Insanity: US Approves Bee Death Pesticide as EU Bans It

Corporate politics is business as usual inside the United States, as I am once again shocked to report the EPA has sided with industry lobbyists over public health in approving a highly dangerous pesticide that the European Union recently decided to ban over fears of environmental devastation. Not only have neonicotinoid pesticides been linked repeatedly to mass bee deaths, also known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), but the continued use of such pesticides threatens other aspects of nature (and humans) as well.
What’s even more amazing is that the decision not only comes after the EU publicly discussed the major dangers surrounding the use of the pesticides, but after the USDA released a report surrounding the continued honeybee deaths and the related effects — a report in which they detailed pesticides to be a contributing factor.
Just the impact on the honeybees alone, and we now know that these pesticides are killing aquatic life and subsequently the birds that feed upon them, amounts to a potential $200 billion in global damages per year. We’re talking about the devastation of over 100 crops, from apples to avocados and plums.
And there’s countless scientists and a large number of environmental science groups speaking out on this. The EPA has no lack of information the subject. And sure, there are other contributing factors to bee deaths, there’s no question about that.
We have an environment right now being hit with Monsanto’s Roundup even in residential areas, we have chemical rain, we have insane amounts of EMF — but it’s pretty clear that neonicotinoid pesticides are at least a major contributing factor. And beyond that, they have no place in the food supply to begin with.
The Pesticide Action Network (PAN) details the EU ban that came right before the EPA acceptance of the death-linked pesticide:
“The EU vote comes after significant findings by the European Food Safety Agency that these pesticides pose an unacceptable risk to bees and their use should be restricted. Along with habitat loss and pathogens, a growing body of science points to neonicotinoid pesticides as a key factor in drastically declining bee populations.”
So why are they approving this pesticide to now pollute the United States in what potentially amounts to an even larger capacity than the EU? A move that will ultimately escalate the price of food worldwide due to the likely nature of continued bee deaths and subsequent crop impact? That’s the power of phony corporate science.
Its absolutely sickening. Pure evil. What further can be done?
food sovergnty …. water security .. energy independance , seclusion , personal security ….therefore ending your reliance apon comercial goods….and whims of zealots
Probably trying to compensate their corporate buddies in Bayer and Syngenta for the loss of business in the EU. Well hey you got a big country so it won't make a lot of difference. Until the food prices climb through the roof and people in a developed nation go hungry. After all the speculators will benefit too. A win-win all round for the fat cats. More Famine =More profit. Its what the deregulation of food and fuel by Maggie Thatcher and Ronnie Reagan was designed to do. Or have you forgotten
Wrong. More regulation = more burden on small business = more profit for big business.
More famine = less people. That is a goal of UN Agenda 21 which is what brought us all the nonsense about sustainability and green energy. They've taken legitimate concern for environmental protection and created a monster that cannot coexist with the Bill of Rights.
gypsyrose, Did you just fall off the back of a turnip truck and hit your head? OMG.
we r now so far gone that human survival isn't even on the table anymore. Wake up the damage may continue but it is already too late. Sad legacy for us to leave our children. Greed and selfishness at the extreme once again only now its is justified in our own demise.
Tar and feather Monsanto's scientists and lobbyists
Agreed. Ours in the only species that is stupid enough to make choices which threaten our own survival as a species. Human beings like to think of themselves as the 'most evolved', but, in fact, we are the least evolved- ethically, emotionally, and physically. We use our brain to destroy our own survival as a species (i.e, we allow corporations to eliminate clean food, clean water, clean air..for profit, and for "convenience") . We kill off others because we are incapable of controlling our own violent urges, and call it "2nd Ammendment Rights". The instinctual nature and intelligence of other mammals is far superior to our won. Clearly….we are also the least evolved mentally.
EDIT: there are some species that are 7 mil, i bet. but still, overpopulation is the drift of my message
Also interfering with our own environment; we are undoubtedly about to eliminate ourselves; no survivors.
Aliens run your country , not humans !
Where there is life there is hope. Perhaps, if enough people come together, we can shut these corporations down. Don't buy anything from farmers who use this. If the entire population can be strong enough to fight it by boycotting anything that poisons us and the environment, maybe we can protect the future generations from this travesty.
