1. Umm… Canola is an oil made from rape seed and it is a dreadful oil to begin with. Soy oil, which is by far and away the most common oil used for deep frying, sauteing and as an oil for salad dressing in restaurants in the U.S. today followed by canola. Both are genetically modified and appear to cause sterility in those who consume them. Like corn and soy fed to livestock. Dealers try to make canola sound like a healthy oil. They are two separate products which were industrial oils to begin with. They,very likely in my opinion, were engineered for human consumption to generate chronic disease and infertility among those who consume them. It would be difficult to choose which has the most catastrophic effect upon human health. Use them if you have a death wish.

    1. Anonymous says:

      I have an allergy to both canola and soybean oils. I literally get tonsillitis when I eat canola oil and throw up when I eat soybean oil. They are both used in every restaurant, in baked goods, in granola, in darn near everything. I consider both bad news and inedible.

  2. So what kind of oil is good to cook with? Does anyone know about hazelnut oil?

  3. I can't do canola or soybean in general due to allergies as well. so forget about the oils. I have IBS. And anyone with IBS should avoid these along with heavy meats (acidic), and in many cases wheat, dairy and sugar. What a life!

  4. So, can anyone please tell us what oil is ok to use?

    1. I use peanut, olive oil (org. only), and coconut.

    2. I cook everything without oil just because it is 100% fat anyway. It is easy to learn how to prepare food without using oils. Plus it contributes to too much Omega 6 intake when we need to have more Omega 3 and a more balance ratio between the two. This is what creates (among other things) inflammations.

      I got a good stone pan (german made) which frankly makes oil unnecessary.

  5. I use coconut oil, usually the organic cold pressed when I do not want a coconut flavor in my foods. I use organic virgin coconut oil for baked products.

  6. I guess it's time to die. Anything we eat is taboo. Even when we think we bought organic.

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