Adverse Drug Reactions Cover-Up? 80,000 Drug Files Go ‘Unreported’ by Big Pharma

It’s not news to say that the medical industry isn’t much interested in our health. Now, wealth – that’s something different, as we’ve seen in the ties between the DSM-5 panel members and pharmaceutical companies and the disease machine that is the cancer research industry. Roche and Genentech, a Swiss-based pharmaceutical hotshot and its US affiliate, respectively, were just caught with their pants down and 80,000 unreported drug files during an inspection is, therefore, not outlandish. Could these 80,000 files be adverse drug reactions?
Adverse Drug Reactions? Tens of Thousands Dead
The files in question reported on patients taking various drugs, and it’s unclear whether all 80,000 reports—or any—regard adverse drug reactions (ADRs). Pharmaceutical companies are legally bound to notify regulatory authorities of adverse drug reactions, but one European Medicines Agency spokeswoman told New Scientist, “They are not necessarily ADRs.”
The EMA probed Roche after UK regulators found insufficient reporting of adverse drug reactions. (They came to this conclusion after another series of inspections, a coordinated European program to inspect the pharmaceutical industry’s safety reporting systems.) At its most recent count, Roche failed to submit 80,000 reports of medicines marketed in the US—reports that recorded 15,161 patient deaths. It’s unclear whether they died due to natural disease progression or drug administration.
Nearly a week after the EMA revealed the discovery on 21 June, Roche reassured the EMA with an action plan for the timely submissions of future reports.
It’s important to note that adverse drug reactions differ from drug side-effects. ADRs are always negative and can occur at any time with normal dosage, while side-effects technically involve beneficial effects. Of course the vast majority of side-effects induced by pharmaceutical drugs are very negative, with the average drug label containing 70 negative side-effects. In one of the most bizarre cases, a woman began growing fingernails instead of hair all over her body after taking an asthma drug.
Big Pharma
Natural Society wrote on the cancer industry’s equally shady behavior last year, when the Mayo Clinic declared that the last ten years’ worth of cancer research was moot due to fraud. In example, Boston University’s Sheng Wang’s cancer research contained altered results as well as misconduct. The psychiatric community is little better, with 70 percent of panel members for the fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) having financial relationships with pharmaceutical companies.
“To us, science is personal,” Genentech claims on their website. But, really, personal check personal, right? Because no one working for Roche buried reports of 15,161 patient deaths to mourn in private.
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This is exactly why I hate private healthcare. Even worse is increasing private industries to public sectors like prisons and police services. Ridiculous. Nobody should profit from an essential public service.
Industrialized and corporatized medicine began in the 1920s with the AMA. It's only gotten bigger and more corrupt. Now, we're looking at FORCED medicine through Obama Care. WE still are "We the People"…It's up to us to make CHANGE! Be informed have a voice! Know your rights and defend them!!!
I have severe persistent asthma caused by taking antibiotics 3 years ago. I have been to 12 doctors and met with nothing but ignorance, indifference and denial.
We don't need to be worrying about how to pay for poor to marginal care, we need to be overhauling the entire medical system so that patient care is of primary importance and covering the collective ass of bad doctors and big pharma ceases.
Windy; Exactly! The whole industry is for profit so all the malpractice and negligence comes as no surprise. It's in dire need of a complete overhaul. All these ridiculous attempts to get people 'covered' isn't going to help the people who need medical care; it's only a ruse to put more money in the coffers of the insurance companies!
You should research into holistic alternatives for your health issue. I know a lot people scoff at holistic medicine but knowing what we know about the allopathic alternatives, what have you got to lose? Have you considered something less invasive like energy work? I don't know where you're located but this is an example of what I mean:
My husband was recently unneccessarily-prescribed Levaquin (a fluoroquinolone similar to CIPRO) and ever since then we can't stop trying to tell the world about this new class of POISON masquerading as an antibiotic. These drugs do help people but there are a HUGE number of people who have suffered adverse reactions to it that DON'T all get reported because they aren't identified (they're confused with the original problem that was being treated) and the insiduous part about these new "designer" antibiotics is that (unlike the good old-fashioned "-cillin's")there is NO WAY to quickly flush them from the body – there are supplements you can take to cause the fluoroquinolone to "release" but the net effect is almost just like taking it all over again. Patients with adverse reactions who take an entire "course" of these drugs wind up with crippling side-effects for YEARS or even lifetimes from it. People who realized they were having a problem and stopped before the full course was taken might get lucky and only experience side-effects for weeks or months. Side effects range from ruptured tendons to amnesia to anxiety to peripheral neuropathy (it discrupts the intracellular calcium-magnesium "pump"). Even when my husband wound up in the Emergency Room with a list of "textbook" side-effects to this drug, the doctors didn't figure it out – they told him to go home and keep taking his poison. He had to figure it out himself when he woke up nearly paralyzed from it. DON'T TRUST ANY MEDICATIONS, ESPECIALLY NEWFANGLED "SYNTHETIC" ONES.
its time they are taken down from there pedestal, before they wipe out the people who actually care about what happens to mankind, and not the greedy , they can try to fend for themselves .
We raise all our own meat, grow our own food, and refuse injections, let them try to give me a shot…..