1. blank Kenneth Smith says:

    I know what Monsanto is all about been researching them for 6 years. Your article is the best news I've heard in a long time about Monsanto. The part about Bill Gates I knew include the Rockfellers,Rothchilds and several others and many other contributers. The Catholic Church is another one but that story got smothered in a hurry.

    1. blank Kenneth Smith says:

      Mr. Smith, seems to be well educated, and is keeping up with,, the # 1 Republican, people controler, in the near future. People, or just fools, can't see they will be controled, with hunger. AS dangerous, as the GOP, is now, uncaring about, the poor, and beat down, people in this country, people, don't know how dangerous, the catholic church, is to your freedom. People are blind, and will not wake up, to the real truth, just like the ROMAN empire, did the same way. This contry, will be under, ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH, rule, about, the year, 2014. I could tell you more, but no one will believe, this truth, so all you Goats, that think your sheep, you have all ready took the mark, on your head,and your hand, and you don't even know HOW IT HAPPEND??????????????????

  2. KEEP SHARING! Im sharing all these articles on FB. Everyone noticed SOPA/PIPPA and recently ACTA and specifically it was because of us users in social sharing sites sharing them all over the net. WE CAN DO SOMETHING AND KEEP SHARING spread the word further so more people are aware and put something into action!

  3. I'd like to thank you for all the work you (and your staff, if applicable) have done with the site. Being an avid reader of the website "What Really Happened", I've been directed to this site on numerous occasions.

  4. blank Mark Holmes says:

    Why, Why are people not filing the streets and emptying “grocery stores”?

  5. blank Mark Holmes says:

    I mean it like nobody is paying attention to what is REALLY going one here……I am of service and am an activist that helps Grass Root people get up and running

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