Big Owner of Monsanto Shares: Does Bill Gates Want Population Control?

“The world today has 6.9 billion people and that’s headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great job, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ~ Bill Gates (video here)
Bill Gates believes the density of the population in poor areas is too big, and with his depopulation plans he can ‘solve’ that problem. Consider his huge buyout of Monsanto stock – he owns millions of shares of Monsanto and Cargill stock, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation keep scooping it up.
He owns more than $23 million worth, or 500,000 Monsanto shares.
Seattle-based Agra-Watch, part of the Community Alliance for Global Justice, has said:
“Monsanto has a history of blatant disregard for the interests and well being of small farmers around the world… [This] casts serious doubt on the foundation’s heavy funding of agricultural development in Africa.”
It also casts serious doubt on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and its true interests in supporting the ‘poor’ populations they so proudly claim they are trying to ‘help.’
Gates also funds programs that blast men’s reproductive organs with radiation so that they can no longer produce progeny, and covert nanotechnology that delivers dangerous vaccines. The Gates Foundation is also teaming up with the British government in raising $4 billion to fund their birth control agenda worldwide by 2020.
Read: Bill Gates Says GMO Needed to Fight Starvation
You can hear Melinda Gates talk about pushing birth control in a TED talk, even. She acts as if people should have choice about birth control but they have focused on poor areas in places like Africa, where they also happen to push their genetically modified food agenda. Melinda Gates even says, “some people worry that the promotion of birth control is to control population.”
Kwame Fosu, policy director for the Rebecca Project for Human Rights, says Mrs. Gates’ claims are “disingenuous” because the women she claims to be helping are not being informed about the dangers involved. [The Foundation pushes Depro Provero, made by Pfizer, and also the contraceptive called the most dangerous by the US FDA.]
“No African woman would agree to being injected if she had full knowledge of the contraceptives’ dangerous side effects,” Kwame Fosu told C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute. “In fact,” claimed Fosu, “in countries where women are educated on the harmful complications, Depo Provera use is negligible.”
Why concentrate on birth control in developing nations? Because then you can control them through controlling their populations. Add this to rampant political maneuvering to try to get the remaining people hooked on GMOs, and you have a docile, sick, dependant country, living only on your pharmaceuticals and fake-food.
Fast Company reports that the Gates Foundation has invested $11.9 million in research towards a Virus-Resistant Cassava (GMO) strain for Africa, and a recent Wikileaks cables revealed that the Department of State has virtually become an agency for promoting the private interests of the Monsanto Corporation, which Bill is heavily invested in. Connect the dots. Just connect the dots.
Is it time to start boycotting Microsoft?
I’ve already started, been using Linux for years now.
And don’t forget the big vaccination programs.
Bill you are A pretty man? Do you know that? BILL GATES the pretty man.
Third time, and now you have my attention. Is he/she an it? C’mon, tell us…
Bill and Melinda Gates will burn in hell if anyone does.
They have been helping destroy this planet. Money has definitely gone to their heads and being such big shareholders in Monsanto proves that they are working for the devil and have become greedy like Monsanto at the expense of life on this planet.
Monsanto is a demonic organization and the Gates are part of it!
They obviously have no shame working for Satan!
Would someone please link me up with the data, on how I can KNOW whether or not the Gates Foundation really does fund research on exposing men’s genitals to irradiation?
(I’m NOT a “menz rights” crazy; I just want to know the facts)
Scientists to test ultrasound as a male contraceptive
Bill Gates is A pretty man!
Why concentrate on birth control in developing nations? Because it is smart, over due and necessary! Far out!
If that line of thinking were adopted where you were born, we might not have seen your post.
Bill and Linda Gates don’t eat GMO grown food and don’t send their children to Common Core schools And the same goes for the wealthy s o bs
I think by “we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” he means the figure of 9 billion. The only thing that’s going to reduce population is mandatory (but FREE) birth control until people are ready to make the decision to become parents. I know it sounds rather Orwellian, but it’s that or die. OR make sure everyone gets a decent education, but good luck with getting government funding for that…
The problem I see with that though is the potential side effects of those drugs. And the fact that people will go “HURRRR FREEDOM”… Even though they don’t seem to mind a bunch of their other freedoms being taken away. They still have the freedom to have children, just when they’re ready to. No unplanned pregnancies.
Do you drink Fluoridated water ? because that could explain a few things !
this guy is a dumbass. “In countries like Africa…” how ignorant and stupid r u
Great post… Beyond Meat and his new investment a GMO and MSG laced burger that bleeds like real meat are poison pucks, being “engineered” through deceptive marketing campaigns as “The Future of Protein.” If this is the future, stripping the protein from it’s form which creates a d-glutamate, aka: MSG, an(neuro) excitotoxin, which lights your brains cells to the point of death, fizzling out just like a firecracker on the 4th of July, than his agenda WINS and he will slowly kill humanity. These neurotoxins laced in our food and water are known as slow kill techniques. Let’s unite and integrate, before we disintegrate and the Global’s laugh all the way to the bank as us “Sheeple” drink the double deceppicinno and die of slow painful deaths. Look at Starbucks people where many tithe a large chunk of their paycheck, drinking GMO hormone laced milk and let’s just add a couple of tablespoons of GMO sugar (from 95% sugar beet crops) and you’ve just ingested a lethal concoction that over time our bodies and lives pay the ultimate price.
Bill Gates you are A very pretty looking man. You sexy thing you stay out of our business.
Bill Gates would do the world more good in a BODY BAG!!!!!
No give him a taste of his own medicine, put him in a cage with Round up fumes…
The Gates and their pet Monsanto are a Cancer, that needs to be Eradicated.
during the byzantine empire the punisment for criminals was : to put them in a lether of cow perfectelly close and air pompt in company of one dog , one monkey, one ruster and one snake all eternal enemies. the leather with all its content whas trewed in the sea. I think this would be the right punishment of havy criminal of today’s days