1. blank Anonymous says:

    Beware of certain varieties of Papaya. It is one of the fruits that are most frequently genetically modified. Shop with caution when purchasing this product.

    1. blank Len Hobson says:

      Not true! I have farmed with Papaya in south Africa for 50 years and all our seed is from natural cross pollination done in the orchards.

      1. Hi Len, What is "not true"? Is the portion wherein Anonymous, in his post above has said that certain variety of Papaya found in the market can be "genetically modified ones" OR is the whole article "not true" ?

  2. blank Bev Edelstein says:

    where can I buy this extract. it is rather urgent.

    1. blank Arnel C. Agravante says:

      well you can do it by yourself, gather at least 20-30 leaves only, pound them and drink at least 1/2 a glass of extract for immediate effect, you see improvements in less than two hours in a dengue patient condition.

  3. I heard psppya leaves extract is useful in dengue fever to control the platellstes and wbc.

    Is it true?

    1. blank Arnel C. Agravante says:

      that true, i have proven it many times with my wife and kids and even to myself when i had dengue too a month ago. We also suggested to our neighbors this papaya leaf extract and i challenge them that their patient will be out of the hospital in the next 24 hours and it happened. I thanked God for giving us ahead this plant.


    We are research ayurvedic medicine we need of Papaya Leaves extract plz. we need of your guide line thanks

  5. blank Arnel C. Agravante says:

    i dont think so man.. ;(

  6. blank EGERTON GBENGA DAWODU says:


  7. thanks for the information, i am going to try it, i have low WBC and platelletes because of chememotheraphy i recently undergoes,ihope it does not have overdose

  8. i am a pregnent 36 weeks and my platelletes are very low can i take a papaya leaf extract?

    1. I have a friend who was pregnant, with very very low platelet counts. She took the papaya leaf extract capsule and it miraculously boost her platelet count. She now has a healthy 2 months old baby.

  9. We give it to our Best friend. The vca animal hospitals want to vaccinate her with 10 plus different vaccines even after she has had all required. And she has i.t.p. so vaccinate again (insane) and give a daily dose of prednisone ( equally insane) One guarantee if you follow that FLAWED Training, is that you will most likely have first a sick Best friend then a best friend thats adrenals no longer work then multiple and forever vet bills til death do you part. Funny? After taking her off prednisone, adding vitamin k papaya milkthistle and sum greens to her diet ( without vets knowledge) the following bloodtest was Remarkably healthy…..Then i told them the facts and that prednisone was weaned day on day off weeks prior…..Their reply was Omg as if i was trying to kill the bellabear….They will Never zee her again. Papaya leaf extract, no alcohol. Amazon.

  10. P.s. she is 6 yr old 12 lb pom. That according to the only Vet i trust, believes after 30 yrs of treating canines that vaccines poisons ,vaccines” fertilizers put on lawns etc. Are highely likely to have caused the disease. Milkthistle to cleanse the liver of prednisone and other ooisons is used……Whatever the cause, he adamantly agrees She should NEVER be vaccinated again. Im sorry i did the first time. Note that their now teaching vets to that previous vaccination series was Flawed and the practice should be abandoned. Nonetheless hospitals still do it as its Highely profitable. Go figure………

  11. can the papaya leaf extract harm the kidneys by any chance? What is the right quantity of the extract to be taken daily?

  12. Can a healthy person take papaya leaf extract daily as a supplement?

  13. I had purchased a 4 fluid ounces bottle of papaya leaf extract for my mother who had very low platellet count due to
    4 stage leukemia. But unfortunately, by the time I received this bottle in the mail, my mother had passed away and
    I was left with this bottle unopened.
    I have been wondering if I can use it as a supplement even though I am very healthy.
    If so, how much can I take this daily as a supplement with out giving me any adverse effects.
    Thank you.

  14. i m a dengu patient past 3 days,living at kasaraod.kerala.how can i get pappay laef extract.urgent

  15. blank Khun Siwalai says:

    Papaya Leaf Juice has been used in Asia to treat and cure Dengue Fever

  16. when i had dengue i took a teaspoon that for a while

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