking and buying it and I encourage those around me to do the same by educating them of the real dangers of the product. If they choose to continue to feed the beast that is on them.

  2. blank Drink Up Slave says:

    Come one! You didnt even mention the BIG one, FLUORIDE! All soda is bottled in your local major city where it uses city water. It may be filtered w a basic sediment filter so that sand or rust doesnt get into their soda, but fluoride removal requires a very expensive filter they’re not gonna invest in. DEADLY FLUORIDE IS IN EVERY SODA! Drink up.

  3. Don’t forget the chemicals that leach from the plastic bottles, and the aluminum in the cans tied to Alzheimer’s, and the fact that a can a day, diet or not, adds 10 pounds of body fat a year.

    1. I have a can a day and I am 5’6″ and 120 pounds. It’s all about balancing your diet and moderation. I’m healthy, I’m fit and there is NO aspartame in regular soda, but IS in diet, which I have never, ever drank.

  4. seriously its just soda

  5. blank Humphreys Betty says:

    My son drank a coke regular and within 5 minutes had a headache, and told me how irritable he was getting from it. Tell me there is nothing in it that is bad for you. I used to drink diet coke daily and I was fatigued and depressed. Since I have been off the stuff (all kinds) I have felt better. As for my son this was a learning lesson for him.

  6. did you work for coke? putting all the stuff in it?

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