The Ludicrousness of the Taco Bell Diet and the Fast Food Fairytale

As you may have heard, Taco Bell has recently announced the “Drive-Thru Diet”, a “diet” that centers around the idea that you can eat fast food and lose weight. Taco Bell uses Christine, a female who apparently lost 54 pounds over the course of two years by switching from her usual diet to the Drive-Thru Diet, as their spokesman for the campaign. If Christine truly ate the Taco Bell diet for two years straight, then Christine’s health is most likely destroyed. The Taco Bell diet is simply an extension of the Fast Food Fairy Tale. Read more to find out how and why.
The Taco Bell diet is a perfect example of big business taking advantage of the general public’s ignorance regarding nutritional information. Taco Bell flaunts the fact that the diet contains 7 items under 9 grams of fat. This might appeal to those who are not knowledgeable in fundamental nutrition, but it is quite obvious to many that this means nothing. Even if the product contains 9 grams of fat or less, it does not matter. The ingredients in the product reveal its real health value: zero.
Dimethylpolysiloxane is used in silicone caulk, adhesives, and even anti-foaming agents. It happens to also be in Taco Bell rice.
What many people do not realize is that weight loss is not more important than total body health. You can eat candy all day and still lose weight, as long as your caloric intake is less than your metabolic maintenance (how many calories you need each day). Weight loss is something that occurs after you improve your health, not something that leads to a health reformation. Too many people are focused on simply shedding pounds, as opposed to ensuring that their body is in a state where it can begin to get rid of excess fat. If your body is being hampered by poor diet and excessive stress, how do you think your metabolism is going to function?
The ingredients of the food determine how it affects you, not the fat or caloric content. Counting calories is great if you simply want to lose weight (and who knows how much of this is truly fat), but if that’s all you focus on then you are truly wreaking havoc upon your health. Focus on the ingredients and the quality of the food. Taco Bell products may only have 300 calories, but 300 calories of what? Are you eating the MSG burgers, or drinking the aspartame sodas? The detrimental health effects of tampering with the food supply are well documented, and even the mainstream media is beginning to admit to their toxicity.
The Fast Food Fairy Tale
No matter how much the fast food companies love to pretend that their salads, grilled chicken sandwiches, and granola bars are healthy, its never going to be true. If you don’t already understand from reading this article and researching the topic further: its not about calories. The fast food companies revel in toting their low calorie meals, as if they are healthy. They are not healthy, just like Christine is not healthy, the Taco Bell spokeswoman. Christine has been devouring toxic additives for two years, and will most likely be facing a host of health problems in the years to come.
Calories vs. Content Analogical Situation
You are looking to buy a new home for your family. You decide you would like to purchase a 200,000 dollar home. You do some mathematical calculations and determine you are about 100,000 dollars short of the amount necessary. You do some searching for loans and the area and you begin to weight out your options. A few lonesharks down by the docks are willing to loan you the money upfront, but if you don’t pay them back quick enough, you’re going to not only lose your home, but you’ll lose your life.
The other alternative is to invest in your friend’s booming company. The returns are almost guaranteed as long as you follow through with the correct investment protocol. Of course with this method you’ll have to wait a little longer for the house, but when you finally get the home it will be yours to keep forever. Which do you choose? This is an analogical example of choosing content over calories.
If you chose to take the money from the lonesharks, you are choosing calories over content. With a low-calorie diet and no regards for the ingredients of the food, you’ll lose weight, but at a cost to your health. Eventually your dietary habits will be your downfall, as you run into a series of health problems due to your apathy towards choosing the correct foods.
If you chose to invest in your friend’s business, you are choosing content over calories. While you may not lose the weight right away, the overall investment in your health will pay off much larger, and you won’t have to sacrifice your body to do it. Choosing nutrition over fad-dieting will enable you to feel great, look great, and ultimately do it for as long as you live. This is the thinking person’s choice.
The Trash Diet
The Taco Bell diet is a joke, and most people are fully aware. Companies that even consider pushing such a ludicrous scam on the public should be ashamed of themselves and boycotted. Taco Bell and other fast food restaurants do nothing but destroy the health of the people, and therefore help drive up the astronomical healthcare costs of the country.