1. Make your own.Its simple,cheap,fresh,you control all the ingredients.Net is filled with recipes.My wife makes superb Italian style dressings,beats any you can buy,truly.OT,make your own mustards too,very simple,so much better than most store bought,YUMMY!

  2. You talked about the oils. What about the vinegar? Do any of them use white distilled vinegar? I have a relative who uses dried seasoning packets and uses white distilled vinegar. My understanding is that distilled white vinegar is made from corn and is likely GMO and some is made from petroleum!

    1. blank Joan Camara says:

      I’m use raw unfiltered vingear from Bragg’s, or any apple cider vinegar that has the “mother” in it. Salads are great with it, mixed with a good organic oil, and I use a few drops in my drinking water too. White vinegar is nothing good for except cleaning!

  3. I know that for many years, Canola oil is not safe for consumer because it contains toxin that is made from Rape seeds that contained cyanide but they GMO it to reduce its toxicity but it still has some toxin in them.

  4. blank Joan Camara says:

    Eat and drink everything that is organic! Bragg’s apple cider vinegar with the “mother”, is a good choice to mix with a good organic oil, to start making your own “italian” dressing. Look online for the seasonings to add. This article is true, all regular dressing in the grocery store is bad. Even some have high fructose corn syrup, in which all the many other foods in the grocery store that has this ingredient, is GMO! Make sure when you buy organic, it is not a company that is with Monsanto. Study and learn!

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