1. I think one of the reasons why many people fear the sun's rays so much is because we way over did our sun exposure in the 60's when it was popular to have a deep tan. My 65 year old sister recently had melanoma removed. My brother had melanoma surgery when he was 50. So far, I'm O.K. even though I went to Hermosa Beach all day every day of the summer when I was a teen. However I'm kind of a health nut who tries to eat my vegies and work out. Moderation is the key in my opinion. Don't do like I did and lay in the sun until the exposed part of your breasts blister, then lay in the sun some more after the blisters pop and put scars on your cleavage for the next 20 years.

  2. TROLL SLAYER says:

    watch for the movement by big pHArmA TO MAKE IT ILLEGAL

  3. Vitamin D seems to work because it does not kill like Chemotherapy or radiation. According to an Australian study, 5 year survivability is higher without any treatment whatsoever.

  4. Remember that you don't have to lie in the sun or eat fortified and possibly contaminated foods to get your Vit D. Sheep lanolin is irradiated with u/v to produce a capsule which is readily available at the 10,000iu level, and it is very cheap. One of these per day is all you will need. And it has the added advantage of not leaving scars on your cleavage.

  5. also works wonders for Fibromyalgia pain AAAAANNNNND….

    burns in the kitchen.

    i use liquid D3 with a olive oil base. super awesome stuff 😀

    please know the quality of the product is so very,

    VERY important. i don't sell any but i'm happy to share where i get mine, just ask!

    1. Yes i would like to know where you purchased your D.

  6. Can anyone provide me with a solid link to the study that demonstrates a drastic improvement in 5 year survival rates if the vitamin d is introduced after diagnosis and is independent of the vitamin D deficiency? Because the idea of vitamin D and the correlation with prevention is not something that is under wraps or so, it is supported by major medical establishments. Including the sources mentioned, which are reports of decreased cancer risk not "treatment" I would rule out conspiracy, considering many medical professional organizations advise vitamin D intake and the research in the citations are largely funded by the NIH. To clarify I'm just having trouble locating this "treatment" study and am interested, thanks.

  7. My vit D was 3 and my platelets are 87000, History of melanoma removed. I have consult with Hemotology group, should I be very worried?

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