Cannabis Continues to Eradicate Disease Despite Efforts to Suppress It

Big Pharma would suffer a severe financial blow if something natural was allowed to be used for a wide array of health problems. The medical mafia would lose a grip on its treatment tyranny, and all the auxiliary wings of the cancer industry would lose their businesses raising money for “cancer cures” from Big Pharma, even as many already do exist outside the Medical Mafia matrix. This is especially true when it comes to the highly vilified plant – cannabis.
But this whole episode of hemp and marijuana suppression shouldn’t have happened in the first place. It appears the roots of oppression were in early 20th Century America, when John D. Rockefeller established allopathic medical education and certification for the benefit of his burgeoning pharmaceutical and oil empires.
Rockefeller’s oil and pharmaceutical influence was (and is) worldwide. The Rockefeller clan merged with the largest international pharmaceutical company, the German company I.G. Farben, to increase pharmaceutical influence internationally. Things got even worse in 1930s USA when even industrial non-THC hemp was banned in the States.
That ban was accomplished by industry insiders in the executive branch who were protecting their financial interests in forestry’s timber to paper industry, synthetic textiles, and petroleum based plastics, apparently in response to a newly patented hemp shredder.
This modern shredder would enable rapid access to hemp fibers and replace those other environmentally unsustainable uses, had just been created and promoted by Mechanics Illustrated magazine as the key to a new billion dollar industry involving hemp.
Read: 4 Real Stories of Marijuana’s Life-Saving Benefits
International and domestic medical research on cannabis has opened up considerably over the last few decades, no thanks to USA health and law enforcement agencies. In 1974, the National Institute of Health (NIH) funded The Virginia Medical College to do research proving marijuana destroyed the immune system and brain cells. Instead, the researchers discovered that cancer cells were destroyed leading to complete ‘cures’ in lab rats.
The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) stopped the research immediately. Shortly after that, President Gerald Ford mandated that only pharmaceutical companies would be funded for marijuana research. Fortunately, their efforts to synthetically reproduce cannabis’s healing properties have failed. Here’s that story.
Hemp or Cannabis Oil Replacing Medical Marijuana Smoking
Rick Simpson was forced to leave his native Canada and settle in Europe because he was under threat of arrest for producing hemp/cannabis oil in Nova Scotia and treating mainstream medicine’s “incurables” for free. His mistake was naively trying to get a legal exemption for the oil in Canada, then continuing to help others after being turned down by the court system.
Rick’s revelation after this was that the cancer industry does not want a ‘cure’. That would bring down a huge house of dollars for many. Coming to the USA would have been worse for his desire to spread the word on cannabis hemp oil. So he became an expat in Europe while spreading the word on cannabis oil’s medicinal use.
Now Rick is free to return to Canada as he travels Europe spreading the gospel of cannabis solutions. He explains it’s only because of his rapid rise to international notoriety and as long as he avoids lecturing and mainstream media exposure in America, which he enjoys throughout Europe and Israel.
Rick’s methods involve a somewhat risky solvent, naptha, that demands caution and large amounts of the whole plant. But a safer, easier method for making smaller amounts of the oil with grain alcohol is demonstrated here.
See the documentary “Run From the Cure,” which you can view here.
Additional Sources:
What a bunch of BS propaganda. Massive amounts of testing, clinical trials on humans are being done with new drugs made from marijuana now some are even in use. Legalizing it has nothing to do with it being used for medicel use.
“Drugs made from marijuana”? Who wants synthetic crap when we have the real thing? Using a plant that our Creator gave us and that freely grows in nature is our God-given right… can any adult tell another adult what they can or cannot do with their own bodies and natural substances? It’s ludicrous.
The government has known since 1974 than cannabis cures cancer! They kept it illegal, apparently so that Big Pharma can continue to reap the profits. No more Big Pharma lab created drugs created to mimic cannabis!
Do your own research. I’m not here to school you. “Real crap” doesn’t work? SOURCE? There is a natural cure for almost everything. (You do the research….I already did.) BUT Big Pharma can’t make money on stuff that grows in nature… the govt. just makes it illegal and claim it has no medicinal value, while at the same time holding a patent on cannabis and Big Pharma is creating Marinol among others which are SYNTHETIC replications of the real thing (this mean chemically created).
Natural cures DO work… are thinking of the multitudes of PHARMACEUTICALS that don’t work and are recalled continually for maiming and killing people.
This article is talking about the medicine in the plant… yeah we all know that smoking the plant is the least effective way to get the medicine…..but it does help, as medicine, for some ailments. I think it’s time for you to do a teeny bit more research….
Please link to real studies not articles about some study.
Streat Marijuana dose not save lives. Processed compounds from Marijuana show great results it will not come from joes garage from down the street it will come from stairel lab. and it dose not have to be legal for that to happen.
Hell Frank
In states where people can smoke it male suicides have gone down 10%. Road death have gone down 10%. I think thats fantastic
Smoking it causes pain relief, and people dont have to be on mega addictive big pharma pain killers.
