1. Tobacco, with hundreds of chemicals aren’t banned, yet they try to stop a natural plant with good medicinal qualities like Marijuana.
    Yes, Canada is finally smartening up. Let’s hope that other countries like the U.S.A. will follow.

    1. In case you haven’t noticed the US is already ahead of Canada in terms of legalization and decriminalization with Colorado and Washington. When other states start noticing the benefits both economically and socially they’ll follow suit and already are especially with medicinal cannabis. If the Conservative party continues to be in power Canada will remain stagnant with cannabis and in some cases move backwards.

  2. Seems great now, Wait until it’s all GMO. And folks conditioned to it’s availability won’t care.

    1. GMO? The process of producing great quality cannabis is simple and doesn’t need to be tempered with, only the environment in which it grows like growing indoors to mimic day and night cycles. There’s no need to inject anything into the seeds to make it “last longer” or resistant to pests as they do with fruits and vegetables. The great thing about cannabis is private business owners can be self sustaining and grow their own cannabis in a greenhouse, warehouse, basement, etc., and at any time in the season as well. There won’t be a reliance on corporations like Monsanto to interfere with their product.

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