1. This is why I am thankful for right now I can purchase and drink raw milk from a state certified supplier. This however is what states can do and if they truly want the Feds to back off it is really this simple.

    Feb 11, 2016 Legalize Raw Milk: Nullify Federal Prohibition

    The feds not only ban interstate commerce of raw milk, but the FDA claims the power to ban it WITHIN the states too. If enough people say no to a federal ban on raw milk, and enough states pass laws backing those people up, there’s not much the feds can do to shove their unconstitutional plans down our throats.

  2. Big_Pharma says:

    You can’t not buy raw milk where I live , but couldn’t I purchase a culture and add it to milk to get similar benefits?

  3. September 17, 2016 Rigged: Dairy Industry Killed 500,000 Of Its Own Cows To Keep Milk Prices High

    Some of the biggest names in the dairy business killed more than a half million cows in an effort to keep milk prices high nationwide over the past decade.

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