Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act Into Law After Promising GMO Labeling in 2007

President Obama has signed into law the notorious Monsanto Protection Act legislation hidden inside of the Continuing Resolution spending bill, which protects Monsanto and its genetically modified creations from federal courts.
Passing up the chance to veto the bill in favor of stopping Monsanto’s increasing monopoly on the food supply, Obama pushed the bill through into a law in a move that reminds us of his failed 2007 promise to ‘immediately’ label GMOs upon his election.
Contained in the rider (Farmer Assurance Provision, Sec. 735) of HR 933, Monsanto is now even protected (at least under this law) from the United States government.
As I pointed out in a previous article, the Monsanto Protection Act’s success actually proves how corporations have more power than even the United States federal government. Monsanto’s lobbyists managed to slip the rider into the major bill, which — despite the rider — has virtually nothing to do with the topic.
This is a typical and routinely practiced move by lobbyists to insert an incognito line of legislation into a bill generally viewed as favorable overall. One that has proven to be effective for Monsanto.
2007 Promise to Label GMOs
The result is now major outcry against Obama for signing the bill into law and protecting the biotech juggernaut Monsanto. Many fail to remember, however, that Obama first decided to allow Monsanto to continue pulverizing the food supply and the health of the nation back in 2008 when he went back on his promise to ‘immediately’ label GMOs.
It was in 2007, during a campaign speech, that Obama first stated his support of non-GMO and GMO labeling activists, in which he promised to swiftly label GMOs.
For a brief period before the bill was passed by the Senate and now signed into law by Obama, both myself and many others in the alternative news community crusaded tirelessly to alert politicians and activists in order to stop the Protection Act from going through. Unfortunately, time was not on our side.
The hasty vote by the Senate and the news blackout from the mainstream media were enough to break through the warnings of concerned activists (and people who just want real food). Now, however, renewed interest in the GMO labeling campaign and the fight against Monsanto brews.
Obama Signature on Monsanto Protection Act Ignites Massive Activism
Needless to say, the move has sparked some outrage. At the time, Obama’s social media profiles were blown up with thousands of enraged activists and concerned citizens who are demanding answers.
Scanning just a few comments amid the thousands calling out Obama for his signature on the spending bill that contained the Monsanto Protection Act, we find seriously frustrated activists and voters who can’t believe what they are seeing.
Thanks to the alternative news covering every angle of the Protection Act and the absurd fact that Monsanto actually wrote the rider itself, people have now come to fully understand how corruption exists within our government.
Here are a few comments among the thousands that I found interesting on Obama’s wall:
- Darlene Taylor: Barack Obama – 2007: “We’ll let folks know if their food is genetically modified because Americans should know.” 2013: He signed the Monsanto Protection Act making GMO giants immune to the law.
- Erica Ecker: Apparently part of protecting our children no longer includes what goes in them. Thanks for signing the Monsanto Protection Act.
- Keri Kline: I am an activist for President Obama, and I am outraged he has failed to listen to the ‘American people he represents’… President Obama knowingly signed the Monsanto Protection Act over the insistence of more than 250,000 Americans who signed an urgent letter asking that he use his executive authority to veto H.R. 933 and send it back to Congress to remove the Monsanto Protection Act from the bill. Regretfully, President Obama failed to live up to his oath to protect the American people and our constitution.

Tell Obama: Don’t Make GMO Labeling Illegal Under The DARK Act!
As the Senate moves to vote on the DARK Act legislation that could ban mandatory GMO labeling in the United States, it’s time to demand that President Obama keep his 2007 promise to label GMOs.
Now is the time to spread the word about the DARK Act and tell President Obama that he needs to keep his 2007 promise on GMO labeling.
That’s why I have launched a White House petition asking Obama to keep his 2007 promise to enact GMO labeling nationwide.

In the petition, I write to the president:
“Dear Mr. President,
In your 2007 campaign speech, you promised to protect our ‘right to know’ what’s in our food by labeling genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the food supply.
It has now been eight years since that promise was made, and you have done nothing to act on this promise.
What’s more, a food bill passed by the House known as the ‘DARK Act’ could soon make mandatory GMO labeling illegal in the United States.
If you are to sign this bill into law, you would be doing the exact opposite of what you promised us in 2007.
Please deliver on your 2007 promise. Veto the DARK Act that would make GMO labeling illegal, and institute mandatory GMO labeling in the United States.
We have the right to know what we’re eating.
[Your Name] & millions of concerned citizen”