Barium Everywhere: Tell Congress to Stop Toxic Chemtrail Spraying

Just one of the many toxic substances showing up in well water, ground water, soil, and air in high quantities, Barium is a silvery-white metal that combines with other chemical compounds to form toxic barium compounds. Although this substance is also a secondary product from the oil and gas industry, and used to make drilling muds, it is also used in aerosol chemtrail spraying – a controversial topic.
Barium has been found in samples at six times (or more) the level that the EPA finds safe. Numerous samples taken from around the country contain barium oxide, an ionized metallic salt in places it simply shouldn’t be – especially our drinking water.
As Stop Spraying California explains:
“Barium’s not just an inert
heavy metal like mercury or aluminium – which is bad enough – Barium has far more SINISTER roots. Radioactive Barium’s a massive GAMMA RAY emitter (nukes emit gamma rays) which it sheds within minutes and reverts to a less excited form.You could gently dust the atmosphere with radioactive Cesium, which would after a time settle down and decompose into radioactive Barium, which would emit gamma radiation, no bang, no blast, no obvious event having taken place. The presence of Barium in the environment GENERALLY points to radioactive Barium somewhere down the line OR radioactive CESIUM.”
Read: Neurologist Warns of Neurodegenerative Disease Due to Chemtrails
Barium is a poison that no one talks about. Its hard to keep up with everything being used to dumb-down the masses. This chemical is just as dangerous as arsenic or lead, yet it is showing up regularly in municipal water supplies, round water, and even private wells.
Exposure to barium in even small amounts can lead to:
- Asthma, upper respiratory conditions, and breathing difficulties
- High blood pressure
- Irregular Heart Beat
- Stomach Irritation
- Muscle Weakness
- Damage to the nervous system, kidneys, lungs, liver or heart
Atmospheric samples collected by Clifford E. Carnicom in Santa Fe, New Mexico showed unsafe levels comparing them to an advisory from the FDA. The maximum allowable limit for human exposure to barium atmospheric contaminants is 0.5 ppm, and Carnicom measured levels which exceeded this limit by 8 times.
This phenomenon is real. Ex military scientist, Kristen Meghan has gone above and beyond her duty to the citizens of this country, explaining what she found while she was enlisted.
You can watch her speak on chemtrails, including the use of barium here. It is no different than the spraying of Agent Orange in Operation Ranch Hand in the 1960s and 1970s – and guess who made that toxic substance? Monsanto was one of nine wartime contractors who helped poison US soldiers and the Vietnamese.
Barium spraying is just one of four militarized government programs:
“The principal chemical being deposited in the air consists of various mixtures of barium salts, which were revealed in studies undertaken by a Pennsylvania-based high-tech weapons scientist. Chemicals, he said, were being utilized as part of the development of a new radar system at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio.”
You can’t argue with samples taken from experts and citizens all over the world. We are being sprayed with barium salts.
Who is behind all this is another question, but what can you do about it? You can start to detox your body from these and other poisons, and get vocal about it. All great changes start from grass-roots awareness. 9,660 letters have already been sent to Congress about this matter. Add yours.
Aluminum is another one of the reported elements being sprayed. It has been linked to Alzheimers.
Nothing is being sprayed. Aluminum is the most plentiful element on earth; you will find it everywhere — in the air, in the water, on the ground— naturally. The purported link to Alzheimer’s is shaky, whereas the link of modern wheat to AD is on much more solid ground.
What about the loss of sunshine? Can you make up a good point for that?!!!!
it’s called SCIENCE. The curious thing about scientific method is that hypotheses can be falsified. it is laughably easy to falsify chemtrail hypotheses. I could list some sites for you but I doubt they’d change their attitude.
It’s called science? LOL I KNOW what I SEE…have a nice day
Our eyes are deceiving us because some “scientist” says the “science” shows that the trails behind the planes are just contrail, made from water evaporating from the engines. This is of course ridiculous and very laughable.
There is a new video uploaded on YouTube recently, it showed a plane landing. Only one problem, it forgot to turn off the sprayers! But have no fear the “science” is not there and they are not spraying anything.
Nice sarcasm there josh! lol!
Uhh…try telling the people with Morgellons disease that chemtrails aren’t real. Silly sheeple
Aluminum creates swelling wherever it ends up inside the body. It can also pass the blood brain barrier and enter the brain. Guess what it does there… It creates swelling, which leads to not so great things, like alzheimer’s.
Also the fact that you are trying to use the fact that aluminum is “everywhere”, and is not a known neurotoxin, to somehow prove that they are not spraying chemicals into the air, is a pretty blatant troll tactic.
Drooling zombie alert ^
NOTHING is being sprayed???? LOOK IT UP!!!!
MSM detoxes aluminum from the brain.
Correct. Numerous articles report that one who takes six flu shots in six years is guaranteed Alzheimer’s due to the excessive aluminum in the vaccines. Adding to vaccines, the chemtrails are ensuring the people, animals, plants, water, earth and air are LOADED!
Government ‘for the people’? WAKE UP AMERICA!
they want to kill us so we can say stop but they won’t. sad but true.
Oh no, not “they”!!!
I have a blood pressure monitor. I can tell when the sky is being sprayed with barium. My blood pressure jumps an alarming 25 points. This does not make me a happy camper. I have written to my representative, sent pictures, asked him to get the spraying the spraying stopped. His response: “Well it looks like someone missed with crop dusting. There are no crops nearby to dust! I showed him the spray faning out into a contiuous cloud cover. He said that’s a contrail. I wrote back and told him he is part of the problem, not the solution. He relented a little, but as far as I know, did nothing. That was Jeff Merkley’s staff member. That’s for Oregon. I guess they’re fine with their constituents being murdered.