1. Great article on these nutritious fruit, but where to buy… I’ve tried to by sons of these fruits before, but with no luck. No markets in my area have even heard of these.. I’ve also tried asian markets with no luck. Can you find a supplier in my area I can purchase from..? I’m in San Bernardino county in Calif… Thanks

    1. You should not have a problem in Ca. since most of the grown in US are from California… check large supermarkets there in the Internet. (they should be cheaper than the East Coast, since most of them are imported from Latino America and Asia.)

  2. blank Murray Reid says:

    This is a great site with lots of factual information!

  3. I found them (East Coast) WEGMAN'S AND WHOLE FOODS supermarkets. also in a Korean market (assis or something like that) they are expensive like $4 or $5 each some of them or a lb. You probably ask your near large supermarket … or gourmet shops. check the internet if someone shells them.. in California??

  4. Great exotic fruit choices, I’ve tried all of these and they are delicious when in season.

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