Disturbing: Burger King Admits Burgers Contain Horsemeat

In a piece of highly disturbing news, Burger King has now admitted after continuous denial that it has actually been selling UK customers both burgers and Whoppers that contain horsemeat. This admission comes just after The Guardian reports that Burger King reps offered a round of ‘absolute assurances’ to customers that it did not ever use horsemeat in its products.
A series of tests done on the burger products now reveal that Burger King has been issuing completely phony statements, with burgers made for the fast food chain from the Irish company Silvercrest containing measurable levels of horsemeat.
It’s important to note this is the same company that processes meat for Tesco, Asda, and the Co-op. The managers at Silvercrest have been revealed to be utilizing non-approved ingredients within their burger assortment — even for ‘household brands.’
Burger King Admits to Horsemeat in Whoppers, Burgers
Burger King admitted just a few hours ago that the samples did in fact contain horsemeat:
“Four samples recently taken from the Silvercrest plant have shown the presence of very small trace levels of equine DNA… we have established that Silvercrest used a small percentage of beef imported from a non-approved supplier in Poland. This is a clear violation of our specifications, and we have terminated our relationship with them.”
It is not yet clear which of these top brands could be containing such concerning ingredients as horse meat and other ‘meat cut offs’. What is known is that tens of thousands of burgers from suppliers like Silvercrest and others in Germany have been shipped into Burger King alone to meet demand just in the UK. According to the Daily Mail report on the study results, the horsemeat contamination can be traced back to a full year, or at least since last May.
The investigation into this issue started after the Food Safety Authority of Ireland found that burgers out of Ireland contained horsemeat. The disturbing findings highlight yet another reason not to consumer fast food, which contains a host of problematic substances such as ingredients banned in other nations.
Disgusting! I know we won't be eating there anymore here in the States!! Burger King… you suck!!! :p
did you ever eat Mortadella ?? what do you think that is?
Mortadella does NOT contain horse meat
Chuckle…,sorry, can't help but think about the christians who give thanks for their food, and then ask God to bless it in Jesus' name. Afterward, you might also hear how disgusting the food is. Whether christians or not, they're all a bunch of hypocrites.
Nobody should be eating that crap in the first place. Horsemeat as an ingredient is the least of your concerns. (Think: Surfactants, MSG, artificial everything)
where did you here this news ?
how is this disturbing? horse meat is great…
Horse meat is not, as far as I'm aware, monitored to the strict criteria that we in Britain use, in respect to what should and should not be included in our food. It is not regarded as being part of our human food-chain in this country. Sad fact is, many countries in the European Union have lower quality food standards than Britain…..note the term "non-approved Polish supplier". That should explain most of it.
What's really bad here is the fact that Burger King denied using horsemeat in the first place…..that makes them liars, unreliable and untrustworthy.
This is the sort of thing that needs exposing, time and time again. The possibility that horsemeat might be "great" is besides the point; it's principles and standards at stake here.
meanwhile, countless food companies openly lie to everyone everyday…
Cows are good and Horses are bad? Do they eat something different that I shouldn't know of? So what. I'd eat cat at a Chinese restaurant and dog at a Taiwanese restaurant if they offered it! Think of what the Indians think of all the beef we eat!
Maybe you would also eat your mother or your wife? or maybe your kids someday? just for fun and variety, afterall it's just meat!!!
Only if, like Ioanna, you're married to a horse.
Does anyone here ever eat at Burger King? Most likely no one here really cares what they serve. We're not going to eat there anyhow. Right?
I would not eat a horse ever on purpose. But who decides what animal in the animal kingdom is greater than another, Why is a cow inferior? When the catholic church says we can eat fish during Lent, why is the fish not considered just as great an animal as any other animal. God loved all his creatures the same right?
Yet another reason I am Vegan. It disgusts me what goes on.
Some people choose not to eat animals, and I’m one. It’s so cruel and we don’t really need meat to be alive, but it’s been programmed in us to do so. Animals have a heart and cry for there babies and each other…
ya friggin squeemish macaroons. I don't mind horse meat. It is meat. I am more up at arms about BK for the last time I ate there; had the chicken sandwich and can say with honesty I've had better tasting sawdust at home depot for free just walking down the lumber isle. Eat yer horse and be happy and grateful it is not centipede meat… or is it.
question? what is the diference btwn horse meat and meat from a cow?to me the only diference is the way the animal is raise, people eat more meat from a cow then other animals,and is not usual to eat horse but in reality flesh is flesh no matter how you look at it,and looking at the animals it self they both big,the both rumiants,so i don't understand why people say that is digusting to eat horse if they eat cows, i believe there's no difference
I am eatting mr.ed Rite Now..
