1. Tom Sawyer says:

    Where is GMO Dan or whatever his name is. Maybe he got a life.

    1. GMO Rob I think. Oh .. he’ll be here. I often wonder if entities like him aren’t just one identity who is actually made of several people – say, ten Monsanto employees. They all take turns, around the clock, so that every GMO article everywhere, entities like “him” (and the others) can respond all the time. Surely no one has the spare time to do this all day long, making comments everywhere, without some kind of situation to support it.

  2. Guy Rocky says:

    Salmon was already one of the worst foods you can eat so being GMO don’t make a lot of difference

  3. Your grocery store, farmers or fish market won’t have to tell you whether or not you are purchasing GM fish. According to the “voluntary guidelines for GMO labeling” the FDA proposed when it approved the salmon last week, that decision will be left entirely up to the companies selling the fish.

    That’s how a free society works. Sellers offer what they have for sale, revealing anything they please about it. Potential buyers decide whether the information offered is sufficient, and whether the price is acceptable, and they either buy or walk away.

    But Ms. Sarich flaunts the fact that she hates freedom. She wants the cold, dead hand of government setting the rules for every transaction. Voluntary terms negotiated between buyer and seller are totally passé, in Sarich’s mind.

    God spare us from people who want to run our lives for our own good!

  4. garyonthenet says:

    I have tried GMO salmon, farm raised non-GMO salmon, and I eaten regular fresh caught salmon.
    In comparison I think the GMO salmon tastes the best, and has the best texture.
    So, for my money, I will prefer the GMO salmon to buy.

    1. You won’t know which is which as it’s not labeled LOL.

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