1. YES it should be banned. I hope it will be… thank you Anthony

    1. why ban roundup when it has one of the lowest toxicity of any pesticides, surely pyrethrum with much higher toxicity should be banned first?

  2. Palmerston Zoo says:

    Should poison be allowed to be sold in the US? Yes it should. I don’t think the answer for any crisis is for the state to force people to make the right decision (usually through violence or theft of your money, which is a different form of violence). The State is more dangerous than roundup. The State has claimed many more lives than roundup. Therefore, I believe that a real solution should envole transparency on the consumer end, such as labeling or a third party testing service. I want the government out of my life. I don’t believe in trying to utilize the bully that is government to solve every problem or crisis.

    Furthermore, I invite Dr. Skeptologist to rub himself down in Round Up and then run backwards through a GMO corn field.

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