I hate the fact that big arsehole ultra wealthy people sidelined this miracle plant, so we could have their putrid chemicals and medicines that caused more harm than the good they are supposed too. They also created big pharma and sidelined the competition 80-100 years ago.
if theirs was better and worked well and cost effectively I would be all for it, but it does not.
in your nation you pay 17.7 of gdp for health and most of Europe and Australia pay 9-12% and we live 3-5 years longer than those int he USA. So you pay almost double that of Australia ( 9%) and live shorter lives and have more health problems than we do down under earlier. That system sounds like a failure to me
You FDA and big pharma have sidelined so many things good for health for years. Look up Morris Fishbein head of the journal of the AMA till 1954, he probably helped tens of millions go to their graves much earlier than needed.
Anslinger lied to congress to get the 1937 marijuana act through and stop so many submissions. Noxon ignored the finding of the Schaffer commission which said legalise it, its OK.
The drugs lords must have loved Nixon. The 1937 marijuana tax act was unconsutional, so he ignored Schaffer and then brought in the 1972 controlled substances act.
Screwed over the USA people who voted him in for big business at the cost of the quality of your lives.
Made some drugs so illegal and attractive to sell he created the illegal drug trade big time. He is the drug lords poster boy and Clinton spent more on the drug war than from Nixon to him combined.
You need some new party, and I reckon for 2016 one of the major issues should be free hemp farming and seed collection.
If the 50-60 million people who have smoked pot all voted for a USA hemp party they would probably govern the nation or control the balance of power.
IMAGINE THAT. look what thye say about USA hypocrisy on this homepage.
Ron Paul was all for the re-industrialisation of Indian hemp for decades.
Why legalise it, well cheap health care for the world and we dont have to buy from a government protected cartel pedaling a lot of mediocre solutions.
Why pay for crap that does not work.
This goes beyond hemp look up Dr Thomas Levy on Vit C and that’s a big suppression too. 95% of the current ebola death could have been averted with IV Vit C and liposomal VIT C.
Have look at
I have started watching the 45 hours of interviews with doctors getting all those spontaneous remissions on DVD’s they have sent.
So many ways to get better results than the current system
Once you truly look at hemp you have to start to question how badly our current governments are working for us, but so much for a big business oligarchy.
You mean the same John D. Rockefeller who created HUD and rent control in New York, that bankrupted the city in the 1970’s and 80’s? If the apartment cost $750 a month and the renter only had to $350; John D was guaranteed the difference from the taxpayers. What a deal for him.
Hemp won’t get in as long as Big Cotton, Oil companies, or anyone else that has to do with food, fuel, clothing, housing and auto manufacturing; because hemp can do them all, and a lot better.
ts not big corp that’s the problem. There’s no money in Hemp. Out of the 36 and dropping countries that legally grow hemp compared to south Dakota witch grew more flax. than all 36 countries combined. Theres only a few places that process it around the world. As a food crop small group. as building materials a small group. textile small group… Theres no real market for the stuff. Doesn’t matter if it’s a miracle crop that will save mankind! No market No money No grow!
it can fuel every car in the world. have listen to this, this is casey burns and he thinks the usa farmer is ripped off.
if hemp had not been suppressed the money would have been made from more natural things, not the chemical garbage we have now..
Cars will run on Vodka. Fuel from corn is bad, Less fuel economy uses 7% more resources to make, less energy by volume. From manufacturing to use its worse the gasoline as a pollutant. Hemp oil at $70 a barrel. crud oil at $54.12 per barrel.February 2014. FYI A lot of that guys numbers are way off. Apparently farmer don’t buy that crap either. if it was really that profitable we would have to force farmer to grow food. FYI crud oil pump it out of the ground, refin use it. Hemp oil plant it farm it for months harvest it extract the oil refin the oil. FYI You can’t run pure Methanol in cars and trucks it has to be mixed with a petroleum product.
The bastrards against it are big, but onyl a grassroots campaign can counter money.
make people realise how many of their friends and family its killed, get the emotions stirring.
send all you can about cannabis with and without THC to everyone you can in the 2nd and 3rd world and then they will not be happy as to why the first world deceitfully denied them it.
brazil 18% ethanol.82% petroleum.
76,000 = BTU of energy in a gallon of ethanol.
116,090 = BTU of energy in a gallon of gasoline.
1.53 = Gallons of ethanol with the energy of 1 gallon of gasoline.
Model T-fords ran on ethanol. and or turpentine. Was discontinued because of above and petroleum based fuels where and are cheaper.
Ethanol burns hotter than petroleum fuels thats why the just use a small percent. 1100AD ethanol used for lamps. 17th century to warm food and heat. 1830 replaced whale oil. Ethanol uses massive amounts of resources to make from water to coal. Even the UN want more scientific research on it because of negative health effects. It dose burn clean but it is labor intensive to make the base product will need to be extremely cheap to compete.