1. the daily mail article was published on 16/10/2003, i think you have your wires crossed.

      1. Anonymous, thanks for the info, but when I when there, it read "sorry, the page you requested was not found." Do you have any other links? Thanks!

    1. blank patriot 0f freedom says:

      This is the 3rd article I have come across so far with that same problem.

      Is it possible that someone is trying to feed us disinfo? It's a good bet that they are for whatever reason.

      Point being, lets try and get actual up to date info published. Especially when it comes to issues like this.

  2. blank Anonymous says:

    Very strange, I did see this in the recent news feed then it was deleted from MSM…

  3. blank Anonymous says:

    Amazing, this is stirring up quite the controversy today.

    Why is the MSM deleting these stories?

  4. Contrary to various reports on the internet and social media channels, Monsanto is not pulling out of the United Kingdom or other countries in Europe. We have a strong business in Europe and are in the busy run up to our farmer customer’s spring planting season.

    Internet sources are citing a Daily Mail (UK) news article. Because of the way the Daily Mail web site displays search articles – showing the current date instead of the original publication date – it gives the appearance of being a current article. In fact, the article was published on Oct. 16, 2003.

    1. blank Anonymous says:

      Strong business in Europe is the same thing as infiltration of government. Your products poison more humans and destroy more ecosystems than any corporation on the planet. Thanks Monsanto!

    2. MonsantoCo, You are the $CUM of the earth. I don't know how you or any one working for you sleeps at night. You must not have children because it is clear that you do not care about what you are doing to the earth that our children & the children to come will inherit.

  5. blank We are anonymous says:

    Thanks Monsanto for only disagreeing with one point. That means everything else is true!

  6. Love the article, support the cause. There are glaring spelling mistakes throughout that government chart. Someone should fix that.

      1. This whole article is a terrible mismatch of copy and past from lots of outdated articles which has been altered with lots of spelling mistakes, to make it appear new news, also it is full of incorrect and misleading facts and statements. shame on the journo who threw this together, u should be reassigned to the employment wanted section. Monsanto Left the UK and some other countries some time ago, because of activists? NO because of $ they are now huge in CHINA and their employee and labour costs have reduced dramatically. China heavily subsidize them and china and the United States are working to have GM foods in most large supermarket chains by the end of 2012, they are even marketing the gm food under the banner of sustainability!

  7. blank Anonymous says:

    I love the fact Monsanto felt so threatened by this that they commented on the article..

  8. blank Gaia Health says:

    A bit of a problem – the information this article references is from 2003.

    Nothing Monsanto is doing has anything to do with public outcry. The fact is that it won’t be long before GM crops are in European supermarkets – and the people will not be informed. The EU is signing all the same treaties that the US and China have signed. Those treaties mean that they won't be able to keep GMOs out – and Monsanto knows it. So they’re giving the public the impression that they’ve won. It’s misdirection from the reality.

  9. China has not thrown Monsanto or GMOs out. The conclusion of the article referenced in support of the statement concludes "…the authorities will further increase the technology research and development of genetically modified corn, the early introduction of a more excellent genetically modified maize varieties." (That's a Google translation of the article.)

    The article discusses delays in genetic modification of some crops, and it discusses the fact that corn is becoming more popular. Therefore, there will likely be more focus on GM corn and less on other grains. That probably explains how the confusion about what the article states came about.

  10. Why does this article keep popping up? Oh I see… gets a lot of hits.

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