Psychedelic Mushroom Compound Found to Grow and Repair Brain Cells

You may know them as “shrooms”, “Magic mushrooms”, psilocybic mushrooms, or you may not know them at all. They are a natural plant that, like marijuana, is banned by the U.S. Government. But like marijuana, these mushrooms may not be without medical properties. Like marijuana, they could deserve a place on natural medicine shelves for their ability to treat depression, eradicate mental illness, and improve cognition – not in police evidence rooms.
According to research from the University of South Florida, psilocybin, the active component within psychedelic mushrooms, is able to grow new brain cells—potentially offering treatment for mental illness and improving cognition.
The study, published in Experimental Brain Research, says psilocybin is able to bind to special receptors in the brain that stimulate healing and growth. In the case of these mushrooms, brain cell growth occurs. In mice, the researchers found psilocybin to actually help repair damaged brain cells and cure or relieve PTSD and depression.
Lead researcher, Dr. Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos, tested the effects of psilocybin by training mice to fear an electric shock when they heard a noise associated with the shock. Then, by giving them psilocybin, the mice were able to stop reacting to the noise-trigger much faster than those mice not treated with the mushroom compound.
The proposition that psilocybin impacts cognition and stimulates hippocampal neurogenesis is based on extensive evidence that serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) acting on specific 5-HT receptor sub-types (most likely the 5-HT2A receptor) is involved in the regulation of neurogenesis in hippocampus,” says Dr. Sanchez-Ramos
The in vitro and in vivo animal data is compelling enough to explore whether psilocybin will enhance neurogenesis and result in measurable improvements in learning.
Other research also shows that this same compound could greatly help with depression, helping the majority of participants in one study achieve great well-being.
Psilocybin is referred to as a “nootropic” agent, or one that has numerous functions in the brain that can improve hippocampus health. The hippocampus is part of the brain responsible for learning as well as converting short-term memory to long-term memory. New brain cells in the hippocampus from the psilocybin translates into a healthier and sharper brain overall.
The research on psychedelic mushrooms is limited—far more limited than the research on marijuana. Because these mushrooms are known for causing hallucinations, unguarded self-treatment isn’t recommended. However, this plant, like marijuana, does not deserve a place in the Schedule I classification of illegal substances. Like marijuana, the U.S. government has determined ‘shrooms as having no medicinal value’—an obviously-flawed determination.
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Human kind is on its way to taking back what the good earth has provided us with, a way to stay healthy through natural substances. When we get out of thinking that natural substances must be re-created in a lab using unnatural and dangerous chemicals, we may be making a total conscious uplifting, at least taking a step up in that regard.
Amazing how the earth and following natural laws solves all illness and injury.
We are blessed to live on earth, now we need to stop those that think destroying her is ok. They need to be held accountable for their actions, or they will destroy us. Chem trails are the end of all, look up
Where do these mushrooms grow?
Hi Ann,
When I was eating them 35 to 40 years ago, they grew
out of cow patties, the poop that plopped on the ground.
We would drive around early morning looking for
them, as the heat of the day would make them
I’ve had many a trip on shrooms and would eat them
again today. Natural high is best. Native peoples know
more about “enlightenment” than most modern religions do.
I hope this helps.
Joe Riley B.
Interesting article, but since I have only one kidney, I would prefer to use tried and true nutrients, and herbs, to help build mitochondria and support the brain. There is so many good products for this purpose. If I try the wrong mushroom, than bye bye kidney. They’re is an old saying, “Fools rush in where wise man fear to thread.” So caution is key if taking this path.
Fear is an irrational, primal instinct. Caution is good but fear clouds the mind and causes us to behave irrationally. Overcome your fear and observe everything calmly. All medicine comes from plants or the planet itself. It didnt just pop into existence. Also you can order grow kits for about £30 online so you wont need to worry about eating the wrong mushroom. Worst case you have a beautiful experience. Best case you actually start to recover. However you decide to treat yourself
i hope your recovery is quick, good luck!
mix some reishi and chaga mushroom tea too help your kidney anyway
These mushrooms have been used by men for thousands of years, theres a lot of “fools” in front of you. I understand your medical fear though. The preparation I’ve found most useful employs a coffee press, black tea, a bit of lemon or lime juice
Heat destroys Psylocin…
I tried them 20 years ago, the best part was the next day! I felt like my body went through a detox, I felt clean and peaceful for the next few days! It did stimulate the mind in a good way!
The afterglow is great! I haven’t had them in quite a while myself but they always left me feeling very focused and happy for 3 or 4 days (after I got a good sleep in that is).
Interesting finding. One thing: I don’t think mushrooms are plants. They are heterotrophic, not autotrophic.
not a plant
Just to point out, also LSD don’t deserve schedule I