Eating animal flesh in the first place is disgusting, no matter where it comes from. Funny how you can divide it out like that and call it gross…it's just a matter of culture – if you really think about it, flesh is flesh – skin cells, muscle cells, blood cells, animal DNA – all the same.
I agree with the comments that say what’s the difference? I don’t eat meat and find it gross, but I am ok with others eating it. I wonder how those who eat meat decided that cows are ok to eat and horses are not… If you eat one, you should be ok eating the other…
I really don’t like the tone of the article. It seems that the author is just trying to grab attention by making this sound scandalous (I noticed it with other articles). I would prefer a critical, thoughtful review, rather than this tasteless style.
horse meat is far better quality than beef, I find it really funny this big scare because of some horse dna, LOL, those burgers have a lot more worse in it than horse meat
No wonder they market to black people(not to purposely exclude other races/cultures).
It seems that we, so called African Americans, of which I am one,
are the target audience for their commercials and marketing in general.
With GMO dastardly bastards Monsanto and ADM ect. We are fast running out
of options.
A great governmental (leadership) insanity is permeating all facets of life.
corpratocracy is what all of the vampire and werewolf movies are about.
Really? You think it’s “highly disturbing news” about a hamburger “containing measurable levels of horsemeat”? As meat goes, can you specify exactly what would make horse meat unfit for human consumption more than cow, pig, chicken, fish, turkey, dog or sheep? Can you come up with any reason except cultural indoctrination?
I can go down to my local store and buy a pound of horse meat, ironically packaged under the label “hamburger meat”, and make you a lovely stew and you would never be the wiser. A few friends from the states ate it for a long time and loved it until they found out what it was. So this whole notion is just childish and stupid. If you eat meat at all, you have no reason to avoid or criticise a certain meat unless a) you have tried it and didn’t like the taste/texture (opinion) b) it may actually be harmful to eat (like Fugu fish).
Shouldn’t you deal with all the other stuff BK puts in their food that are actually harmful and something you can cover without making all Americans appear like narrow minded hypocrites to the rest of the world?
Right 100% Mr Ed,well said.Sir,
Because horses aren't traditionally used for meat, they don't regulate the medications used on horses. Many horse drugs aren't fit for human consumption. (And I'm not too sure about cow drugs either!)
If horse meat were regulated like cow meat, it wouldn't be any different as far as eating goes. It's just the mental block against eating "companion" animals.
Why delete the truth, the polacks are dangerous and have been criminally responsible for endangering the food chain before just recently here in europe,the last episode of wood grain alchohol counterfiet branded whiskey,vodka,rum here in europe could hit america as well . Call a spade a spade, could be your pet or one of your kids that winds up in a burger next time. Print my original text you lightweight.
I don't get why it's generally considered more repulsive to eat horse flesh as opposed to a cow or pig! Are horses higher in the animal pecking order, exempt from the brutality of the slaughterhouse? Does a horse feel more pain than a dog, cat, cow, pig, sheep or chicken? Of course not! So if you eat meat what's the diff? This is the animal equivalent of racism – species-ism! 🙁
It's not what's in there that's so particular to point out folks – it's the fact that we are being lied to by just about everyone who has a fat paycheck and isn't satisfied with it. They care about money and power that's all.
This is about truth and awareness – not about horse or cow or mushroom any other kind of meat.
ok. not to be gross, but meat is meat right? well then what about human meat? baby meat? are we ok with eating that? hell no. there is a limit. granted its governed by cultural norms which are by nature highly arbitrary BUT there are 'generally accepted limits' to what any culture perceive as food. thats fact. Burger King and Silvercrest should be VERY AWARE that most people in the Western World are repulsed by the thought of eating certain meats. horsemeat is one of them. hence the controversy. this pseudo contentious "who cares its just meat" juvenile stance is horse crap (pun intended). most people in the West find it disgusting. period. and if we're gonna 'pretend' to present logic as a defense for what BK did, how bout this: its incredibly detrimental to their bottom line to use horsemeat. (altho their marketing spin machine does its job well so maybe not so detrimental. not to mention all the grazing sheep out there – just sayin). anyway its a stupid thing to do. or at least to let out. and they know it. which is why they lied about it.
50 years ago asbestos was in daily use – we know now how bad an idea this was.
What will we be admitting to in 50 years time? Fossil fuels? Plastic? Food additives? Fluoride?
There must be a reason the cancer rate is 1 in 2
It's not the meat that's at fault – it doesn't matter which animal it came from it's what happens before and after slaughter that counts.
Human milk cheese anyone?
What is the big deal about horsmeat ? The horse is a vegatarien and so it is a cleaner meat than pork, as long it was raised without hormones and other chemicals.
Horsemeat or beef – what's the difference? In either case, an animal is brutally slayed.