Did Bill Gates Face Trial in India for Illegally Testing Tribal Children with Vaccines?

The Economic Times of India published a report in August 2014, stating that young tribal girls were tested with HPV vaccines. This involved not a handful of children, but 16,000 individuals in Andhra Pradesh, India, where they were given the Gardasil vaccine.
KP Narayana Kumar reported that within a month of receiving the vaccine, many of the children fell ill, and by 2010, five of them had died. Another two children were reported to have died in Vadodara, Gujarat, where another 14,000 tribal children were vaccinated with another brand of the HPV vaccine, Cervarix, manufactured by GlaxoSmitheKline (GSK), who incidentally, has been accused of dumping polio virus into a Belgium river.
Consent forms to administer the HPV vaccine were ‘illegally’ signed by wardens form youth hostels, showing that the Gates’ prey on the indigent without parents. For those who had parents, most were illiterate, and the true potential dangers of the vaccines were not explained to them.
SAMA, an organization in India which promotes women’s health discovered this insidiousness, and reported it, but only now will Gates and have to answer. Approximately 120 girls reported epileptic seizures, severe stomach cramps, headaches, and mood swings, of those who did not die.
The Economic Times further reported:
“The SAMA report also said there had been cases of early onset of menstruation following the vaccination, heavy bleeding and severe menstrual cramps among many students. The standing committee pulled up the relevant state governments for the shoddy investigation into these deaths.
It said it was disturbed to find that ‘all the seven deaths were summarily dismissed as unrelated to vaccinations without in-depth investigations …’ the speculative causes were suicides, accidental drowning in well (why not suicide?), malaria, viral infections, subarachnoid hemorrhage (without autopsy) etc.”
Is It True?
An official representative of the Gates Foundation reportedly clarified to Reuters that these allegations are baseless, and that there’s no ongoing legal action against either Gates or his foundation. While the vaccine trial did stir debate in India, it was not unauthorized. It was eventually discontinued, but not for reasons often cited.
The focus of these claims is a study on the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) vaccine led by the American non-profit, Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH). Funding for this study was provided by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
Following these reports in 2010, Science Magazine stated that an investigation spearheaded by an Indian Government-appointed committee found the deaths were not linked to the vaccine experiment. To elaborate, five deaths were clearly unrelated to the vaccine: incidents included drowning, snakebite, pesticide ingestion, and malaria complications. The causes for the remaining two deaths were less clear.
By August 29, 2013, the Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare of the Indian Parliament pointed out several procedural oversights in PATH’s vaccine trial, including significant consent breaches.
In response to the committee’s report, PATH expressed its disagreement with the report’s findings and emphasis, emphasizing their perspective that the evidence and facts were overlooked.
Good job, but you left out the Rothschild family of filthy rich bankers who own more than half of the wealth of the world…..Prince Phillip, Queen Beatrice, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and a few more German Bankers. Woe to those who stop a child from coming to me, says the Lord……Aborting souls interferes with God’s plan for souls….this though makes me tremble and it should make the ruling thieves tremble, too and all those who voted for and supported Roe vs. Wade, the abortion law. GOD IS ALWAYS IN CONTROL…..AND SEES EVERYTHING!
Oh please. Go watch the TED talk video again, then. Direct quote: “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
WHAT could he possibly be talking about lowering?
Out of curiosity how many lives were potentially saved or will be saved? Think of all the other vaccinations that have been introduced that have helped millions and yet harmed thousands. There is evil in every good. Which outweighs which? Are there more saved or more harmed?
How many people responding are using a apple product?
Thanks for writing the article. India AND India and Africa need to team up.