1. Jonathan Knight says:

    How True Anthony the research on Turmeric is exploding and people are beating cancer by many natural ways. Now that there is no money in it "natural cures" the drug companies will ignore it and the uneducated will call it BS. Let’s pray California's GMO Labeling passes. Thanks for the video. You should do a weekly wrap up video of news of the week.

  2. Stardust on the Sage says:

    @ Jacque: The printed words are what's in the video, so you don't really miss much by not watching.

    But the big picture here, Tony, is that it doesn't matter a whit anymore which drugs or foods or environmental factors or whatever else you can think of that might impact our bodies. Once Obozocare hits us in 2014 we will have literally no say over ourselves anyhow. Bush started the ball rolling with the patriot act and obozo put the crowning touch on the thing with his signature scrawled across the NDAA paperwork. We have no personal rights of any kind left, and that includes our health and well-being probably more than anything else you'd care to mention. Only people don't see it for what it is just yet. The hand has been tipped, but sheeple are just in a daze over the election fraud so they literally aren't paying attention to matters at hand. But it won't matter much anyway because our hands are now tied. Freedoms, pretty much all of them, are behind us.

  3. Stardust on the Sage says:

    You say, and I quote "restore order to the medical paradigm". Not possible. We done did lost control several decades ago. If you haven't taken a peek at Death By Medicine, you all should read whatever you can find online. And if that's not scary enough for you, just waltz on over to youtube and type in Marketing of Madness and watch the full 3 hour video about the medicine of psychiatry today and how it is being used against us so subtly we didn't even notice, except those of us who like to ask the question "exactly what IS a mental problem"? What does it look like? What does it resemble? How do you test for it?

    Yeah, it's eye-opening stuff.

    There's lots more, too, but that should be enough to scare the pants off a few of you. Or, at least, maybe make people think about our paradigms in a different context.

  4. Yes, we are under genetic, cellular, personal and Constitutional assault. In fact, that is why I coined the term "Genome Disruption Syndrome", http://www.GDS-Therapy.com.
    As the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation I applaud this video and agree with what is said in it. In fact, I would like to make contact with the you, Anthony, and invite you to appear on our weekly radio show, the Dr. Rima Truth Reports, http://www.HealthFreedomPortal.org, every Sunday from 10 AM to 12 noon Eastern Time.

    I disagree with some of the commentators in this thread, however, who feel that our freedoms are gone. Going, yes, but gone? Not yet unless we believe that there is nothing we can do.

    Our voices, creating an uproar four times in the past 3 years, have literally forced the FDA to back off on disastrous guidances and regulations which would have turned every natural substance into an unregulated drug and stopped compulsory Swine Flu inoculations dead in their tracks.

    That happened because huge numbers of people figured out the FDA's dirty little secret: they are weaker than we think and we are stronger than they can tolerate. If we all knew that, they would not be able to function.

    But "riding the freedom mouse" and taking action together pushes the globalists back – time after time. The issue is whether we can overcome our inertial and despondency to take action, which is, after all, taking responsibility!

    Yours in health and freedom,

    Dr. Rima

    Rima E. Laibow, MD

    Medical Director

    Natural Solutions Foundation
    Your World, Your Health, Your Way!(TM)

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