1. blank FORCYTHIA says:

    Are the Georgia Guidestones in play ???

    1. blank Legalize Freedom says:

      Without a doubt.

  2. blank BOKinLarksville says:

    Why were they dumping anything into the river? Did they think it was motor oil instead?

  3. blank miltfarrow says:

    What’s new?, They have the people panicking about ISIL going to “attack The US”
    The US citizens are unaware that the conspirators have been poisoning our food and water non-stop–Columbia river , Lake Erie, The Grand River, artificial sweeteners loaded with dioxins– we need hold Galaxo and Monsanto Criminally liable

  4. blank Jack_Heginbotham says:

    95% of non-vaccinated, healthy (non-starving) people who are exposed to the polio virus NEVER develop a symptomatic infection. Their bodies easily fight it off and they develop a herd immunity. FYI, sheople types: Adding chlorine to public swimming pools in the early 1960s ended the annual polio outbreaks which terrified parents every summer in the USA. The polio vaccines had absolutely nothing to do with it even though the Vaccine Industry took credit for it. Polio is spread almost exclusively through feces contamination and only 4 things kill the virus: UV light, Formaldehyde, intense heat & CHLORINE

    1. But not nano silver? Your source (?) may be incomplete.

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