1. can’t you get a better reporter

  2. pennfishtroogle says:

    It gives a whole new meaning to the insult, poophead!

  3. Common Sense says:

    This article is not accurate and I am very surprised at the “closed-mindedness” of the writer. Please perform an extensive research and first educate yourself on a topic before deciding to spread inaccurate information. I am no journalist, but to me it’s common sense. I am considering unsubscribing from this site due to the many inaccuracies and sometimes ignorance (this article is an example) these articles include.
    Fecal transplants are now being used among many hospitals and doctors and have been shown to be highly successful particularly for patients with clostridium difficile intestinal infections, which can bevdeadly and in fact kills an estimated 14,000 people per year.

    1. Gretchen Saaduddin says:

      Common sense – you need to do your research. Fecal transplants have nothing to do with injections. The selected fecal material is inserted into the intestinal tract in an attempt to replace “bad” bacteria with “good”. Injecting fecal material into the brain is ridiculous. What do you think the blood-brain barrier is for anyway? Also, if you have a bowel obstruction and the bowel bursts – you have a very slim chance of survival. It will not boost your immune system. I worked at UC for 34 years. Some docs are fantastic, some are egomaniacs and the patients better figure out which is which, or else.

      1. Common Sense says:

        I did do my research and perhaps you need to do a bit more research on your own. I am speaking from experience, which actually helped in my situation. My earlier comments were not regarding injections specifically, but rather the tone of the article that seems to imply that ANY fecal therapies are bizarre. Most people are not familiar with fecal therapies and this article only focuses on a specific case and it does not make a distinction between injections and transplants, therefore potentially misleading those that are unaware of transplants.

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