The U.S. is environmentally and spiritually ignorant–and most americans do not realize it.
Washington is fighting for gay rights and such nonsence when the United States has REAL problems to be taken seriously…. This is a National Crisis and money is corporate wallets are the only focus….Might be time to move to Europe ASAP if you want to live in a greener Earth… Soon The USA with be an uninhabitable wasteland…. so sad that for such a promising species.. humans are soooo stupid
Gay rights and such nonsence? Wow. You're right. Humans ARE soooo stupid.
Exactly where in the report does it say that the EPA has approved neonicotinoids? I read the whole thing and I'm just not seeing it.
Don't worry, Monsanto has genetically modified bees that can withstand this stuff and genetically modified plants that pollinate through telepathy and they've decided that forests and other natural ecosystems aren't important after all since they are not Roundup ready, and oxygen doesn't grow on trees; and they are the experts after all, so everyone stay calm…hey have you seen the latest from grumpy cat? Stay stupid, America, you're in good company.
What is the name of the neonicotinoid pesticide that was just approved by EPA and banned by EU? What is the docket number at EPA, so that we can write to them about it?
I just can't grasp what is wrong with these people?!! A handful are deciding the ruins of the masses… Daniel Beck, you are so right…so sadly right.
This is what is making everyone sick, breathing problems, flue symptoms, etc. I know too many people in different states which have the SAME type of symptoms. Any you sorry pieces of humanity are approving IT! What you are doing is killing people and animals for your sorry chemicals Surely their is some type of legal action that can be taken, i.e. a Class Action Suit again you) to stop this.
I wondered what was "in the air" causing this and I "thought" the government, or some "big industry" was behind it, at least I know I am NOT crazy, it is true. You all need to stop out of human decency if you have any that is. Believe, with this now out, we the people should ban together and attempt to stop you at least. No one wants to die for you to get richer, and produce toxic products. Big business has gone too far for too long. Donna Sims
It appears the United States is doing everything it can to eliminate it's entire population. It has polluted the Food Chain with GMO's which has Awarded it the Title of Being the SICKEST MOST OBESE AND MEDICATED COUNTRY OF ALL AFFLUENT COUNTRIES.
even with the Research that is CLEAR AND DOCUMENTED what GMO's Pesticides, Herbicides, rBST, BPA etc are doing to the people, they continue to force they into our atmosphere. NOW they are going to KILL THE BEES that pollinate the plants that produce the Chlorophyll that we need to breath. SOUNDS LIKE A LIFE OR DEATH situation not just for the Bees but ultimately for everyone in this supposed to be civilized country.
It is also too clear that the United States is OWNED and OPERATED by MONSANTO who has former staff members in every office that regulate what we consume, how it is produced, and determined to be safe or not (FDA, USDA, EPA) and the only things they are VALIDATING ARE LETHAL TO ALL LIFE FORMS.
Find a March near you or coordinate one.
But for those who want to take care of their health prior to the USA fixing this mess if ever then Moringa Oleifera being the Super Super Food providing Total Nutrition is the answer to the Health Issues. Find Me on Facebook for more information. CynthiaOOTW
I think it will take more than marches and some people boycotting foods that have been GMO modified and full of toxins. Most people don't have a clue what they are eating and their profits aren't hurting much with just a few people boycotting.
Governments are not listening to reason and only care about the profits of these large corporations.
I really don't know what the answer is. I hope that someone comes up with an idea that is going to work and work NOW!
I'll tell you what will inevitably happen if there is NOT a ban. It's nasty, it's horrific and it's inevitable. It's called eco-terrorism. Watch for it… But in the meantime help turn the tide by writing MPs, MNAs, friends, and so on. Get the word out there that as the lowly bee goes, so do we. Believe that, as that's the way it IS! People will react once they feel their very lives and the lives of their children are threatened. As bees drink pesticides, so do we in effect. Get it? Don't wait for someone else to do it for you. Do it – whatever you feel you have to do, and in whatever way – to turn the tide. Become engaged, even enraged, in anyway that you think will make a difference. It about YOU and your family…for a start. It' s about survival. ACT!!! It's about 'honey', not 'money'. No pollination– no food. No food– no you. Become an eco-terra-ist!!!
Any thoughts on how to gather to change this? Please let me know… It's really time to take back our planet!!!!