Older than the Sun: 43 Ways to Save Water – Conserve and Preserve this Precious Resource

Water is not only vital to the existence of life on planet Earth, but in its purest form, it is a giver of good health. Scientists think they have now identified the original source of water, and it is older than the sun – likely coming from interstellar ice, elsewhere in the Universe. Since this life-giving substance is more than 4.6 billion years old, how is that we have destroyed so much of the water on this planet in the past 50 years? Everyone should learn of ways to save water!
The mass spraying of chemicals and dumping of waste is leading to the demise of our most vital resource. Water is used excessively on farmland that does not grow food efficiently or sustainably. Water is also wasted on domestic purposes like watering lawns and flushing toilets. And, as mentioned, our oceans, rivers, and streams have become a veritable dumping ground for industrial waste of all kinds.
As Co2 levels increase, evaporation also depletes the world of water, and contaminates in the air also pollute even the rainwater.
Considering that one-fifth of the world lives with water scarcity, and places as close to home as California are experiencing major drought, it is imperative to think about the conservation and preservation of water.
43 Ways to Save Water – Time to Preserve and Conserve
How many of the countless ways to save water listed can you achieve? Many of these water-conservation methods seem small, but as a collective, they can make a difference. Try printing out the following list and check off one item at a time:
- 1. Use a pan or bowl of water to rinse your fruits and vegetables instead of letting the water run in the sink.
- 2. Turn down water pressure when you don’t need it to come out of the faucet at full force.
- 3. Keep a pitcher of drinking water in the fridge – then you will drink all the water you run, instead of letting some of it waste away down the drain each time you fill a glass.
- 4. Purchase an instant water heater and place it near your sink in the kitchen, so you don’t waste water while you are waiting for it to heat up.
- 5. Don’t allow water to run while you wash dishes by hand. Fill up one side of the sink to wash all the dishes and another to rinse them. You’ll save several gallons each time you practice this conservation technique.
- 6. Use just one glass every day for consuming water or other beverages. This will cut down on the number of glasses you have to use more water to wash.
- 7. Don’t run the water while you are brushing your teeth. Brush, then rinse with the faucet on.
- 8. If you drop ice cubes on the floor, don’t throw them away – put them in a houseplant to slowly water them as they melt.
- 9. Don’t wash tiny loads of laundry in a full basin of water. Adjust water levels according to how much laundry you are going to wash.
- 10. Always wash darker clothes in cold water. This conserves both water and energy, and your colors won’t fade as fast, either.
- 11. Shortening your shower by just a minute or more can save up to 150 gallons of water a month. If you take showers that are less then five minutes, you will save as much as 5000 gallons of water per month.
- 12. Compost instead of using the garbage disposal.
- 13. Try to shower instead of taking a bath. A full tub of water can require up to 70 gallons of water.
- 14. If you have to run the shower or bath to warm up the water, use the cold water to fill a bucket and water plants, soak stained laundry, fill a pot for cooking beans in the kitchen, or use it for some other purpose, so it doesn’t go to waste.
- 15. Catch water with a rain barrel or some other water-catchement system so you don’t have to use municipal water to keep your lawn green or your garden plants healthy. Some water conservation systems are not only functional, but beautiful too. Though you may not be able to get away with catching rainwater in the U.S.
- 16. Install a grey-water system in your home. Landscape irrigation takes up anywhere from 32% (national average) to 70% (average in the western United States) of municipal water usage per household – but by using grey-water this can be lessened considerably.
- 17. If you have a water-guzzling toilet (likely any toilet that was installed before 1992) then consider purchasing a water-conserving toilet.
- 18. If you live on land that is secluded, take a rain bath the next time the weather allows, or install an outdoor shower so that the runoff from your shower waters nearby plants.
- 19. Use a water-conserving ice maker.
- 20. Hire a ‘green’ plumber to help you make your home water-conservation savvy.
- 21. Start a compost pile. Composted soil keeps plants healthy and helps soil retain water better.
- 22. When you do water your garden or lawn, make sure to do it early in the morning or late in the evening, when water is less likely to evaporate.
- 23. Use a rain chain to redirect run off from your roof into a tub, barrel or basin that can be used to water plants.
- 24. Don’t flush tissues you used to blow your nose in the toilet. Place them in a waste basket, and you will save water.
- 25. If you have a leaky faucet, fix it. Water wasted in every second of the day can add up to five gallons a day.
- 26. Reward your kids for turning the tap off completely every time they use it.
- 27. Avoid purchasing water toys that require a constant flow of water.
- 28. If your kids like to run around in the sprinklers, try placing it where your lawn or garden needs irrigation.
- 29. Encourage your school, office, church, civic group, or other social gathering place to conserve water by having a water-saving information meeting.
- 30. Have your water meter checked if you get a bill that seems higher than usual. A high bill may indicate unseen leaks.
- 31. Consider xeriscaping when you are planning your landscaping – it takes much less water.
- 32. Consider that many plants die from over-watering, so don’t use too much.
- 33. Use mulch when planting new garden beds – it helps soil retain moisture so you don’t have to water as often.
- 34. When buying new appliances like washers, dryers, refrigerators, and more, consider purchasing models that conserve water, not just electricity.
- 35. If your work facility relies on cooling towers, make sure maintenance checks them out to ensure they are working efficiently.
- 36. Protect community water rights by getting active in ‘self governance.’
- 37. Tell Obama and other members of Congress and the Senate to protect water rights as a human right.
- 38. Sign a petition to keep corporations like Nestle from taking over rivers, streams, and aquifers.
- 39. Start a local fluoride-free campaign to keep this IQ-numbing industrial waste out of your water. Indeed, fluoride could be lowering your IQ.
- 40. Get involved with non-profits that concentrate on water conservation.
- 41. Boycott Monsanto, Dow, and other chemical companies; GMOs are sucking up the world’s water supply.
- 42. Urge your government leaders to support a full clean up of oil spills, like the one that is still ruining the wildlife and ocean life in the Gulf of Mexico.
- 43. Consider a class action suit against companies like Monsanto who dump PCBs in local water supplies. The people of Anniston, Alabama are suing Monsanto.
Can you think of any more ways to save water? Be sure to comment below and share with everyone.
Consider installing a rainwater collection system — for just your outside water needs or better, for all the water uses in and around your home.
That is against agenda 21
Sounds like you believe we are running out of water. The last time I was on a hill side road in western new york the he ice cold spring water was running out of the hill and it was mid summer and it has been doing that for 200 years or more. What are you going to do with all the water you save? The earth recycles water as you use it you never loose it there is no more or less water now that 500 years ago.